-- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `permission` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `permission` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `permission` ( `id` tinyint NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'system permission master data' row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- data for table `permission` -- ----------------------------------------------------- set autocommit=0; insert into `permission` (`id`, `name`, `detail`, `update_date`) values (0, 'permission', 'the default permission in system.', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); insert into `permission` (`id`, `name`, `detail`, `update_date`) values (-1, 'no permission', 'the default of no access permission in system.', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); insert into `permission` (`id`, `name`, `detail`, `update_date`) values (10, 'member permission', 'the default regist members permission in system.', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); insert into `permission` (`id`, `name`, `detail`, `update_date`) values (100, 'administrator permission', 'the default administrator members permission in system.', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); commit; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `administrator` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `administrator` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `administrator` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'login name' , `passwd` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `updator` int unsigned null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `creator` int unsigned null , `create_date` TIMESTAMP null , `front_id` int unsigned null , `group_id` int unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `name`) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `front_id` ASC, `creator` ASC, `updator` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , unique index name_unq (`name` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'administrator data' row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `model_mst` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `model_mst` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `model_mst` ( `id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , `detail` TEXT null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'member/contents(category) access area\'s model.example:jp/cn'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- data for table `model_mst` -- ----------------------------------------------------- set autocommit=0; insert into `model_mst` (`id`, `name`, `detail`) values (0, 'default', 'default model for member/contents(category) default values'); commit; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `member` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `member` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `mail` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'login id' , `unic_key` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'be encrypted string by $' , `nick_name` VARCHAR(45) null COMMENT 'this name can be use 2byte character code' , `passwd` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL , `msn` VARCHAR(250) null , `qq_no` VARCHAR(30) null , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `login_date` TIMESTAMP null , `register_date` TIMESTAMP null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `updator` int null , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , `creator_id` int null , `model_id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `mail`) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `nick_name` ASC, `mail` ASC, `permission` ASC, `delete_flg` ASC, `model_id` ASC) , unique index nick_name_uniq (`nick_name` ASC) , index fk_to_model_mst (`model_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_member_administrator` foreign key (`updator` , `creator_id` ) references `administrator` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_model_mst` foreign key (`model_id` ) references `model_mst` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'member infometion'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `admingstrator_group` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admingstrator_group` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `admingstrator_group` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `creator` int NOT NULL default 0 , `create_date` TIMESTAMP null , `updator` int unsigned null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `updator` ASC, `creator` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `service_mst` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `service_mst` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `service_mst` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `passwd` VARCHAR(50) null , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `mail` VARCHAR(250) null , `attribute1` VARCHAR(255) null , `attribute_name1` VARCHAR(50) null , `attribute2` VARCHAR(255) null , `attribute_name2` VARCHAR(50) null , `attribute3` VARCHAR(255) null , `attribute_name3` VARCHAR(50) null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `updator` int NOT NULL , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , `owner` int unsigned NOT NULL , `order` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `name`, `owner`) , index fk_to_member (`owner` ASC, `updator` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `owner` ASC, `updator` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`owner` , `updator` ) references `member` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `template` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `template` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `template` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `order` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `body` TEXT NOT NULL , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' , `updator` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `type` char(1) NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT 'template type.0:all,1:category,2:contents,3:keywords' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_administrator (`updator` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `type` ASC, `order` ASC, `delete_flg` ASC, `permission` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_administrator` foreign key (`updator` ) references `administrator` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `contents` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `contents` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contents` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `title` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `access_key` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `owner` int NOT NULL , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `template_id` int unsigned null default null , `model_id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , `per_contents_id` int unsigned null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_member (`owner` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `access_key` ASC, `title` ASC, `owner` ASC, `permission` ASC, `model_id` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , index fk_to_template (`template_id` ASC) , index fk_to_model_mst (`model_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`owner` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_template` foreign key (`template_id` ) references `template` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_model_mst` foreign key (`model_id` ) references `model_mst` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `contents_body` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `contents_body` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `contents_body` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `contents_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `body` TEXT NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `pager` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , `tags` VARCHAR(200) null COMMENT 'contents tags/keywords punctuate a comma and can use tags data for meta for html/xhtml' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `contents_id`) , index fk_to_contents (`contents_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `contents_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_contents` foreign key (`contents_id` ) references `contents` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `category_type` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `category_type` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `category_type` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `order` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `updator` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index main (`id` ASC, `order` ASC, `name` ASC) ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'category type, example:forum/news/blog etc.' row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- data for table `category_type` -- ----------------------------------------------------- set autocommit=0; commit; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `category` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `category` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `category` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `title` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `default_path` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL default '0' , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , `type_id` int unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , `template_id` int unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , `owner` int unsigned NOT NULL , `updator` int null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP null , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `model_id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `owner`) , index fk_to_member (`owner` ASC, `updator` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `title` ASC, `owner` ASC, `model_id` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , index fk_to_template (`template_id` ASC) , index fk_to_model_mst (`model_id` ASC) , index fk_to_category_type (`type_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`owner` , `updator` ) references `member` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_template` foreign key (`template_id` ) references `template` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_model_mst` foreign key (`model_id` ) references `model_mst` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_category_type` foreign key (`type_id` ) references `category_type` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `category_contents_mapping` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `category_contents_mapping` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `category_contents_mapping` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `contents_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `category_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `order` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0 , index fk_to_category (`category_id` ASC) , index fk_to_contents (`contents_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `category_id` ASC, `contents_id` ASC, `order` ASC) , unique index unique_order (`order` ASC) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , constraint `fk_to_category` foreign key (`category_id` ) references `category` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_contents` foreign key (`contents_id` ) references `contents` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `category_mapping` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `category_mapping` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `category_mapping` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `super_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `sub_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_targets (`super_id` ASC, `sub_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `super_id` ASC, `sub_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_targets` foreign key (`super_id` , `sub_id` ) references `category` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `html_tag_mst` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `html_tag_mst` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `html_tag_mst` ( `id` smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , `updator` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `status` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `options` VARCHAR(200) null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , unique index uniqe_name (`name` ASC) , index fk_to_adminsitrator (`updator` ASC) , index main (`name` ASC, `status` ASC, `id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_adminsitrator` foreign key (`updator` ) references `administrator` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `custom_tag` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `custom_tag` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `custom_tag` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `node` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , `script` TEXT NOT NULL , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' COMMENT '0:false(life),1:true(die)' , `updator` int unsigned null , `update` TIMESTAMP null , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_administrator (`updator` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `node` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_administrator` foreign key (`updator` ) references `administrator` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`update_date` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `file_type` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `file_type` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `file_type` ( `id` smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `extension` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' , `updator` int unsigned null , `update_date` TIMESTAMP null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_administrator (`updator` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `extension` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_administrator` foreign key (`updator` ) references `administrator` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `file` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `file` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `file` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' , `owner` int unsigned NOT NULL , `updator` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `path` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `type_id` smallint unsigned NOT NULL , `contents_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `service_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_contents (`contents_id` ASC) , index fk_to_owner (`updator` ASC, `owner` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `contents_id` ASC) , index fk_to_file_type (`type_id` ASC) , index fk_to_service (`service_id` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_contents` foreign key (`contents_id` ) references `contents` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_owner` foreign key (`updator` , `owner` ) references `member` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_file_type` foreign key (`type_id` ) references `file_type` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_service` foreign key (`service_id` ) references `service_mst` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `member_group` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_group` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `member_group` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , `updator` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `permission` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL , `delete_flg` char(1) NOT NULL default '0' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index maing (`id` ASC, `name` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `member_group_mapping` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_group_mapping` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `member_group_mapping` ( `member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `group_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`) , index fk_to_member (`member_id` ASC) , index fk_to_member_group (`group_id` ASC) , index main (`member_id` ASC, `group_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`member_id` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_member_group` foreign key (`group_id` ) references `member_group` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `plugin_registory` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plugin_registory` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `plugin_registory` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `title` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `detail` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `updator` int unsigned NOT NULL , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `owner` int unsigned NOT NULL , `status` char(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '0:life,1:died,2:wait release' , `permission` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 , `version` double(5,3) unsigned NOT NULL default 0.0 , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `name`) , index fk_to_administrator (`updator` ASC, `owner` ASC) , index fk_to_permission (`permission` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `permission` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_administrator` foreign key (`updator` , `owner` ) references `administrator` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_permission` foreign key (`permission` ) references `permission` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'plugin registory.' row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `module_list` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `module_list` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `module_list` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `plugin_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `file_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_plugin_registory (`plugin_id` ASC) , index fk_to_file (`file_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `plugin_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_plugin_registory` foreign key (`plugin_id` ) references `plugin_registory` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_file` foreign key (`file_id` ) references `file` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `keyword` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `keyword` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `keyword` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , `owner` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_member (`owner` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `owner` ASC) , unique index name_uniq (`name` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`owner` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'contents tag/keywork.'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `member_attribute_master` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_attribute_master` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `member_attribute_master` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `type` char(1) NOT NULL COMMENT 'attribute type.0:text filed,1:text area,2:select box,3:radio,4:check box' , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'other member attribute items.' row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `member_attribute_item_master` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_attribute_item_master` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `member_attribute_item_master` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `attribute_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `item` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_member_attribute_master (`attribute_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `attribute_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member_attribute_master` foreign key (`attribute_id` ) references `member_attribute_master` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `member_attribute_value` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `member_attribute_value` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `member_attribute_value` ( `member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `attribute_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `value` VARCHAR(255) null , `attribute_item_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , index fk_to_member (`member_id` ASC) , index fk_to_attribute (`attribute_id` ASC) , PRIMARY KEY (`attribute_item_id`, `member_id`, `attribute_id`) , index fk_to_attribute_item (`attribute_item_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`member_id` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_attribute` foreign key (`attribute_id` ) references `member_attribute_master` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_attribute_item` foreign key (`attribute_item_id` ) references `member_attribute_item_master` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM row_format = default; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `plugin_list` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `plugin_list` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `plugin_list` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `plugin_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `status` char(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '0:using,1:unuse,2:unstalled,3:installed/download,4:checked(be interst plugin/no download)' , `update_date` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL , `version` double(5,3) unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_plugin (`plugin_id` ASC, `version` ASC) , index fk_to_member (`member_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_plugin` foreign key (`plugin_id` , `version` ) references `plugin_registory` (`id` , `version` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`member_id` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'member is using plugin status list '; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `contents_comment` -- ----------------------------------------------------- drop table if exists `contents_comment` ; create table if not exists `contents_comment` ( `id` int unsigned not null auto_increment , `comment_body` text not null , `comment_body_id` int unsigned not null , `update_date` timestamp not null , `creator` int unsigned not null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_contents_body (`COMMENT_body_id` ASC) , index fk_to_member (`creator` ASC) , index main (`COMMENT_body_id` ASC, `id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_contents_body` foreign key (`COMMENT_body_id` ) references `contents_body` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`creator` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `profile` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `profile` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `profile` ( `id` int NOT NULL , `member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `family_name` VARCHAR(50) null , `first_name` VARCHAR(50) null , `middle_name` VARCHAR(50) null , `address_area` VARCHAR(100) null , `address_city` VARCHAR(100) null , `address_other1` VARCHAR(100) null , `address_other2` VARCHAR(100) null , `zip_code` VARCHAR(8) null , `sign` VARCHAR(255) null , `no_point` int unsigned null COMMENT 'normal point count' , `sp_point` int unsigned null COMMENT 'special point' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_member (`member_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `member_id` ASC, `address_area` ASC, `address_city` ASC, `address_other1` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`member_id` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'member\'s profile'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `liking` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `liking` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `liking` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC) ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'liking list in profile'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `liking_book` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `liking_book` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `liking_book` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `isbn` VARCHAR(13) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC, `isbn` ASC) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `liking_movies` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `liking_movies` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `liking_movies` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `you_tube_id` VARCHAR(255) null , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index main (`id` ASC, `name` ASC) ) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `liking_book_mapping` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `liking_book_mapping` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `liking_book_mapping` ( `liking_book_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `profile_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`liking_book_id`, `profile_id`) , index fk_to_profile (`profile_id` ASC) , index fk_to_liking_book (`liking_book_id` ASC) , index main (`profile_id` ASC, `liking_book_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_profile` foreign key (`profile_id` ) references `profile` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_liking_book` foreign key (`liking_book_id` ) references `liking_book` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `liking_mapping` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `liking_mapping` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `liking_mapping` ( `liking_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `profile_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`liking_id`, `profile_id`) , index fk_to_profile (`profile_id` ASC) , index fk_to_liking (`liking_id` ASC) , index main (`profile_id` ASC, `liking_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_profile` foreign key (`profile_id` ) references `profile` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_liking` foreign key (`liking_id` ) references `liking` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `liking_moves_mapping` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `liking_moves_mapping` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `liking_moves_mapping` ( `profile_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `liking_movies_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`profile_id`, `liking_movies_id`) , index fk_to_profile (`profile_id` ASC) , index fk_to_liking_movies (`liking_movies_id` ASC) , index main (`profile_id` ASC, `liking_movies_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_profile` foreign key (`profile_id` ) references `profile` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_liking_movies` foreign key (`liking_movies_id` ) references `liking_movies` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `site_config` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `site_config` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `site_config` ( `member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , `detail` TEXT null , `local_lang` VARCHAR(2) null , `local_area` VARCHAR(2) null , `time_zone` char(2) null , `local_document_root` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `remote_document_root` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `remote_host` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `connection_scheme` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL , `contents_index_path` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , `public_key_file_path` VARCHAR(255) null , PRIMARY KEY (`member_id`, `name`) , index fk_to_member (`member_id` ASC) , index main (`member_id` ASC, `name` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`member_id` ) references `member` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `message` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `message` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `message` ( `id` int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment , `from_group_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `to_group_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `from_member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `to_member_id` int unsigned NOT NULL , `title` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , `body` TEXT null , `order` tinyint NOT NULL default 0 COMMENT 'normal message or special report message.normal(>0);special report(<0);' , PRIMARY KEY (`id`) , index fk_to_member (`from_member_id` ASC, `to_member_id` ASC) , index fk_to_group (`from_group_id` ASC, `to_group_id` ASC) , index main (`id` ASC, `to_member_id` ASC, `from_member_id` ASC, `to_group_id` ASC, `from_group_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_member` foreign key (`from_member_id` , `to_member_id` ) references `member` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action, constraint `fk_to_group` foreign key (`from_group_id` , `to_group_id` ) references `member_group` (`id` , `id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'member<->group or gourp<->member message table'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `cache_mst` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `cache_mst` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cache_mst` ( `table_name` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'table name' , `last_modified` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL COMMENT 'last modified date.' , `update_mod_name` VARCHAR(50) null , PRIMARY KEY (`table_name`) , index main (`table_name` ASC, `last_modified` ASC, `update_mod_name` ASC) ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'cache info'; -- ----------------------------------------------------- -- table `template_script_list` -- ----------------------------------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `template_script_list` ; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `template_script_list` ( `template_id` int NOT NULL , `file_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'file path: $doc_root/template/$template_id/$script_type/$file_name' , `type` char(1) NOT NULL COMMENT '0:css,1:javASCript' , `detail` VARCHAR(255) null , PRIMARY KEY (`template_id`, `file_name`, `type`) , index fk_to_template (`template_id` ASC) , constraint `fk_to_template` foreign key (`template_id` ) references `template` (`id` ) on delete no action on update no action) ENGINE = MYISAM;