Title: wifi-manager.tcz Description: minimalistic wifi manager Version: 4.0 Author: Bruno "GNUser" Dantas Original-site: n/a Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 32K Extension_by: gnuser Tags: wireless wifi manager Comments: ---------- Configuration: $ cp /usr/local/share/wifi-manager/wifi-manager.conf ~/.config/ edit ~/.config/wifi-manager.conf CLI usage: Scan and connect to wifi: $ sudo wifi-connect See last scan's results: $ cat /tmp/APs GUI usage: You need yad.tcz and a system tray/notification area of your choice Create systray icon: $ wifi-monitor & Scan and connect to wifi: left-click on systray icon ---------- Change-log: 2022/12/22 1.0 2023/03/16 2.0 2024/01/24 3.0 2024/07/06 3.1 Current: 2024/09/12 4.0