Title: icewm.tcz Description: Stacking Window Manager Version: 3.6.0 Author: https://github.com/bbidulock/icewm/blob/icewm-1-4-BRANCH/AUTHORS Original-site: https://github.com/ice-wm/icewm Copying-policy: LGPL v2 Size: 1.4M Extension_by: aus9 @ linuxquestions.org Tags: window manager wm Comments: manual https://tinyurl.com/4tpya6f5 Most preferences can change via menu button or context menu. Please read configs under ~/icewm. TCEs named in keyboard shortcuts have no deps set except lxterminal. I am unable to test on basic X so am using Xorg-7.7 (2d) as a dep. Be aware that IceWM uses this order: prefoverride over theme over preferences icewmbg can control background or wallpaper(s) Or use pcmanfm for another wallpaper method https://tinyurl.com/y3ouvb94 For all changes to a config file, or any TCE added after boot, that has a kb combo set.....needs WM refresh with kb combo of logo+z logo = Super key Please input logo+z in an empty workspace for maximum safety optional TCEs not already mentioned include: icewm-themes only nanoblue theme in this TCE icewm-locale..xscreensaver and read infos please menumaker (for menu generation each time you load a new TCE) I prefer it over icewm-menu-fdo To allow you to keep wbar, ~/icewm/preferences now reads TaskBarAtTop=1 # 0/1 On my AMD APU, I needed Xorg-7.7 too....YMMV If you see a locale error in your terminal by running $ icewm -V Paste the following into your .ashrc ( change lang to suit) export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" && export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" (and I have no mention of G_FILENAME_ENCODING=@locale or any other locale setting in .ashrc .bashrc .profile) New Features Double-click anywhere in titlebar maximizes App Double-click edge (when pointer changes to resize) -> maximizes that side Double-click corners to maximize that corner. Double-click to reverse above options. Change-log: 2020/07/22 v 1.7.0 on 11x 2020/11/29 Removed /tmp/tcloop/... from path in tce.installed script. (Rich) 2023/03/20 v 3.2.2 on 14x nanoblue lxterminal delete icehelp* 2023/03/28 v 3.4.7 on 15x icehelp back in, icon caching ignored, aterm is back in Current: 2024/08/02 v 3.6.0