Title: genius.tcz Description: command line calculator Version: 1.0.27 Author: Jiri Lebl, Nils Barth, Kai Willadsen & Adrian E. Feiguin Original-site: https://download.gnome.org/sources/genius/1.0/ Copying-policy: main: GPL v3 gtkExtra: LGPL Size: 432K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: calculator cli Comments: general purpose calculator and mathematics tool If you need plotting see genius-gui At command line $ genius will offer manual or help If you wish to read manual in situ, load TCE=links But you can read it at non-TC pathway of /usr/local/share/genius/genius.txt $ quit # to close Change-log: 2020/03/07 v 1.0.25 (Juanito) Current: 2024/04/07 v 10.027 (aus9)