Title: easyprint.tcz Description: driverless, CUPS-free printing using ipp Version: 9.1 Author: Bruno "GNUser" Dantas Original-site: n/a Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 72K Extension_by: gnuser Tags: ipp driverless cups print printer pdf pwg Comments: ---------- Configuration: $ cp /usr/local/share/easyprint/easyprint.conf ~/.config/ edit ~/.config/easyprint.conf (printer uri, paper size) ---------- Usage example: $ ep into_the_core.pdf ---------- Notes: * pdf files are supported by default * libreoffice is needed to support other file types * yad is needed if you want a gui * for more details: $ ep --help ---------- Change-log: 2023/09/28 1.0 2023/10/05 2.0 ... 2024/05/02 8.0 2024/05/10 9.0 2024/05/12 ipptool recompiled against updated gnutls Current: 2024/08/18 9.1 (improved parsing of printer errors and warnings)