Title: firmware-rpi-bt.tcz Description: firmware for RPi onboard bluetooth adapter Version: See Changelog Author: Cypress/Broadcom Original-site: https://github.com/RPi-Distro/bluez-firmware Copying-policy: https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux/issues/1342#issuecomment-321221748 Size: 128KB Extension_by: paul-123 Tags: firmware rpi bluetooth bt Comments: Binaries only --- Built for piCore 14.x Change-log: 2017/03/12 first version 2017/08/08 (pi3/0 firmware MD5: 85801286c2253de0741310b2789bf187) 2018/03/17 (Add pi3b+ firmware MD5: ec75853caa3fa18a86fa4cbcb5242d54) 2020/01/20 Update from RPI 2020/05/18 Post-Sweyntooth update of BCM43430A1 and BCM4345C0 hcds 2020/11/24 Update BCM4345C0 hcd for BLE corrections 2021/07/17 Update BT firmware to latest, includes Spectra Fixes 2021/11/13 Add firmware for Zero2W 2023/06/10 Update firmware to fix BLE on new phones, add Zero2W links Current: 2023/10/30 Add device-specific firmware links