Title: libsndfile.tcz Description: A library for accessing various audio file formats Version: 1.0.26pre5 Author: Erik de Castro Lopo Original-site: http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ Copying-policy: LGPL Size: 952K Extension_by: malbo Tags: library accessing various audio file formats Comments: Depends on flac.tcel and ogg-vorbis.tcel Change-log: 2009/04/22 First version 1.0.19 2009/05/30 Updated to 1.0.20 per security advisory: http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/148859/202/ 2013/06/30 1.0.25 was crashing under a certain application. Upgraded to 1.0.26 pre-lease version, which does work. Current: 2013/06/30 Update to 1.0.26pre5