Title: git.tcz Description: the fast version control system Version: 2.9.2 Author: Various Original-site: http://gitscm.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 2.6M Extension_by: juanito, jls_legalize, SvOlli Tags: git scm Comments: Compiled with libcurl, perl and python enabled Some modes of operation require perl or python extensions ---------- Change-log: 2008/12/17 first version 2009/10/25 updated by jls_legalize 2 version 2010/07/14 rebuild from scratch, updated to version and added git-gui package 2010/07/31 update to 2010/08/13 added workaround for bug that prevented http-download 2011/09/26 update to and Tiny Core 4.x 2012/11/19 update to 1.8.0 Current: 2016/12/29 updated 1.8.0 -> 2.9.2