Title: geany-plugins.tcz Description: Plugins of Geany. Version: 1.23 Author: Enrico Troeger Original-site: http://www.geany.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 792K Extension_by: Jason W, vinnie Tags: text editor IDE programming Comments: Only Devhelp, Geanygendoc and Multiterm plugins missing. This plugin require some other dependencies to work: Debugger: vte.tcz Scope: vte.tcz Geniuspaste: libsoup.tcz Updatechecker: libsoup.tcz Markdown: webkitgtk-1.0-0 (and probably xorg) Webhelper: webkitgtk-1.0-0 (and probably xorg) Geanypg: gpgme.tcz Geanyvc: gtkspell.tcz Spellchack: enchant.tcz Geanylua: (probably lua) Change-log: ---- 2012/08/24 First version 1.22 Current: 2013/03/17 Updated to 1.23