Title: freerdp-dev.tcz Description: FreeRDP - A remote client for MS RDP/Windows - dev files Version: 1.1-git4c69c3e Author: Various Original-site: http://www.freerdp.com Copying-policy: Apache License Version 2.0 Size: 264KB Extension_by: gutmensch Tags: rdp client dev Comments: Might require Xorg for other than US layout --- This extension is PPI compatible. Change-log: 2010/11/01 Initial version 0.8.1 2010/11/19 Bump to 0.8.2 2010/11/22 Added pcsc support 2012/01/24 Bump to 1.0.0 2012/03/31 Bump to 1.0.1 2012/04/04 Moved xkb.pl to -dev 2013/01/09 Bump to 1.0.2 2016/10/13 updated 1.0.2 -> git (juanito) Current: 2016/11/04 updated to last stable version 1.1-git4c69c3e (Zlika)