Title: foomatic-rip-dev.tcz Description: dev files for Foomatic printer filter for CUPS Version: nightly build 2013.02.20 Author: Till Kamppeter, Lars Uebernickel, Grant Taylor & Helge Blischke Original-site: http://www.openprinting.org/download/foomatic/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 12K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: Foomatic printer filter CUPS dev Comments: dev files for foomatic-rip Built for TC 4.x Change-log: 2009/10/12 - first version - removed foomatic-rip from CUPS package (perthie) - foomatic v4 is now a binary and does not require Perl 2009/10/15 - removed libgs and changed to a .tcz extension - libgs is now a separate extension to maintain compatibility with gsview 2011/10/08 - restored original permissions (juanito) 2011/10/11 - updated 4.0.2 -> 4.0.6 (juanito) 2011/12/01 - changed preferred shell to /bin/ash Current: 2013/02/17 - updated to nightly build 2013.02.20