Title: dosbox.tcz Description: an x86 emulator with sound and graphics from old DOS Version: 0.74 Author: Lead developer: Peter Veenstra and others. Original-site: http://www.dosbox.com Copying-policy: GNU-GPL Size: 1020KB Extension_by: Alejandro Padrino Tags: an x86 emulator sound graphics old DOS . Comments: This extension contains: dosbox-0.74.tar.gz Sound engine tested: Alsa After few time playing games can be turn down in speed (same bug founded in 0.72 release). If you can't use cursor keys, edit /home/tc/.dosbox/dosbox-0.74.conf file and set 'usescancodes=false'. Sample loader script in /usr/local/bin folder. Can be modified and used for ondemand loading. Some times don't show dosbox icon in wbar after loading. ------------------------ Change-log: 2009/04/05 - Original .tcz package by Onyarian 2011/07/14 - Update to 0.74 release Current: 2015/01/21 - adjusted extension (juanito)