Title: busybox-httpd.tcz Description: BusyBox HTTP server Version: 1.21.1 Author: BusyBox is maintained by Denys Vlasenko Original-site: http://www.busybox.net/downloads/busybox-1.17.2.tar.gz Copying-policy: GPLv2 Size: 20 KB Extension_by: PingPing, ixbrian, Curaga Tags: BusyBox HTTP server Comments: Busybox's httpd applet. Files installed: /usr/local/httpd/bin/busybox /usr/local/httpd/bin/false (symlink) /usr/local/httpd/sbin/httpd (symlink) False has been built but is not strictly needed - it comes in handy if chrooting httpd To start: sudo /usr/local/httpd/sbin/httpd -p port_number -h document_home_directory -u user:group Where: port_number is the port for httpd to listen on (default is 80) document_home_directory is the directory containing your index.html (you'll need to make one) user is the user you want httpd to run as eg. 'tc' (default is root) group is the group 'user' is a member of eg. 'staff' For example: sudo /usr/local/httpd/sbin/httpd -p 80 -h /home/tc/htdocs -u tc:staff Change-log: 2009/07/01 - original build 2010/08/31 - Updated to busybox 1.17.2 Current: 2013/08/10 - Update to 1.21.1 (Curaga)