Title: bftpd.tcz Description: bftpd ftp server Version: 4.2 Author: The BFTPD Project Original-site: http://bftpd.sourceforge.net/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 36.0K Extension_by: Curaga Tags: bftpd ftp server Comments: A fast, secure, easy to configure FTP server. Config file sample at /usr/local/etc/bftpd.conf.sample. - Start as root (maybe from bootlocal.sh) with: bftpd -d -c /path/to/config.file Change-log: 2009/07/01 Original 2011/04/13 Update to 3.2 2011/10/04 Update to 3.6 Current: 2013/12/23 Update to 4.2