Title: audacious-plugins.tcz Description: Audacious media player plugins locale data. Version: 3.7.1 Author: William Pitcock (nenolod) Original-site: audacious-media-player.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 1.0MB Extension_by: Jason W Tags: media player plugins gtk+ gtk3 Comments: plugins for audacious ---------- can optionally use the curl, faad, libnotify, libsamplerate, neon, sdl and wavpack extensions ---------- Change-log: 2008/11/07 First Version 2010/03/07 Update to 2.2 2010/07/10 Update to 2.3 2014/02/12 updated to 3.4.3 (juanito) Current: 2016/02/07 updated to 3.7.1 (juanito)