Title: audacious-plugins-locale.tcz Description: Audacious media player plugins locale data. Version: 2.3 Author: William Pitcock (nenolod) Original-site: audacious-media-player.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: 598K Extension_by: Jason W Tags: Audacious media player plugins locale data. Comments: Depends on libmowgli, libmcs, gtk2 and dependencies, libglade2, audacious. There is a much fuller list of depends depending on what audio format you are wanting to play. I would rather not include all of them taking up many megabytes for those who simply want to play mp3s. Wavpack support would require installing wavpack.tcz, and flac support would require installing flac.tcz, and etc. Change-log: 2008/11/07 First Version. 2010/03/07 Update to 2.2 Current: 2010/07/10 Update to 2.3