Title: aspell-mine.tcz Description: specific scripts to add words to your aspell dictionaries Version: 1.0 Author: aus9 Original-site: TC forum post Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: 4.0K Extension_by: aus9 Tags: aspell spell checker dictionary mine Comments: Contains various scripts called mine-(lang-string).sh that if you create a file /home/tc/mine.txt and add one word per line, for words not found in your current dictionary then run $ sh mine-(lang-string).sh The extra words then become available for spell checking thru the aspell command $ apell --lang=(lang-string) -c file Note lang-string is currently en, es, de, fi, fr, hu, it, pt_BR, ru eg $ sh mine-en.sh && aspell --lang=en -c filename This is not designed to be universal so your word list does not have to be shared with others It is assumed your mine.txt will grow and can include names Change-log: 2012/11/20 First Version Current: 2012/11/20 version 1.0 built against TC 4.x