Title: appbrowser-cli.tcz Description: Command-line appbrowser Version: 0.6 Author: Curaga Original-site: http://tinycorelinux.com Copying-policy: GPLv3 Size: 8K Extension_by: Curaga Tags: Command-line appbrowser Comments: My adaptation of appbrowser to ncurses. - Requires at least TC/MC 2.3. Search requires at least 4.4. - PPI compatible Change-log: 2009/10/03 Original 2009/10/30 Fixes, new features 2010/02/13 Removed install option, added argv search 2010/03/26 Updated search for recent versions (2.9) 2012/04/20 Updated search for v4.4 Current: 2012/10/07 Fixed two bugs, removed blinking