Title: advcomp.tcz Description: AdvanceComp Version: 2.1 Author: Various Original-site: http://advancemame.sf.net Copying-policy: GPL Size: 228KB Extension_by: Curaga Tags: AdvanceComp Comments: A must for extension-making Advdef and advzip of AdvanceComp included. They are used to repack zlib streams using an improved algorithm, saving space. This does not affect decompression Advdef handles png, and anything gzipped (tgz, svgz..) Advzip handles zip files With png files the usual saving is about 20%, with gzipped files about 10%. This extension is PPI compatible ---- Change-log: 2008/10/10 Original 2009/06/17 Updated TCZ extension with user.tar.gz 2009/09/25 Removed tar (Jason W) Current: 2018/11/29 updated 1.15 -> 2.1 (juanito)