Title: emacs.minimal.tcz Descritpion: Emacs terminal text editor Version: 28.2 Author: MIT AI Lab's Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS) Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ Copying-policy: GNU GPL Size: 55M Extension_by: symbiants Tags: emacs-without-x, IDE, text-editor Comments: Emacs Full is a not a simple text-editor or IDE, it features many functions embedded with lisp such as games, calendar, mail, web-browser, ftp and news reader Compiled for TC 14 Change-log: A packaging system and interface (M-x list-packages) for downloading and installing extensions. A default package archive is hosted by GNU and maintained by the Emacs developers Current: 2022-09-12 ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/emacs-28.2.tar.xz 2015-04-10 see the http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/history.html