\subsection{Persian (One)} \subsubsection{Alphabet} \icod\fcod \begin{alphabet} آ\\ أ\\ ا\\ ب\\ پ\\ ت\\ ث\\ ج\\ چ\\ ح\\ خ\\ د\\ ذ\\ ر\\ ز\\ ژ\\ س\\ ش\\ ص\\ ض\\ ط\\ ظ\\ ع\\ غ\\ ف\\ ق\\ ک\\ گ\\ ل\\ م\\ ن\\ ؤ\,و\\ ه\\ ئ\,ی\\ a\,A & à\,À\\ b\,B\\ c\,C & ç\,Ç\\ d\,D & ð\,Ð\\ e\,E & é\,É & è\,È & ë\,Ë & ê\,Ê\\ f\,F\\ g\,G\\ h\,H\\ i\,I & ï\,Ï\\ j\,J\\ k\,K\\ l\,L\\ m\,M\\ n\,N & ñ\,Ñ\\ o\,O & ö\,Ö & ô\,Ô\\ p\,P\\ q\,Q\\ r\,R\\ s\,S\\ t\,T\\ u\,U\\ v\,V\\ w\,W\\ x\,X\\ y\,Y\\ \\ z\,Z\\ þ\,Þ\\ \end{alphabet} \idef\fdef \subsubsection{Ligatures} \begin{flushleft} `æ' is sorted like `a\,e', but \emph{after} it in otherwise equal words.\\ `Æ' is sorted like `A\,e', but \emph{after} it in otherwise equal words.\\ `œ' is sorted like `o\,e', but \emph{after} it in otherwise equal words.\\ `Œ' is sorted like `O\,e', but \emph{after} it in otherwise equal words. \end{flushleft} \subsubsection{Upper-/lowercase words} Capitalized or uppercase words are sorted \emph{before} otherwise equal lowercase words. \subsubsection{Special characters} The order of special characters and letters is: \begin{flushleft} ?\hspace{4mm}!\hspace{4mm}.\hspace{4mm}letters\hspace{4mm}-\hspace{4mm}'\hspace{4mm}{\hspace{4mm}}\hspace{4mm}ّ\hspace{4mm}َ\hspace{4mm}ِ\hspace{4mm}ُ\hspace{4mm}ً\hspace{4mm}ٍ\hspace{4mm}ٌ\hspace{4mm}ْ\hspace{4mm}ٔ\hspace{4mm}ء\hspace{4mm}‌\hspace{4mm}«\hspace{4mm}»\hspace{4mm}ـ\hspace{4mm}،\hspace{4mm}؛ \end{flushleft} \newpage