\documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{a4wide} \include{macros} \title{% \TeXcount{} Quick Reference Guide\\ Version \version\copyrightfootnote } \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Command line options} Syntax for running \TeXcount{}: \codeline{texcount \textit{[options] [files]}} where \code{texcount} refers to the TeXcount Perl-script, and the options may be amongst the following: \input{sub_options} \section{\TeXcount{} instructions embedded in \LaTeX{} documents} Instructions to \TeXcount{} can be given from within the \LaTeX{} document using \LaTeX{} comments on the format \codeline{\%TC:\textit{instruction [name] parameters}} where the name is use for instructions providing macro handling rules to give the name of the macro or group for which the rule applies. % \input{sub_tc_other} \subsection{Adding macro handling rules} Instructions for adding macro handling rules all take the format \codeline{\%TC:\textit{instruction name parameters}} where the name indicates the macro (with backslash) or group name for which the rule applies: % \input{sub_addrules} The available parser rules for environment contents and macro parameters are \code{word}/\code{text}, \code{headerword}, \code{otherword}, \code{header}, \code{float}, \code{inlinemath}, \code{displaymath}, \code{ignore}, \code{xx} (strong exclude), \code{xxx} (stronger exclude), \code{xall} (exclude all) or any of their aliases. The available counters are \code{word}/\code{text}, \code{headerword}, \code{otherword}, \code{header}, \code{float}, \code{inlinemath}, \code{displaymath} or any of their aliases. Available file specifications contain one or more of \code{input} (for \code{\bs{input}}), \code{file} (file path), \code{texfile} (use with \code{\bs{include}}), \code{} (to include the bibliography file), \code{dir} and \code{subdir}. The \code{dir} and \code{subdir} are used to modify the search path within the included document (used with the \code{import} package). \end{document}