\documentstyle[11pt]{article}\begin{document}\begin{center} \Large\bfA \LaTeX{} Environment\\for use with the\\,VAX/VMS Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT)\\ Version 2.0 \end{center}\section*{Introduction}LThis documents the submission of Version 2.0 of the \LaTeX{} environment for$LSEDIT. The changes in V2.0 include:\begin{itemize}@\item More comprehensive support for \LaTeX{} in {\tt LATEX.ENV}N\item TPU procedures have been added that provide COMPILE/REVIEW functionalityfor \LaTeX{} within LSEDITJ\item The miscellaneous style files that were included with V1.0 have beenremoved. \end{itemize}$\section*{Installation Instructions}KThere are a few prerequisites that must be satisified prior to running thisinstallation procedure. \begin{enumerate}(\item Disk space necessary: 1200 blocks.G\item System privileges are required to run the installation procedure.\end{enumerate}?You may tailor this environment for your specific site once theinstallation is complete. \medskipNThe following steps should be followed in order to extract the information andinstall it on your system.\begin{enumerate}@\item Restore all files from the BACKUP saveset {\tt LATEX.BCK} Ointo a subdirectory under the \TeX{} tree preserving the directory structure on,the tape by entering the following commands: \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}2$ ALLOCATE MUA0: ! Or whatever your tape drive is$ MOUNT/FOR MUA0: $ SET DEFAULT TEX_DISK:[TEX])$ BACKUP/LOG MUA0:LATEX.BCK/SAVE [...]*.*$ DISMOUNT MUA0:$ DEALLOCATE MUA0:\end{verbatim} \end{quote}J\item If you have a general environments directory, copy the file \newlineK{\tt TEX\_DISK:[TEX.LSEDIT.ENVIRONMENT]LATEX.ENV} to the general directory.=\item Copy the help library to the {\tt SYS\$HELP} directory: \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim}7$ COPY TEX_DISK:[TEX.LSEDIT.HELP]TEXTOOLS.HLB SYS$HELP:\end{verbatim} \end{quote}O{\it Note:\/} The help entries show the syntax for {\tt LATEX} and {\tt SLITEX}Ninstalled as native commands. This does not affect the validity of the rest of the help.M\item Invoke LSEDIT as indicated in the Quick Reference Guide and off you go!\end{enumerate} KIf, after using this environment, you have any suggestions, corrections, or=enhancements, please feel free to let me know. My address is: \begin{quote}Kent McPherson, M/S 121 \\SLI Avionic Systems Corp. \\4141 Eastern Ave., S.E. \\Grand Rapids, MI 49518-8727\\(616) 241-7458 \end{quote}\newpage\section*{Files}EThe files included in the \verb|TEX_DISK:[TEX.LSEDIT]| directory are:\begin{itemize}&\item {\tt AAAREADME.*}: Read-me file <\item {\tt LSE\_LATEX\_USERS.*}: Quick Reference Guide files \end{itemize}\medskipL\noindent The files included in the \verb|TEX_DISK:[TEX.LSEDIT.ENVIRONMENT]|directory are: \begin{itemize}O\item {\tt ENV.COM}: Command procedure for rebuilding the \LaTeX{} environment.#This rebuilds everything everytime.E\item {\tt LATEX\_BUILD.MMS}: MMS description file for rebuilding the?environment. This only rebuilds those parts that have changed. C\item {\tt LATEX\_ACCENTS\_AND\_SYMBOLS.LSE}: All files of the formL{\tt LATEX\_*.LSE} and {\tt SLITEX.LSE} are part of the \LaTeX{} environment definition.#\item {\tt LATEX\_BIBLIOGRAPHY.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_BUILD.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_COUNTERS.LSE}!\item {\tt LATEX\_DELIMITERS.LSE}*\item {\tt LATEX\_DOCUMENT\_PAGESTYLE.LSE}#\item {\tt LATEX\_ENVIRONMENTS.LSE} \item {\tt LATEX\_FOOTNOTES.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_GENERAL.LSE}M\item {\tt LATEX\_LANGUAGE.LSE} \item {\tt LATEX\_LENGTHS.LSE}&\item {\tt LATEX\_LINE\_AND\_PAGE.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_MATH.LSE}'\item {\tt LATEX\_NEW\_DEFINITIONS.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_PICTURE.LSE}!\item {\tt LATEX\_SECTIONING.LSE})\item {\tt LATEX\_SPACES\_AND\_BOXES.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_STYLES.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_TABBING.LSE}\item {\tt LATEX\_TABULAR.LSE} \item {\tt LATEX\_TITLEPAGE.LSE} \item {\tt LATEX\_TOCLOFLOT.LSE}1\item {\tt LATEX\_TYPESTYLES\_AND\_TYPEFACES.LSE}\item {\tt SLITEX.LSE} \end{itemize}\medskipE\noindent The files included in the \verb|TEX_DISK:[TEX.LSEDIT.HELP]|directory are: \begin{itemize}M\item {\tt HELPSETUP.RNI}: RUNOFF include file for the \LaTeX{} and \SLiTeX{} help entries@\item {\tt LATEX.HLP}: RUNOFF output of the {\tt LATEX.RNH} file4\item {\tt LATEX.RNH}: Source for \LaTeX{} help fileB\item {\tt SLITEX.HLP}: RUNOFF output of the {\tt SLITEX.RNH} file6\item {\tt SLITEX.RNH}: Source for \SLiTeX{} help fileL\item {\tt TEXTOOLS.HLB}: Help library containing the \LaTeX{} and \SLiTeX{}entries \end{itemize}\medskipG\noindent The files included in the \verb|TEX_DISK:[TEX.LSEDIT.REVIEW]|directory are: \begin{itemize}P\item {\tt LATEX\_REVIEW.DOC}: Documentation file for the \LaTeX{} review system9\item {\tt LATEX\_REVIEW.LSE}: LSEDIT initialization fileH\item {\tt LATEX\_REVIEW.TPU}: All TPU source files are required for the\LaTeX{} review system\item {\tt BUFFER\_MENU.TPU}\item {\tt COMPILE.TPU}\item {\tt FIND\_BUFFER.TPU}\item {\tt FLUSH.TPU}\item {\tt GOTO\_LINE.TPU}\item {\tt PATTERN.TPU}\item {\tt WHAT\_LINE.TPU} \end{itemize}\end{document}