% ...... start of pictex file generated by FastPicTeX ...... \beginpicture \setcoordinatesystem units <0.6cm,0.075cm> point at 0 0 \setplotarea x from 0 to 10, y from 80 to 160 % .......... axis ............ \axis bottom label {} ticks numbered from 0 to 10 by 2.5 / \axis left label {} ticks numbered from 80 to 160 by 20 / % .......... heading ............ \plotheading {} % .......... series ............. \setlinear \setsolid \plot 1 95 2 100 3 110 4 95 5 105 6 110 7 120 8 125 9 145 10 160 / \setsolid \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 1 95 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 2 100 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 3 110 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 4 95 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 5 105 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 6 110 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 7 120 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 8 125 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 9 145 \put {} [b] <0mm,0.5\baselineskip> at 10 160 \endpicture % ...... end of pictex file generated by FastPicTeX ......