#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Test::More tests=>7; use BibTeX::Parser; use IO::File; my $fh = new IO::File "t/bibs/01.bib", "r" ; my $parser = new BibTeX::Parser $fh; while (my $entry = $parser->next) { if($entry->key eq 'key01') { my $result1='@ARTICLE{key01, year = {1950}, author = {Duck, Donald and Else, Someone}, editor = {Itor, E. D. and Other, A. N.}, title = {Title text}, month = {January~1}, }'; my $result2='@ARTICLE{key01, YEAR = {1950}, AUTHOR = {Duck, Donald and Else, Someone}, EDITOR = {Itor, E. D. and Other, A. N.}, TITLE = {Title text}, MONTH = {January~1}, }'; my $result3='@ARTICLE{key01, Year = {1950}, Author = {Duck, Donald and Else, Someone}, Editor = {Itor, E. D. and Other, A. N.}, Title = {Title text}, Month = {January~1}, }'; my $result4='@article{key01, year = {1950}, author = {Duck, Donald and Else, Someone}, editor = {Itor, E. D. and Other, A. N.}, title = {Title text}, month = {January~1}, }'; my $result5='@Article{key01, year = {1950}, author = {Duck, Donald and Else, Someone}, editor = {Itor, E. D. and Other, A. N.}, title = {Title text}, month = {January~1}, }'; is($entry->to_string,$result1); is($entry->to_string(field_capitalization=>'Lowercase'), $result1); is($entry->to_string(field_capitalization=>'Uppercase'), $result2); is($entry->to_string(field_capitalization=>'Titlecase'), $result3); is($entry->to_string(type_capitalization=>'Lowercase'), $result4); is($entry->to_string(type_capitalization=>'Uppercase'), $result1); is($entry->to_string(type_capitalization=>'Titlecase'), $result5); } } done_testing();