% $Id: tex4ht-xhtmml-xtpipes.tex 740 2020-06-13 22:35:32Z karl $ % htlatex tex4ht-xhtmml-xtpipes "xhtml,next,3" "" "-d./" % Copyright 2009-2020 TeX Users Group % Copyright 1996-2009 Eitan M. Gurari % Released under LPPL 1.3c+. % See tex4ht-cpright.tex for license text. \documentclass{article} \Configure{ProTex}{log,<<<>>>,title,list,`,[[]]} \usepackage{url} \input{common.tex} \begin{document} \input tex4ht-cpright.tex \input tex4ht-dir %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \part{Post Processing for HTML Output Mode} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Outline} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \AtEndDocument{\OutputCodE\} \Needs{"xmllint --valid --noout xhtmml.4xt"} \<<< `


  • ` ` ` ` >>> % \AtEndDocument{\OutputCodE\} \ifdojava \Needs{" if [ ! -d \XTPIPES\space]; then exit 1; fi ; javac XhtmmlUtilities.java -d \XTPIPES "} \fi \<<< package tex4ht; /* XhtmmlUtilities.java (`version), generated from `jobname.tex Copyright (C) 2009-2010 TeX Users Group Copyright (C) `CopyYear.2008. Eitan M. Gurari ` */ import org.w3c.dom.*; public class XhtmmlUtilities { ` ` ` ` ` ` ` } >>> \<<< >>> \<<< public static void mrow(Node dom) { barsIntoFenced( dom ); digitsIntoNumbers( dom ); } >>> \<<< >>> \<<< public static void math(Node dom) { barsIntoFenced( dom ); digitsIntoNumbers( dom ); } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Empty Paragraphs} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \

    <<< >>> \

    <<< >>> \<<< public static void p(Node dom) { Node pNode = dom.getFirstChild(); if( pNode.hasChildNodes() ){ boolean drop = true; Node child = pNode.getFirstChild(); while( child != null ){ short type = child.getNodeType(); if( (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) || (type == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) || (type == Node.TEXT_NODE) && !((Text) child).getWholeText().trim().equals("") ){ drop = false; break; } child = child.getNextSibling(); } if( drop ){ dom.removeChild( pNode ); } } else { dom.removeChild( pNode ); } } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Tables} %%%%%%%%%%%%% Remove Empty Trailling Row \

    <<< >>> \<<< public static void table(Node dom) { Node tableNode = dom.getFirstChild(); if( tableNode.hasChildNodes() ){ Node trChild = tableNode.getLastChild(); while( (trChild != null) && !trChild.getNodeName().equals("tr") ){ trChild = trChild.getPreviousSibling(); } if( (trChild != null) && trChild.hasChildNodes() ){ Node tdChild = trChild.getLastChild(); while( (tdChild != null) && !tdChild.getNodeName().equals("td") ){ tdChild = tdChild.getPreviousSibling(); } if( !tdChild.hasChildNodes() ){ tableNode.removeChild( trChild ); } else { Node child = tdChild.getFirstChild(); if( (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) && ((Text) child).getWholeText().trim().equals("") && (child.getNextSibling() == null) ){ tableNode.removeChild( trChild ); } } } } } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{List Items} %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Outline} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \
  • <<< >>> \<<< public static void li(Node dom) { Node liNode = dom.getFirstChild(); Node liChild; boolean hasBlock = false, hasInline = false; ` if( hasBlock && hasInline ){ `

    ` } } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Place Inline Code into Paragraphs} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \

    <<< liChild = liNode.getLastChild(); Element g = ((Document) dom).createElement("p"); g.setAttribute("class", "noindent"); while( liChild != null ){ short type = liChild.getNodeType(); if( ` ){ ` liChild = liChild.getPreviousSibling(); } else { Node nextChild = liChild; liChild = liChild.getPreviousSibling(); ` } } >>> \<<< nextChild = liNode.removeChild(nextChild); type = nextChild.getNodeType(); if( (type != Node.COMMENT_NODE) && ( (type != Node.TEXT_NODE) || !((Text) nextChild).getWholeText().trim().equals("") ) ){ if( g.hasChildNodes() ){ g.insertBefore( nextChild, g.getFirstChild() ); } else { g.appendChild( nextChild ); } } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Place Paragraphs into List Items} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< if( liNode.hasChildNodes() ){ liNode.insertBefore( g, liNode.getFirstChild() ); } else { liNode.appendChild( g ); } >>> \<<< if( g.hasChildNodes() ){ Node nextChild = liChild.getNextSibling(); if( nextChild == null ){ liNode.appendChild( g ); } else { liNode.insertBefore( g, nextChild ); } g = ((Document) dom).createElement("p"); g.setAttribute("class", "noindent"); } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Check Nature of Item Content} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< liChild = liNode.getFirstChild(); while( liChild != null ){ short type = liChild.getNodeType(); if( ` ){ hasBlock = true; } else if( type == Node.TEXT_NODE ){ if( !((Text) liChild).getWholeText().trim().equals("") ){ hasInline = true; } } else if( (type != Node.COMMENT_NODE) && (type != Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE ) ){ hasInline = true; } liChild = liChild.getNextSibling(); } >>> \<<< (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) && ( liChild.getNodeName().equals("p") || liChild.getNodeName().equals("ol") || liChild.getNodeName().equals("ul") || liChild.getNodeName().equals("div") || liChild.getNodeName().equals("table") ) >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Scripted Math |...|} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< static void barsIntoFenced(Node dom) { Node rightBarNode = null; Node mrowNode = dom.getFirstChild(); Node mrowChild = mrowNode.getLastChild(); while( mrowChild != null ){ if( mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("msub") || mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("msup") || mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("msubsup") ){ Node firstChild = mrowChild.getFirstChild(); if( (firstChild.getChildNodes().getLength() == 1) && firstChild.getTextContent().equals( "|" ) ){ rightBarNode = mrowChild; } } else if( (rightBarNode != null) && mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("mo") && (mrowChild.getChildNodes().getLength() == 1) && mrowChild.getTextContent().equals( "|" ) ){ if(mrowChild.getNextSibling() != rightBarNode){ ` } rightBarNode = null; } mrowChild = mrowChild.getPreviousSibling(); } } >>> \begin{verbatim} A + |B|^2 + C A + | # B # # # | # # # 2 # # # + C \end{verbatim} \<<< rightBarNode.removeChild( rightBarNode.getFirstChild() ); Node sub = rightBarNode.getFirstChild(); Node mfenced = ((Document) dom).createElement( "mfenced" ); rightBarNode.insertBefore( mfenced, sub ); ((Element) mfenced).setAttribute("open","|"); ((Element) mfenced).setAttribute("close","|"); ((Element) mfenced).setAttribute("separator",""); Node node = mrowChild.getNextSibling(); while( node != rightBarNode ){ Node next = node.getNextSibling(); mrowNode.removeChild( node ); mfenced.appendChild( node ); node = next; } mrowNode.removeChild( mrowChild ); mrowChild = mrowNode.getLastChild(); >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Digits into Numbers} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< static void digitsIntoNumbers(Node dom){ Node mrowNode = dom.getFirstChild(); Node mrowChild = mrowNode.getFirstChild(); short state = `; Node fromNode = null, toNode = null; while( mrowChild != null ){ switch( state ){ case `: if( mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("mn") ){ state = `; fromNode = mrowChild; toNode = mrowChild; } break; case `: boolean bool = true; if( mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("mn") ){ toNode = mrowChild; bool = ( mrowChild.getNextSibling() == null ); } else { ` } if( bool ) { ` if( bool ){ ` node.replaceChild( ((Document) dom).createTextNode(num), node.getFirstChild() ); } state = `; fromNode = null; toNode = null; } } mrowChild = mrowChild.getNextSibling(); } } >>> \<<< 0 >>> \<<< 1 >>> \<<< Node next; String num = ""; Node node = fromNode; while( node != toNode ){ num += node.getTextContent(); next = node.getNextSibling(); mrowNode.removeChild( node ); node = next; } num += node.getTextContent(); >>> \<<< for( Node node = fromNode; ; node = node.getNextSibling()){ String str = node.getTextContent(); if( str.length() > 1 ){ bool = false; break; } if( !str.replaceAll("[0-9]","").equals("") ){ bool = false; break; } if( node == toNode ){ break; } } >>> \<<< String s = null; Node base; if( ( mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("msub") || mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("msup") || mrowChild.getNodeName().equals("msubsup") ) && ((s = (base = mrowChild.getFirstChild()) . getTextContent()).length() == 1 ) && s.replaceAll("[0-9]","").equals("") ){ ` ` mrowNode.removeChild( node ); num += s; Node mn = ((Document) dom).createElement("mn"); mn.appendChild( ((Document) dom).createTextNode(num) ); mrowChild.replaceChild( mn, base); bool = false; state = `; fromNode = null; toNode = null; } >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{mstyle} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Mstyle as Parent of an Element} %%%%%%%%%%%%% Merge mstyle into its child. For instance \begin{verbatim} F \end{verbatim} into \begin{verbatim} F \end{verbatim} \<<< >>> \<<< >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Mstyle as Parent of Text} %%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{verbatim} div \end{verbatim} into \begin{verbatim} div \end{verbatim} \<<< ` ` ` >>> \<<< >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Shared} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \<<< >>> \<<< ]]> >>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifdojava \AtEndDocument{\Needs{% "pushd \XTPIPES || exit 1 ; jar cf tex4ht.jar * ; popd ; if [ ! -d \TEXMFTEXivBIN\space]; then exit 1; fi ; mv \XTPIPES tex4ht.jar \TEXMFTEXivBIN ; if [ ! -d \TEXMFTEXivXTPIPES\space]; then exit 1; fi ; cp \XTPIPES xtpipes/lib/* \TEXMFTEXivXTPIPES ; "}} \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%