% SAMPLE1.TEX -- AASTeX sample paper with minimal markup. \documentstyle[12pt,aasms]{article} \begin{document} \title{AAS\TeX\ Sample Papers. I. The Minimalist Approach} \author{M. Headroom} \affil{Industrial Metaphysics, Inc., Alluvia, HG 67555} \begin{abstract} This example illustrates how to use the AAS\TeX\ markup in a way that is as unobtrusive as possible while still identifying all the important structural parts of the paper. The most salient thing to observe is that, apart from the document style declaration, no formatting instructions are given in the file. \end{abstract} \keywords{Brevity --- models} \section{Introduction} Reader, this is my paper. Paper, this is our reader. \section{Observations} The observations upon which this paper is based were taken on Wednesday while I was grocery shopping. I needed a half-gallon of milk, chips and salsa, and a bag of kitty litter. Calibration data were taken on Friday when I went back for a six-pack of beer. \section{Discussion} Grocery stores seem to be inordinately crowded on Wednesdays and Fridays \markcite{(Headroom 1988)}. The increase in Friday-shopper density can be understood by assuming that many people get paid on Fridays, and by recognizing that such people often do not work on Saturdays and Sundays and can be assumed to be ``stocking up'' for the weekend. The Wednesday peak is harder to explain, but may be related to the delivery of fresh produce on Tuesday nights. This interpretation depends on the assumption that many people eat sensibly and therefore find fresh produce attractive. \acknowledgments My cats, Hal and Yoda, provided motivation for the initiation of this study. \begin{references} \reference Berlioz, H. 1837, Grande Messe du Morts (Paris: Durand) \reference Headroom, M. 1988, \apj, 278, 356 \end{references} \end{document}