% PAPER2.TEX -- Overview of how TeX is used by several journal publishers % for production purposes. Discussion of various desiderata for markup. \documentstyle[aaspp]{article} \nofiles \hyphenation{ma-nu-script ma-nu-scripts} % curious... \hyphenation{pre-load-ed turn-around Spring-er} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \twocolumn \title{A Comparison of\\ \TeX-based Production Methods\\ for Selected Physics and Astronomy Journals} \author{\sl R. J. Hanisch, STScI\\[.5ex] C. D. Biemesderfer, NOAO} \vspace{.25in} Many astronomers are familiar with the \TeX\ computer typesetting system. A considerable number of them now use an editor and \TeX\ in tandem as a word processor, composing many diverse forms such as letters, memoranda, recipes, party invitations, and even books and journal articles. Most of this material is distributed informally (via laser printer and photocopier), although some commercial firms have begun to produce technical volumes using \TeX\ as the primary typesetting engine. In this paper, we review the production cycles of three journals with which astronomers are likely to be acquainted. These are the {\it Physical Review}, {\it Astronomy and Astrophysics}, and the {\it Australian Journal of Physics}. %\newpage \subsection*{Physical Review} The {\it Physical Review\/} is published by the American Physical Society (APS). The APS Publications Liaison Office has developed a macro package called REV\TeX\ which is designed to work with standard \LaTeX. REV\TeX\ is distributed to interested authors along with sample papers and a user guide (Sutherland 1989), and authors are encouraged to write their articles for the {\it Physical Review\/} with REV\TeX\ markup. The objective of REV\TeX\ is to avoid the costs and time delays of keyboard entry, as well as to provide authors with their own means of producing markup and preprint versions of their manuscripts. REV\TeX\ has a {\sl preprint} format (a \LaTeX\ substyle) that can be used for initial review; authors submit {\sl manuscripts} (paper copies) of their articles to the editorial office, and the paper is refereed in the usual fashion. At some stage in the review process, the REV\TeX\ source file (called a {\sl compuscript}) will be requested from the author. Compuscripts may be submitted via floppy diskette, magnetic tape, or Bitnet. After a paper has been accepted, the author may elect to have the compuscript returned so that the author may make subsequent corrections, or changes can be made by staff at the production site. The publishing offices of the AIP, which produces the {\it Physical Review} for APS, do not actually use \TeX\ for their typesetting. Rather, they use a turn-key computer typesetting system called Xyvision. Xyvision has its own markup language, and the production staff at AIP has been trained in its use. However, Xyvision provides the tools to develop translators between various typesetting markup languages and the Xyvision internal system. The AIP has already implemented a translation between WordPerfect and Xyvision, and this summer will be developing a translation facility between \TeX\ (i.e., the REV\TeX\ macro package) and Xyvision. Other translators, such as to the industry-standard SGML, are likely to be developed as well. %\newpage \subsection*{Astronomy and Astrophysics} {\it Astronomy and Astrophysics\/} is published by Springer-Verlag; the {\it Supplement\/} is published by Les Editions de Physique. Springer has a macro package for use with plain \TeX\ which is distributed to authors (Springer 1989). Springer's purposes in using \TeX\ in their production cycle are to increase the total number of pages produced per year, and to afford authors quicker turnaround, resulting in a timlier publication schedule. Editorial procedures are similar to those of the {\it Physical Review}. Manuscripts are submitted to the {\it A\&A} editorial offices, and the electronic copy of the paper (on floppy diskette) is requested after acceptance. Springer has integrated their production environment in a way so that journal pages can be typeset by \TeX\ and produced on Springer's phototypesetter. In general, this system functions well, and at least some authors find the publication process (once the paper has been accepted) to be less time-consuming. % Andre 1990, private comm. There are shortcomings in the procedure as a whole, however. Authors who choose to process their own papers {\sl for publication\/} with the {\it A\&A\/} macros are supposed to submit a DVI file in addition to the \TeX\ source. The \TeX$\rightarrow$DVI processing is done with preloaded fonts for the typesetter used by Springer, % a Mergenthaler? {\sl not} the Computer Modern fonts. The configuration that must be arranged (on each author's host computer) for this processing require intervention of a fairly knowledgeable \TeX pert, and also possibly a system administrator. It is not clear that there is any real benefit to Springer in using this approach, as opposed to simply processing the \TeX\ source (which Springer will do, if an author is unable to do so) at the production site. We feel this is a peculiar requirement that is unnecessarily burdensome to authors. More fundamentally, standardization at the level of DVI files is inappropriate for widespread document interchange. An additional criticism of Springer's macro package is that the markup that was devised is unique, drawing only tangentially on existing markup command conventions. In other words, the {\it A\&A\/} package is a completely new markup language. It is desirable to use standard environments and commands to the greatest extent possible in order to both simplify the process of text preparation for authors and to ensure that a minimum amount of reworking of the text is required by the editorial offices. It is unfortunate that \LaTeX\ was not used as a starting point instead; because \LaTeX\ has a higher level view of a document than \TeX, it provides a more suitable framework in which to develop a standard markup style. %\newpage \subsection*{Australian Journal of Physics} The {\it Australian Journal of Physics\/} is published by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. The CSIRO has been experimenting with \TeX\ for production of a number of its journals since 1985 and in 1989 began publication of the {\it Aust.~J.~Phys.} with a specialized version of \TeX\ running on MacIntoshes. The CSIRO system, called AJSR\TeX\ (Clarke 1989), was developed by the System Design Unit of CSIRO specifically for the production of the Australian Journals of Scientific Research (AJSR). AJSR\TeX\ is designed for use by the staff of the publishing office, particularly technical typists, rather than as a package distributed to authors. The managing editor accepts plain \TeX, AMS\TeX, and \LaTeX\ submissions on floppy diskette, but each is translated into the AJSR\TeX\ system and subsequently recomposed by a staff typographer. The production environment consists of the AJSR\TeX\ package layered on \TeX tures (a commercial \TeX\ implementation for the MacIntosh), in conjunction with a commercial text editing product called QUED/M. Submission procedures are the same those described above. Traditional hardcopy manuscripts are submitted initially for refereeing and editorial revision; a diskette containing the \TeX\ compuscript is requested after the article has been accepted for publication. While the acceptance of author submissions doesn't necessarily save production time at the AJSR office (Clarke 1990), a reduction in typesetting costs and a shortening of the publication cycle has already been realized (Robertson 1989). % It is interesting to realize that CSIRO's decision to use TeX was % entirely motivated by commercial publishing concerns. The reasoning % that led to this decision is described to some extent in: % % Clarke, T. 1988, Australian Mac World. % % The move had as much (if not more) to do with a desire to use the % MacIntosh, but they were clearly enough impressed by the results of % their previous experiments with TeX to invest in the in-house version. % % An article entitled "How and Why a Trade Typesetter Chose \TeX" in the % 1988 TUG Conference Proceedings describes the course followed by another % Melbourne-based organisation (Trade Graphics Pty. Ltd.) as they migrated % from Compugraphic hardware. They run TeX on a Compaq 386 and continue % to send output to the CG8400. % % Tonkin, P. and Warman, A. 1988, {\it TUG Conference Proceedings}, % AMS, Providence, p. 61 There are a number of interesting things to note about CSIRO's operation. Most significant are the facts that \TeX\ is used to produce the {\sl entire} {\it Australian Journal of Physics\/}, the production is carried out on very inexpensive equipment (three MacIntoshes and a 600 dpi laser printer), and the journal's appearance does not suffer. % In fact, it looks pretty good. It is clear that the production offices of the AJSR chose \TeX\ because it was a sound commercial publishing solution, basically equivalent to the AIP's decision to use Xyvision. Furthermore, there is a striking similarity between the APS' and AJSR's use of author submissions in their production operations. Both offices {\sl translate} the author's markup (some dialect of \TeX) into an internal representation (Xyvision's proprietary language on one hand, a different dialect of \TeX\ on the other). We discuss this further below. %\newpage \subsection*{Discussion} In recent years, the exchange of manuscripts by electronic means has become more prevalent. We anticipate an increase in the use of electronic (computerized) methods for the production of commercially published material, including scholarly journals. % as indicated by our survey In order to shorten the time from submission of articles to publication and to decrease the costs of production, editors and publishers must be able to make direct use of author-prepared computerized manuscripts. However, for the usual cycles involved in review, acceptance, and editing of journal articles, a form that is readily manipulated by humans is desirable. ASCII text documents with embedded markup permits humans to read and edit while providing the tags necessary for a computer to process or translate the paper. A common {\sl form} for such markup facilitates the processing stages of the publishing operation. It is not important that the markup be identical in all cases, i.e., it is not necessary to declare a particular language or syntax as ``the standard''. What is essential is that the acceptable formats (markup languages) be sufficiently alike conceptually so that the translation or conversion between forms can be readily specified. % at the lexical level, not the grammatical. It is possible to make assertions about what properties a ``good'' markup language has for dealing with the documentation issues we are considering. Its principle attribute is that it {\sl identify the structure} of the document. Equally important is that certain relationships among components be enforced (e.g., it should not be permissible to place a running head in a section heading). Obviously, the markup should be ASCII strings. SGML is such a language; so, to a certain extent, is \LaTeX. As we have seen in the production of the {\it Physical Review\/} and the {\it Australian Journal of Physics\/}, \LaTeX\ markup can be translated into alternate formats suitable for commercial publications. As long as authors, editors, and publishers agree on good principles of structure, translations from one markup to another should be straightforward (Mamrak et al. 1987). The macros that we have developed on behalf of the AAS Working Group on Astronomical Software (Biemesderfer and Hanisch 1990) are intended as a working model for such principles. \begin{references} \reference Biemesderfer, C. D. and Hanisch, R. J. 1990, in publication. \reference Clarke, T. 1989, {\it ASJR\TeX\ User Manual}, CSIRO: Melbourne \reference Clarke, T. 1990, private communication \reference Mamrak, S. A., Kaelbing, M. J., Nicholas, C. K., and Share, M. 1987, {\it CACM}, {\bf 30}, 408 \reference Robertson, P. 1989, {\it Aust.J.Phys.}, {\bf 42}, 1 \reference Springer-Verlag. 1989, {\it Springer-Verlag \TeX\ AA macro package 1989}, Springer: Heidelberg \reference Sutherland, P. 1989, {\it Physical Review Input Guide for \TeX\ Author-Prepared Compuscripts}, APS: New York \end{references} \end{document}