% Sample University of Calgary Thesis % This file contains CHAPTER ONE \chapter{Introduction} \epigraph{The last years of the eighteenth century are broken by a discontinuity similar to that which destroyed Renaissance thought at the beginning of the seventeenth.}{Michael Foucault, \emph{The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences}} The text above is an \emph{epigraph}. In this typeface, you can have text in \textbf{boldface}, \emph{italics}, \textbf{\emph{bold italics}}, \textsl{slanted}, and \textsc{Small Caps}. Adjust the commands in the preamble of the main file provided (that's \verb+sample-thesis.tex+, which you should probably rename to something more descriptive, like \verb+your-name-thesis.tex+) if you don't like how this page looks. E.g., you can provide other options for a different font, or remove the \verb+manuscript+ option for a smaller font (11~pt) and one-and-a-half linespacing, for a neater, more compact look. See the \verb+README+ file or the comments in the main file for details. The appearance of chapter and section heads, the table of contents, footnotes, epigraphs (like the one above), and many other book design elements are controlled by commands provided by the \verb|memoir| class, which this thesis style uses. Consult the \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/memoir}{memoir manual} if you want to change it. However, the standard layout, page numbering, table of contents, etc., as provided by the \verb|ucalgmthesis| class complies with the requirements of the \href{https://grad.ucalgary.ca/current-students/thesis-based-students/thesis/building-thesis}{University of Calgary thesis formatting guidelines} (July 13, 2018 version). \section{Literature Review} \blindtext\pagenote{\blindtext} \blindtext[2] \begin{defn} A group~$G$ is said to be \emph{abelian} (or \emph{commutative}) if for every $a, b \in G$, $a \cdot b = b \cdot a$. \end{defn} \blindtext[2] \section{Contributions of the Thesis} \blindtext[3] \begin{table} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|c} A & B \\ \hline 1 & 2 \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{Letters and numbers} \end{table} \blindtext[3]