%\iffalse % local03.tex --- 01/09/93 % 28/10/96 % % Copyright (C) 1996 by Wenzel Matiaske, mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de % % As input to the local LaTeX-guide "`local.tex"'. % % For distribution of this document see the copyright notice in the % original sources mentioned below. % %\fi \makeatletter \newif\iflocalin \newif\ifappendixin \@ifundefined{localin}{\localintrue}{\localinfalse} \@ifundefined{appendixin}{\appendixinfalse}{\appendixintrue} \@ifundefined{docdir}{\def\docdir{\dots /emtex/doc/}}{} \@ifundefined{bibtex}{\def\bibtex{% {\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}}{} \@ifundefined{file}{\def\file#1{{\sl `#1'\/}}}{} \makeatother \iflocalin \subsubsection{The \bibtex\ Styles {\tt thesis}, {\tt journal}, and {\tt paper}} \fi \ifappendixin \subsection{The \bibtex\ Styles {\tt thesis}, {\tt journal}, and {\tt paper}} \fi The local style collection contains three `apalike' \bibtex-styles. The first one is called \verb|thesis.bst| and produces a bibliography equal to the format of the American Sociological Review. \verb|journal.bst| equals the standard `apalike' format. The format \verb|paper.bst| is designed for bibliographies in the style of the ``Handw\"{o}rterb\"{u}cher der Betriebs\-wirtschafts\-lehre'' (Gabler). The \bibtex-styles are multilingual and support a {\tt language} field in the bibliography database. These style files allow short citations via the commands \verb|\citeasnoun{|\emph{ref}\verb|}| or \verb|\cite*{|\emph{ref}\verb|}| (e.~g. Author (year)), \verb|\citeauthor|, and \verb|\citeyear|. The commands are defined in a corresponding \LaTeX{} package called \verb|mlbib|. The package works together with {\tt german.sty}, so the language can be changed with the \verb|\selectlanguage{\|\emph{language}\verb|}| command. Even if the {\tt language} field is used in the database, single lingual bibliographies can be produced with the package option \verb+singlelingual+. The package also supports changes of the citation and bibliography layout. The layout of the bibliography and the citations may be changed with the package options \verb+thesis+, \verb+journal+, and \verb+paper+ which provide some standard layout. These standard forms may be changed via the commands \verb+\bblfont{}+, \verb+\bblauthorfont{}+, \verb+\bbltitlefont{}+, \verb+\bblvolumefont{}+, \verb+\bblleft{}+, and \verb+\bblright{}+, which change the layout of the bibliography. The layout of citations may be modified with the commands \verb+\citeauthorfont{}+, \verb+\citebetween{}+, \verb+\citeleft{}+, \verb+\citeright{}+, \verb+\citeasnounleft{}+ and \verb+\citeasnounright{}+. \iflocalin For more details see the german documentation \file{\docdir thebib}. \fi