% !TEX root = ../my-thesis.tex % \chapter{Concepts: This text is here to test a very long title, to simulate the line break behavior, to show that an extremely long title also works} \label{sec:concepts} \cleanchapterquote{Users do not care about what is inside the box, as long as the box does what they need done.}{Jef Raskin}{about Human Computer Interfaces} \Blindtext[2][1] \section{Concepts Section 1} \label{sec:concepts:sec1} \Blindtext[2][2] \section{Concepts Section 2 with a very very long title that illustrates how long section titles are handled in the footer} \label{sec:concepts:sec2} \Blindtext[3][2] \section{Concepts Section 3} \label{sec:concepts:sec3} \Blindtext[4][2] \section{Conclusion} \label{sec:concepts:conclusion} \Blindtext[2][1]