% English keywords % Moreira, J. (moreira.jander@gmail.com) \AlgLanguageSet{english}{% description = Description, input = Input, output = Output, require = Require, ensure = Ensure, end = end, if = if, then = then, else = else, switch = switch, of = of, case = case, otherwise = otherwise, do = do, while = while, repeat = repeat, until = until, loop = loop, foreach = {for~each}, forall = {for~all}, for = for, to = to, downto = {down~to}, step = step, continue = continue, break = break, function = function, procedure = procedure, return = return, true = True, false = False, nil = Nil, read = read, write = write, set = set, } % Compound keywords \AlgLanguageSet{english}{ endwhile = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{while}, endfor = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{for}, endloop = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{loop}, endif = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{if}, endswitch = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{switch}, endcase = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{case}, endotherwise = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{otherwise}, endprocedure = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{procedure}, endfunction = \Keyword{end}~\Keyword{function}, }