% ASTROSYM.TEX : AstroSym (Version 2.20, Aug. 10, 2002) - file 8 of 8 % Peter Schmitt eMail: Peter.Schmitt@univie.ac.at % Institute of Mathematics, University of Vienna Vienna, Austria %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% style definitions and auxilary macros \newcount\n \newcount\last \def\nextchar{\ifnum \n<\last \char\n \hskip1mm plus.1mm minus.1mm \advance\n by 1 \let\next=\nextchar \else \let\next=\relax \fi \next} \def\showsinglesymbol#1[#2]{\leavevmode\vphantom{{\astro\char1 }} \n=#2 \Char\n \hskip3mm\relax#1\par} \def\showsymbol#1[#2]{\leavevmode\vphantom{{\astro\char1 }} \n=#2 \Char\n \advance\n by 100 \Char\n \advance\n by 100 \ifnum \n > 255 \advance\n -78 \fi \Char\n \hskip3mm\relax#1\par} \def\Char#1{\hbox to 10mm{\hfil[\the\n]\hskip2mm}% \hbox to12mm{\astro\char\n\hfil}\hskip1mm} \def\list{\begingroup\obeylines\everypar{\showsymbol}} \def\singlelist{\begingroup\obeylines\everypar{\showsinglesymbol}} \def\endlist{\endgroup} \def\show#1:#2 - #3 & #4 - #5 {% #1:\par {\astro \n=#2 \last=#3 \advance\last by 1 \nextchar \astro \n=#4 \last=#5 \advance\last by 1 \nextchar} \par} \font\astro=astrosym \overfullrule0pt\nopagenumbers \hsize16truecm \parindent0pt \parskip 10pt plus10pt %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \headline{% Astronomical Symbols -- Version 2.20 (August 2002) \hfill\the\year--\the\month--\the\day\ --- Page \the\pageno} %%% print all characters of AstroSym font \show `Calligraphic Version' : 0 - 55 & 56 - 69 \show `Uniform Version (Bold)' : 100 - 155 & 156 - 169 \show `Uniform Version (Thin)' : 200 - 255 & 178 - 191 \show extra symbols (single version) : 90 - 92 & 93 - 95 %%% show all symbols and their variants List of symbols: The planetary system: \list Sol [0] Mercurius [1] Venus [2] Terra [3] Terra 2 [29] Mars [4] Mars 2 [30] Iuppiter [5] Saturnus [6] Saturnus 2 [23] Uranus [7] Neptunus [8] Neptunus 2 [24] Pluto [9] Pluto 3 [31] Pluto 2 [25] Pluto 4 (tree) [56] Pluto 5 (cup) [57] Pluto 6 [68] Luna [10] Luna 2 [44] \endlist Planetoids (and related): \list Ceres [48] Ceres 2 [49] Juno [50] Juno 2 [51] Pallas [52] Vesta [53] Vesta 2 [54] Chiron [55] Chiron 2 [66] Lilith [67] \endlist The phases of the moon: \list full moon [39] (moon) first quarter [41] (moon) first quarter -- inverse [43] (moon 2) first quarter [45] (moon 2) first quarter -- inverse [47] Luna = (moon) last quarter [10] (moon) last quarter -- inverse [42] Luna 2 = (moon 2) last quarter [44] (moon 2) last quarter -- inverse [46] new moon [40] \endlist additional versions: \singlelist (moon face) full moon [90] (moon face) first quarter [93] (moon face) first quarter - inverse [95] (moon face) last quarter [92] (moon face) last quarter - inverse [94] (moon face) new moon [91] \endlist The signs of the zodiac: \list Aries [11] Taurus [12] Gemini [13] Cancer [14] Leo [15] Virgo [16] Libra [17] Libra 2 [26] Libra 3 [32] Scorpio [18] Sagittarius [19] Capricornus [20] Aquarius [21] Aquarius 2 [27] Aquarius 3 [28] Pisces [22] \endlist Various astronomical signs: \list Star [33] Comet [34] Meteor [35] Conjunction [36] Semi-sextile [58] Semi-quadrature [59] Sextile [60] Sextile 2 [69] Quadrature [38] Trigon [61] one and a half quadrature [62] Quincunx [63] Opposition [37] ascending node of moon [64] descending node of moon [65] \endlist \end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% end of ASTROSYM.TEX %%%