%% BEGIN filetest.tex % % This is test file for some of the PSTricks commands that % read from and write to files. % % Run with plain tex. % % You must have the epsf.tex macros, which are distributed with % Rokicki's dvips, and change the reference to \epsf below. % % This inputs filetest.raw, filetest.dat and filetest.eps. % It also write filetest.eps. % % If using Rokicki's dvips v5.47 or later, try % % dvips filetest -E-o % % to create an eps file filetest.ps from the whole picture. \input pstricks \input pst2eps \input pst-plot \input epsf \TeXtoEPS % Make an EPS picture out of .dvi file, with dvips -E. \pspicture(-5,-10)(10,10) % Test two similar ways to use data from a file: % \fileplot \AltClipMode \psclip{\psframe[linestyle=none](0,-10)(10,10)} \pscustom{% \fileplot{filetest.dat} \gsave \lineto(100,100) \lineto(0,100) \closedshadow \grestore} \endpsclip \psaxes(0,0)(-5,-10)(10,10) % And \readdata and \dataplot: \readdata\mydata{filetest.dat} \dataplot[plotstyle=dots,swapaxes=true]{\mydata} % Save some data: \savedata{\total}[ {{0,163},{1,187},{2,166},{3,232},{4,237},{5,201},{6,196},{7,203}}] \savedata{\general}[ {7,193}{6,182}{5,167}{4,153}{3,129}{2,108}{1,101}{0,104}] % Now make an EPS file from the graphics objects: \PSTtoEPS[bbury=5cm,bburx=10.5cm, bblly=2cm,bbllx=0cm,makeeps=all]{filetest.eps}{% % Now when I concatenate \total and \general, I get the points that % delineate the boundary for the area you want to fill. \psyunit=.02cm \psxunit=1.5cm \pscustom[plotstyle=curve,linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid, fillcolor=gray]{\listplot{\general}\listplot[liftpen=1]{\total}} \psset{plotstyle=curve,showpoints=true,dotscale=1.5} \listplot[dotstyle=pentagon*]{\total} \listplot[dotstyle=triangle]{\general} } % end \PSTtoEPS % Now use the EPS file just created: \rput[bl](-1,-10){\psdblframebox{\epsffile{filetest.eps}}} % Now try inputting raw ps code with \pscustom: \pscustom[shadowsize=5pt,origin={5,4}]{% \file{filetest.raw} \closepath \closedshadow} \endpspicture \endTeXtoEPS \bye %% END filetest.tex