This signature file may be used to cryptographically verify file integrity, like this:: $ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0xA16EB94D $ gpg --list-keys 0xA16EB94D pub 2048R/A16EB94D 2008-08-15 [expires: 2023-08-12] uid Turnkey Linux Release Key $ gpg --verify debian-7-turnkey-simplemachines_13.0-1_amd64.tar.gz.sig gpg: Signature made Wed Oct 16 10:17:52 UTC 2013 using RSA key ID A16EB94D gpg: Good signature from "Turnkey Linux Release Key" For your convenience we also include file checksums: * sha1sum a3a014d43bdefe6aa32963261cfa320ce309eabc * md5sum 359068af5439991e07b2e45555d0678f You can calculate these on your end and compare to check for errors, but cryptographic verification is recommended for security reasons. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJSXmfKAAoJEIXCXpWhbrlNYJcIAORSxk8MubS6OMh6ABt10mJ7 mPaKm/oynZlyRHdRmnaK+Xy0Lte7subFG/cDY3ZMUFtggBXYIIdbsv8IHb/xgvll E827MI4/1/PiE7jaQp07jnPkKGaVuRy8WCLSgztktGfjOUltATM1RTvuNxMKnsHz kfY8HTpdsvo0raN0ohM8DmUY5JIG6oMmOGbalIpZiueo3Vae0XGYv1UWlcEs4bgh 9c+qMW2viDPN0XyjJR+qlJOpD7Sk4sO66ypJU9VSraKxbTBqALKuI9VYx9/7mIWh QxpvmUlMAb6BEVMVlTDmESCUpptOFuE+WHYeyc6JhV8zPiG4Z/enBUB/M8zY0rA= =w7JA -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----