This signature file may be used to cryptographically verify file integrity, like this:: $ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0xA16EB94D $ gpg --list-keys 0xA16EB94D pub 2048R/A16EB94D 2008-08-15 [expires: 2023-08-12] uid Turnkey Linux Release Key $ gpg --verify turnkey-joomla15-13.0rc3-wheezy-amd64.iso.sig gpg: Signature made Fri Sep 13 08:07:11 UTC 2013 using RSA key ID A16EB94D gpg: Good signature from "Turnkey Linux Release Key" For your convenience we also include file checksums: * sha1sum baf28df9256db673e483c7a6d35788f65a14a2e8 * md5sum 72b08181afd6fdd1c6c90d1095f70c53 You can calculate these on your end and compare to check for errors, but cryptographic verification is recommended for security reasons. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJSMsenAAoJEIXCXpWhbrlNQxUH/0jlluJdnokAka3trmcEGlO3 CDQ+wK1Aase0eaWy9d3+TMZT1rDYS2l44nVZiJcHb0F7yTX5uRBXzHHHJnlkqD49 xWXqXKfl9gsLdkUTLqV3i8NLtL1ZueI1yNJRnYpTXZBZ66lJC/RbAe/6S7/qvwCV 2FUKhMjDs9DUjU4rIZt3Vi7ZDV0fSrqzywliNfCoxFRgk+w0TDZEMgPWLhBDdvUo 4xYSlXiA6xCBsTYcG/7HFJSELc+N+poHnHg6F7+siF9C0+Uc7BZqDpqzqyQ2Nbtn if4vk/6u5lR4YYw6iCZj2C7jrMiOz+dd+mLc4LCNeuozqnZxuvGYMYZ7FABRKP8= =XQBp -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----