-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+ require "lfs" -- @param mode directly passed to PlantUML. Recommended: png, svg, pdf (requires Apache Batik to convert svg to pdf) function convertPlantUmlToTikz(jobname, mode) local plantUmlSourceFilename = jobname .. "-plantuml.txt" local plantUmlTargetFilename = jobname .. "-plantuml." .. mode if not (lfs.attributes(plantUmlSourceFilename)) then texio.write_nl("Source " .. plantUmlSourceFilename .. " does not exist.") return end local plantUmlJar = os.getenv("PLANTUML_JAR") if not plantUmlJar then texio.write_nl("Environment variable PLANTUML_JAR not set.") return end texio.write("Executing PlantUML... ") local cmd = "java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar " .. plantUmlJar .. " -charset UTF-8 -t" if (mode == "latex") then cmd = cmd .. "latex:nopreamble" -- plantuml has changed output format in https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml/pull/1237 plantUmlTargetFilename = jobname .. "-plantuml.tex" else cmd = cmd .. mode end -- delete generated file to ensure they are really recreated os.remove(plantUmlTargetFilename) cmd = cmd .. " " .. plantUmlSourceFilename texio.write_nl(cmd) local handle,error = io.popen(cmd) if not handle then texio.write_nl("Error during execution of PlantUML.") texio.write_nl(error) return end io.close(handle) if not (lfs.attributes(plantUmlTargetFilename)) then texio.write_nl("PlantUML did not generate anything.") handle = io.open(plantUmlTargetFilename, "w") handle:write("Error during latex code generation") io.close(handle) return end end