\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{graphics} % Enables inclusion of SVG graphics - 1:1 approach % This is NOT the approach of https://ctan.org/pkg/svg-inkscape % which allows text in SVG to be typeset using LaTeX. % We just include the SVG as is. \usepackage{epstopdf} \epstopdfDeclareGraphicsRule{.svg}{pdf}{.pdf}{% inkscape #1 --export-filename=\OutputFile } \usepackage[output=svg]{plantuml} \begin{document} \begin{plantuml} @startuml () "Interface 2" as I2 () "Interface 3" as I3 [component 1] as c1 [component 2] as c2 [component 3] as c3 c1 -- I2 c1 -- I3 I2 )-- c2 I3 )-- c3 @enduml \end{plantuml} \end{document}