%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ROHYPHEN.TEX, version 1.1 <29.10.1996> R [7.11.1996] %% %% (C) 1995-1996 Adrian Rezus [adriaan@{sci,cs}.kun.nl] %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Romanian TeX hyphenation table: NFSS 2 encoding, medium. %% Contents: 647 Romanian hyphen patterns, with diacritics. %% %% This file is part of the Romanian TeX system. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Romanian TeX, version 1.3R <29.10.1996> %% %% (C) 1994-1996 Adrian Rezus %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% History: %% ROHYPHEN.TEX 1.0 <10.02.1995>: Plain TeX and LaTeX 2.09. %% ROHYPHEN.TEX 1.1 <29.10.1996>: Plain TeX and LaTeX2e. % % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % NB This file must be used in conjunction with either one of % % (1) ROMANIAN.TEX v1.2(R) [1994-1995] [(La)TeX] or % (2) ROMANIAN.STY v1.3R [1996] [(La)TeX(2e)] % % NB Romanian has LR-HYPHEN-MINs [2 2] (like German)! % NB Romanian has STRUCTURAL HYPHEN-AMBIGUA: % i.e., words that canNOT be hyphenated correctly without % additional (e.g., semantic, stress-mark) information. % -------------------------------------------------------- % The Romanian TeX encoding of the Romanian diacritics: % -------------------------------------------------------- % Romanian TeX DQ-macro encodings = (La)TeX macros % -------------------------------------------------------- % "a = \u{a} [-] \u{A} [not encoded] % "A = \^{a} [-] \^{A} [not encoded] % "i = \^{\i} "I = \^{I} % "s = \c{s} "S = \c{S} % "t = \c{t} "T = \c{T} % ------------------------------------------------------------- % NB Romanian \^{a} behaves like \^{\i} as regards hyphenation. % NB The capital \u{A} and \^{A} are rare in script; as such, % they occur only in records of the Romanian substandard. % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % \message{Romanian Hyphenation Patterns: `rohyphen' 1.1 <29.10.1996>} % \begingroup % keep this local \ifnum 0\ifx\inputlineno\undefined \else \ifnum\inputlineno<1 \else 1\fi\fi<1 \let\x=\endgroup \else \def\x{\endgroup % % The following commands insure correct \catcodes, \lccodes and % \uccodes, if the host TeX implementation uses these char-codes. % \catcode"A0=11 \catcode"80=11 % \u{a} and \u{A} \catcode"E2=11 \catcode"C2=11 % \^{a} and \^{A} % \catcode"EE=11 \catcode"CE=11 % \^{\i} and \^{I} % \catcode"B3=11 \catcode"93=11 % \c{s} and \c{S} \catcode"B5=11 \catcode"95=11 % \c{t} and \c{T} % \lccode"80="A0 \uccode"80="80 \lccode"A0="A0 \uccode"A0="80 % lc = uc (?) \lccode"E2="C2 \uccode"E2="E2 \lccode"C2="C2 \uccode"C2="E2 % lc = uc (?) % \lccode"EE="CE \uccode"EE="EE \lccode"CE="CE \uccode"CE="EE % \lccode"93="B3 \uccode"93="93 \lccode"B3="B3 \uccode"B3="93 \lccode"95="B5 \uccode"95="95 \lccode"B5="B5 \uccode"B5="95 } \fi % Make these changes effective for TeX 3.x: \x % % Define next commands that might be used inside the patterns % (local use: the rest of the file can be enclosed in a group). % \begingroup % % As we might be willing to use things like ^^e4, ^^f6, ... in the % following definition, we must insure that the catcodes of ^^e and % ^^f would work for TeX 2 too. % \catcode"0E=12 \catcode"0F=12 % % Comply with German TeX [see `romanian.dtx'] (not actually needed): % \catcode`\^^Y=11 \lccode`\^^Y=`\^^Y % allow ^^Y in hyphen patterns % % Check the hyphen table integrity by a DQ-macro: % \catcode`\"=13 \def"#1{\ifx#1a^^a0\else \ifx#1A^^e2\else \ifx#1i^^ee\else \ifx#1s^^b3\else \ifx#1t^^b5\else \errmessage{Hyphenation pattern file corrupted!}% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} % % % Allow using this file with TeX 2 and TeX 3. \ifnum 0\ifx\inputlineno\undefined \else \ifnum\inputlineno<1 \else 1\fi\fi<1 % for TeX 2: % ignore patterns with diacritics [DQ-escaped] \def\n#1{} % ignore duplicated patterns [CM fonts] (unused in v1.1) %\def\c#1{} % Other commands (example): % from German TeX: define \3 to be code ^^Y (\ss in CM layout) %\def\3{^^Y} \else % for TeX 3: % accept patterns with diacritics [DQ-escaped] \def\n#1{#1} % accept duplicated patterns [CM fonts] (unused in v1.1) %\def\c#1{#1} % no fonts with a CM layout (unused in v1.1) %\def\c#1{} % Other commands (example): % from German TeX: define \3 to be code `\^^ff (\ss in DC/EC layout) %\def\3{^^ff} % from German TeX: define \9 to be code `\^^Y (\ss in CM layout) %\def\9{^^Y} \fi % % \catcode`\"=11 \lccode`\"=`\" % makeDQletter [for Romanian TeX] % \patterns{ % PatGen2-output hyphen-level 9: do NOT modify this by hand! .a3ic .a4n3is .a2z .cre1 .de2aj .de2z1 .g4 .i2a .i2e \n{.i3"t} .i4u3 .i3v \n{."i4m} .n2 .ni2 .p4 \n{.pre3"s} .s4 \n{."s4} .u4i .u5ni .z2 a1 \n{2ac"a} achi5 a3e afo3 a3i2a a3i2e a3il ai3s2 a3iu alie6 2alt a2m a2n 2an. a5n2e ani2e \n{ani3"s4} an4s 2anu an2z ao2g ati4a 2atr a5t4u \n{2a"ta} \n{2a"t"a} 2au a3ua a3ud a3ug a3ul a3un a3ur a3us a3ute \n{a3u2"t} a3uz \n{2"a1} \n{"a3i} \n{"ai2e} \n{"a2m2} \n{"anu3} \n{"argi5} \n{"a3"s} \n{"a4"s3t} \n{"a2ti.} \n{"ati4e} \n{"a3u} \n{"a3v} \n{"a2zi} 1b 2b. \n{ba2"t} \n{b"anu5} 2bc 2bd bi2a. bi2at bi2e 3bii b2l 3b4lim b4lu bo1 bo3ric 2bs 2bt \n{2b"t} \n{b"ti4ne.} bu3 1c 4c. ca3ut \n{c"a2c} \n{c"atu5} 2cc ce2a \n{ce2"t} 2chi. 2ci. ci3ale ci2o cis2 ci3sp ciza2 c4l 2cm 2c5n \n{copia2t"a} \n{co2"t} 2cs 2ct \n{2c"t} cu3im 3cul \n{cu2"t} 2cv 1d 4d. da4m \n{da2"t} 2dc de4sc dez3in di2an \n{dia2t"a} 2dj 2dm 2d1n do4il 3du e1ac e1aj e1al \n{e1a"s} e1at \n{ea2"t} e1av ebu5i 2ec eci2a ecla2re edi4ulu e3e ee2a 1efa e1h e3i2a e3i2e e3ii e3il e3im e3in e3i2o e3i3s2 e3it e3i4u \n{e1"i} 2el e2m emon5 2en e5ne e1o1 e3on e1r 2era \n{2er"a} 2erc 2e2s es3co es5ti \n{2e"s} \n{e3"si} \n{etan4"t} \n{2e"t} e3u \n{eu5"s} 1evit e2x 2ez \n{ez"a5} ezi3a e2z1o 1f4 2f. 3fa \n{3f"a"s} 2fi. fi3e 3fo 2ft f5tu 1g2 2g. \n{g"a3"t} 2ghi. 2gi. g4l 2g3m 2g3n go5n 3gu3 2g3v 2h. 2hi. hi2a hi3c hi4u 2h1n 2i1 4i. 3i2ac ia3g4 i2ai \n{i2a"s} \n{ia2"t} \n{i3c"a} i2ed i3ia i3ie i3ii i3il i3in i3ir i3it \n{iitu2r"a} \n{i2"i} 4ila i3le i3lo imateri6 i2n i4n1ed \n{in2g"a} \n{in"ti4i} 3inv i3od i3oni \n{io2"t} \n{ip"a5} i2s is3f 4isp \n{i"s3t} i5ti \n{i"ti2a} \n{i3"ti2o} i3ua i3ul i3um i3und i3unu i3us i3ut iz3v \n{"i2} \n{"i3d} \n{"i3e} \n{"i3lo} \n{"ina3} \n{"in5"s} \n{"i3ri} \n{"i3r"i} \n{"ir5"s} \n{"i"s3t} \n{"i3t} \n{"i4ti} \n{"i3"t} \n{"i4"ti} \n{"i5"tii} \n{"i3z} 1j 2j. 2jd 2ji. \n{ji2"t} 2jl j4u ju3t 1k 1l 4l. \n{lara"ti2} \n{l"a2ti} \n{l"atu5} 2lb 2lc 2ld le2a 2lf 2lg 4li. li3a li3e li3o 2lm 2l5n 2lp 2ls \n{2l3"s} 2lt \n{2l"t} 3lu 2lv 1m 2m. 3ma \n{3m"a} 2mb \n{mbl"in3} 3me me2z 2mf 3mi 4mi. \n{mi2"t} \n{3m"i} 2m1n 3mo mon4 2mp 2m3s2 2mt \n{2m"t} 3mu \n{mu2"t} 2mv 4n. 3na 4n1ad na3in \n{3n"a} 2nc n2cis n2ciz 2nd 3ne ne1ab ne1an ne1ap 4nef 4n1eg ne3s2 4nevi 4n1ex 2ng \n{ng3"at} 3ni 4ni. ni3ez \n{3n"i} n3j n1n 3no \n{no4"s} n1r 2n3s2 ns3f \n{n4s"i} ns3po \n{n3"s2} \n{n4"si} 2nt n5ti n5t4u \n{2n"t} 5nu nu3a \n{nu3"a} nu5m nu3s2 2nz o1ag o2al o2bi. 2oca ocu5i 2od odi2a o3e o3i2 oiecti2 oi3s2p omedi2e. om4n 2on o1o opi3e opla2 oplagi2 o1ra \n{o1r"a} or2c o1re o1ri o2ric \n{o1r"i} o1ro or2te. o1ru os5ti \n{o3"si} \n{ota"ti4} o5ti ot3od o3u 1p2 2p. 3pa \n{p"ar3"t} 2p3c \n{pec"ti2} \n{pe2"t} 2pi. pi2e pi3e. pi3ez pi3o \n{pi2"t} pi2z p4l \n{po4"s} \n{po2"t} 2p3s \n{2p3"s} 2p3t \n{2p3"t} \n{p4"ti.} pu3b4 puri2e \n{pu4"s} 4r. 2rb 2rc 2rd r2e re2bi recizi2 re3s2cr \n{re4"si} 2rf 2rg 2r1h 4ri. ri3a ri4ali \n{ri3e"t} ri3ez ri5mi 2ri3un ri3v 2rk 2rl 2rm 2r1n \n{rna2"t} rografi6 2rp 2r1r 2rs2 r3sp r3st \n{2r3"s} 2rt rtua2le \n{2r"t} ru3il ru3sp 2rv 2rz 1s 4s. 5sa \n{5s"a} \n{s"a4m} \n{s"a4"s} 2sc 4sc. 3s2co 3se se2a se4e. ses2 se3sp \n{se4"s} 4s2f \n{5sf"i} 3si si3p \n{3s"i} 3s4l 4sm s1n 3so so3ric 2sp 2st sto3 5su \n{su2"t} \n{2"s} \n{4"s.} \n{3"sa} \n{"sa2"t} \n{3"s"a2} \n{3"se} \n{1"si} \n{4"si.} \n{5"sii} \n{5"sil} \n{3"sin} \n{3"s"i} \n{4"s5n} \n{"snu5} \n{3"so} \n{"s2p} \n{"s2ti} \n{4"sti.} \n{4"s3tr} \n{3"su} 1t2 4t. ta3ut 2t3c 2t3d te2a te5ni \n{teri6al"a} te3s2p 2t3f 4ti. ti3a ti3e 3tii. 3til 3tin \n{ti2"t} \n{2t"i.} t4l 2t3m 3tol 3tor to2to 3tru. 3trul 3truo 4t3s2 2t3t tu3a tu3im 4t3un \n{tu4"s} 4t3z \n{1"t} \n{2"t.} \n{3"ta} \n{3"t"a} \n{"te2"t} \n{2"ti.} \n{3"tia} \n{"ti3a.} \n{3"tie} \n{3"tii} \n{3"til} \n{"ti2"t} \n{3"tiu} \n{"tu3} \n{"tu5i} 2u1 6u. u2a. u2ad u3au \n{u"a3} \n{u"as2} u2bia u2b3l u2b1o ub3s2 u3e 4ugu u3i2a u3i2e u3in u3ir u3is u3it \n{u3i2"t} u3iz u2l u3la \n{u3l"a} u3le \n{u3lii} \n{u3l"i} u3lo umi5r ur2z u2s us2pr u4st \n{u3"s} \n{u4"st} u2to 3utor u3ui u3um 1v 2v. ve5ni \n{ve2"t} ve2z 2vi. \n{vi2"t} 2v1n vorbito2 3vr 1x 2x. 3xa \n{3x"a} 3xe xe2z 3xi 3xo 3xu 1z 2z. \n{za2"t} 2zb 2z2g 2zi. zi2an zi2ar 3zii 3zil z4m 2z1n 3z2ol 3zon \n{zu2"t} 2z2v \n{z3v"a} } \endgroup \relax\endinput % End of file ROHYPHEN.TEX