% Part of BGHYPHEN package, version 1.5, May 2006. % Georgi Boshnakov, School of Mathematics, The Universify of Manchester % (Google my surname to find out my email address.) % % set catcodes for the lowercase Bulgarian letters in MIK (BDS) encoding % % Copyright 1996-2006 Georgi Boshnakov % % This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \catcode 160=12 % \cyra \catcode 161=12 % \cyrb \catcode 162=12 % \cyrv \catcode 163=12 % \cyrg \catcode 164=12 % \cyrd \catcode 165=12 % \cyre \catcode 166=12 % \cyrzh \catcode 167=12 % \cyrz \catcode 168=12 % \cyri \catcode 169=12 % \cyrishrt \catcode 170=12 % \cyrk \catcode 171=12 % \cyrl \catcode 172=12 % \cyrm \catcode 173=12 % \cyrn \catcode 174=12 % \cyro \catcode 175=12 % \cyrp \catcode 176=12 % \cyrr \catcode 177=12 % \cyrs \catcode 178=12 % \cyrt \catcode 179=12 % \cyru \catcode 180=12 % \cyrf \catcode 181=12 % \cyrh \catcode 182=12 % \cyrc \catcode 183=12 % \cyrch \catcode 184=12 % \cyrsh \catcode 185=12 % \cyrshch \catcode 186=12 % \cyrhrdsn \catcode 187=12 % \cyrery \catcode 188=12 % \cyrsftsn \catcode 189=12 % \cyrerev \catcode 190=12 % \cyryu \catcode 191=12 % \cyrya