mode_setup; ht# := 2.4mm#; rm# := 0.72mm#; brm# := 1.08mm#; twd# := 1.75mm#; uwidth# := twd#; define_pixels(rm,twd,uwidth,brm); define_whole_pixels(ht); rot = 135; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % the following parameters determine the line-thicknes. % the line-thicknes varies between thin# and thick#, depending on the % angle between the pen and the direction of writing. % for strokes in subscripts it varies between subthick# and thin#. thick# := 1.3pt#; thin# := 0.2pt#; subthick# := .9pt#; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% font_size 12pt#; font_quad 1.5twd#+rm#; font_x_height .7rm#; font_normal_space:=1.2twd#; font_normal_stretch:=.6twd#; font_normal_shrink:=.4twd#; font_identifier:="GRMK12"; \input defs \input gmchars