\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{polyglossia} \setmainlanguage{english} \setotherlanguage[variant=polytonic]{greek} \setmainfont % load font from path [ %Path = C:/Windows/Fonts/, Extension = .otf, UprightFont = LinLibertine_R, BoldFont = LinLibertine_RZ, % Linux Libertine O Regular Semibold ItalicFont = LinLibertine_RI, BoldItalicFont = LinLibertine_RZI, % Linux Libertine O Regular Semibold Italic ] {libertine} \newfontfamily\greekfont{Linux Libertine O} \newfontfamily\greekGFS{GFS Neohellenic} \newfontfamily\baske[Mapping=greektonoi]{GFS Baskerville} \setmonofont[Scale=0.75]{DejaVu Sans Mono} \newfontfamily\ariall{Arial} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{greektonoi} \title{Documentation for the {\sf greektonoi.sty} package and {\sf greektonoi.map} mapping.} \author{Charalampos Milt. Cornaros\thanks{ Questions, commentary and bug reports to \texttt{kornaros@aegean.gr} please.}} \date{2016/01/01} \let\tb=\textbackslash \newcommand*{\cellpar}[1]{\parbox[b]{0.50\textwidth}{#1}} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} The \textsf{greektonoi} package offers the possibility to directly type or paste in ancient Greek texts with diacritical marks and transforming monotonic texts to polytonic ones. To insert accents and breathings we use a method similar to the common \texttt{Beta Code} convention. This file documents version 0.2 of \textsf{greektonoi.sty}. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \begin{english} %\addtocontents{toc}{\textbf{English Version}\par} \addtocontents{toc}{ ~\hfill\textbf{Page}\par} \section{Introduction} The polytonic(multi-accents) writing system in Greece was abolished by the Greek parliament since 1982. However, the need for using it has not been eliminated. Many publishing houses, the Orthodox Church of Greece, writers, scholars and other individuals continue to write by using the polytonic system. Fortunatelly, almost all the monotonic and polytonic Greek characters are included in the Unicode sets by the \url{www.unicode.org}: \texttt{Unicode Greek and Coptic code set} (with codes U + 0370 - U+03FF), \texttt{Greek Extended code set} (from U + 1F00 - U+1FFF) and \texttt{Combining Diacritical Marks code set} ( U + 0300 - U+036F) as well. The Greek diphthong (δίφθογος) ‘ου’ is one of the few letter combinations that are not included (see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ou_(ligature)} ). In general, writing in the polytonic system (in electronic devices) remains a difficult problem. The problem has been successfully confronted with \TeX{} and its branches. We created a package {\sf greektonoi.sty } and a map file {\sf greetonoi.map} that gives us the opportunity to include pollytonic letters in our texts by using the \XeTeX{} engine. They can also be used in order to easily (though not automatically) convert monotonic texts into polytonic ones. \section{Design Details} Writing polytonic texts in \LaTeX{} can be usually performed by using the Greek option of \textsf{babel} package. So with the instruction: \begin{center} \verb'\usepackage[polutonikogreek]{babel}' \end{center} in the preamble of our file, we can immediately start writing a polytonic text. The insertion of accents and breathings is an easy task without using any special combinations of keys and dead keys directly from the keyboard. The encodings are: to insert the greek accent(tonos) we simply use the symbol '( U+0027), we put the diaeresis using the symbol " (U+0022). For the acute accent we use the same character as for the greek accent, we insert the vareia(grave) with the symbol `(U+ 0060) and the circumflex (perispomeni) with the symbol \char"007E {}(U+007E). The encodings for the breathings are: we use the symbol >(U+003E) for the psili(smooth, lenis), we use the symbol <(U+003C) for the daseia (asper, dense) and for the iota subscript (υπογεγραμμένη) we use the symbol |(U+OO7C). In order to write, for example, the word ἁμαρτία we simply insert >. Λέγει δ\βε το\πυ{}το ο\ψυ καταθρασυνόμενος, \ψα{}λλ\βά πειθαρχ\πών μόνον κα\βι ε\ψυ{}νο\πων α\ψυ{}τ\πμη. } \end{document} \end{verbatim} It should be noted that the use of the double \{\} is necessary to separate a command from the rest of the word. For example: \tb ψαπολαμβανούσ\tb ημ is not correct because there is no command named \tb ψαπολαμβανούσ The \{\} combination separates the initial ἀ (written with the command \tb ψα) of the word ἀπολαμβανούσῃ from πολαμβανούσ\ημ (which uses the command \tb ημ or equivalently the \tb μη to put the iota subscript below η). It should be also noted that if a space or other any final character (comma, semicolon, colon, quotation mark and so on) follows then the use of \{\} is not nessesary. We can alternatively use the commands \tb / or \tb ] to avoid in this case the use of {\sf Shift} key to type the \{\}. We could also use the tilde character \verb'~' (U + 007E) for this case. Certainly, the latter uses the {\sf Shift} key so the time required for typing of \tb ] (two characters), for example, is the same as the time required for the combination {\sf Shift + tilde}. If we prefer the tilde symbol for separation purposes then we should put the command \verb'\tildeON' somewhere in the beginning of main part of the code. The command \verb'\tildeOFF' restores the \char"007E (tilde) to its normal \LaTeX{} use. \vspace{1em}\\ \noindent {\bf Example:} \tb ψα\tb ]πόλαβε or equivalently \tb tildeON .... \tb ψα\char"007E πόλαβε ....\tb tildeOFF \section{Final Comments} The {\sf greektonoi.sty} package must be stored at the same folder in which we save our code or it must be installed in our \TeX{} system. It can be used with the {\sf greektonoi.tec} or independently. It offers tremendous possibilities concerning typing polytonic greek easily or converting monotonic to polytonic using simple commands. Many commands are stored within the package through which typing even archaic greek letters could be performed. For example, to insert the left double quotes (U + 00AB, «) we can use the command \tb << while the corresponding right quotes(U + 00BB, ») are inserted with the command \tb >>. To obtain the semicolon (U + 0387, Greek ano teleia) we use the command \tb ; There is also the possibility to introduce numerals of the Greek system such as sambi ϡ and Ϡ (ie. the greek small letter sampi and letter sampi respectively) with the commands \tb σαμ and \tb Σαμ respectively. There are quite a few archaic symbols like digamma \Γγ(U + 03DC, Digamma) and \γγ(U + 03DD, small digamma) using the commands \tb Γγ and \tb γγ respectively and many other commands for almost every greek symbol included in the unicode code sets mentioned in the introduction. We can find them by an inspection of the table below. \section{Acknowledgements} I would like to thank the associate professor Antonis Tsolomitis of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Aegean for pointing out an error during the design process of the first version of {\sf greektonoi.map} and also miss Margaret Christoforatou student of the Department of Mathematics in the University of Aegean who helped me translate this documentation at English. \section{List of {\sf greektonoi} commands} \begin{longtable}{@{}lll@{}}\toprule \multicolumn{1}{l}{Command}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Output}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Example} %\hline \\\midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf greektonoi.map}}\endfirsthead \multicolumn{1}{l}{Command}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Output}&\multicolumn{1}{l}{Example}\\\midrule \endhead \midrule \char"0028{} or [ for daseia & ῾ & [α \char"21D2{} ἁ\\ \char"0029{} or ] for psili & ᾿ & )α \char"21D2{} ἀ\\ | or - for iota subscript & ͅ & η| or η- or |η or -η \char"21D2{} ῃ\\ " or + for diairesis & ¨ & "υ \char"21D2{} ϋ, "ύ \char"21D2{} ΰ \\ = for circumflex & ͂ & =ω \char"21D2{} ῶ\\ ` or ' for grave (bareia) & ` & `o or 'ο or 'ό or `ό \char"21D2{} ὸ \\ / or ; (in Greek Keyboard) for accute (oxeia) & ´ & /ο or ό \char"21D2{} ό \\ \midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf greektonoi.sty}}\\ \midrule \tb -- & – & \\ \tb --- & — & \\ \tb / or \tb ] or \{ \} & (to insert \{\}) & \\ \tb << & \char"00AB & \\ \tb >> & \char"00BB & \\ \tb (( & \char"201C & \\ \tb )) & \char"201D & \\ \tb ; & \; & \\ \tb \char"007E & \~ & \\ \tb ααπ (left(α) single quotation(απ) mark) & \ααπ & \\ \tb δαπ (right(δ) single quot. mark) & \δαπ & κα\tb βι \{\}\tb δαπ\tb δαπ \char"21D2{} κα\βι{}\δαπ\δαπ \\\midrule δ for daseia & ῾ & \tb δα \char"21D2{} ἁ\\ ψ for psili & ᾿ & \tb ψα \char"21D2{} ἀ\\ μ for iota subscript & ͅ & \tb μη or \tb ημ \char"21D2{} ῃ\\ λ for diairesis & ¨ & \tb λυ \char"21D2{} ϋ, \tb λύ \char"21D2{} \λύ\\ π for circumflex & ͂ & \tb πω \char"21D2{} \πω \\ β for grave (bareia) & ` & \tb βι \char"21D2{} \βι \\ τ for accute (oxeia) & ´ & \tb τι \char"21D2{} \τι\\ \tb κρν (koronis) & ᾽& \\\midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Macron and Vrachy vowels}}\\\midrule \tb βρχα (alpha with vrachy)& ᾰ& \\ \tb μκρα (alpha with macron)& ᾱ& \\ \tb βρχΑ (capital alpha with vrachy) & \βρχΑ & \\ \tb μκρΑ (capital alpha with macron) & \μκρΑ& \\ \tb βρχι (iota with vrachy) & ῐ & \\ \tb μκρι (iota with macron) & ῑ & \\ \tb βρχΙ (capital iota with vrachy) & \βρχΙ & \\ \tb μκρΙ (capital iota with macron) & \μκρΙ& \\ \tb βρχυ (upsilon with vrachy)& ῠ& \\ \tb μκρυ (upsilon with macron)& ῡ& \\ \tb βρχΥ (capital upsilon with vrachy) & Ῠ& \\ \tb μκρY (capital upsilon with macron) & Ῡ& \\\midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Rounded forms}}\\\midrule \tb εβ (beta symbol)&\εβ & \εβ vs. β\\ \tb εθ(theta symbol)& \char"03D1 & \εθ vs. θ\\ \tb εΘ(capital theta symbol) & \εΘ & \εΘ vs. Θ \\ \tb εφ (phi symbol) & \char"03D5 & \εφ vs. φ\\ \tb επ (pi symbol) & \char"03D6 & \επ vs. π\\ \tb ερ (rho symbol)& \char"03F1 & \ερ vs. ρ\\ \tb εκ (kappa symbol)& \char"03F0 & \εκ vs. κ \\ \tb εε or \tb ηε(lunate epsilon symbol) & \char"03F5 & \εε vs. ε \\\midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Archaic letters}}\\\midrule \tb γρ (rho ρ with stroke i.e. {\bf γ}ραμμή) & {\ariall \char"03FC} & \\ \tb ησ (small lunate sigma {\bf η}μισέλινο {\bf σ}ίγμα) & \char"03F2 & \\ \tb Ησ or \tb ηΣ(Capital lunate sigma {\bf Η}μισέλινο {\bf Σ}ίγμα)& \char"03F9 & \\ \cellpar{\tb Ητσ or \tb ητΣ \\(Capital dotted lunate sigma - {\bf Η}μισέλινο Σίγμα {\bf τ}ελίτσα)} & \char"03FE & \\ \tb ητσ (small dotted lunate sigma) & \char"037C & \\ \tb αηε (reversed(α) lunate(η) epsilon(ε) symbol)& \αηε & \\ \tb αησ (small reversed lunate sigma)& \char"037B & \\ \tb Αησ or \tb αηΣ (Capital reversed(Α) lunate(η) sigma(σ)) & \char"03FD & \\ \cellpar{\tb Αητσ or \tb αητΣ \\(Capital reversed dotted lunate sigma)}& \char"03FF & \\ \tb ατσ (reversed dotted sigma)& \char"037D & \\ \tb γΥ (Upsilon with hook(γ) symbol)& \char"03D2 & \\ \tb γΎ (Upsilon with acute and hook symbol)& \char"03D3 & \\ \cellpar{\tb λγΥ or \tb γΫ \\(Upsilon with diaeresis(λ) and hook(γ) symbol)}& \char"03D4 & \\ \tb ιωτ(greek letter yot) & \char"03F3 & \\ \tb σαν (small letter san)& \char"03FB & \\ \tb Σαν (capital letter San)& {\ariall \char"03FA} & \\ \tb σχω (greek small letter sho)& \char"03F8 & \\ \tb Σχω (capital letter Sho)& {\ariall \char"03F7} & \\\midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Ου Diphthongs}}\\\midrule \tb Ου or \tb Λου (Latin Capital Script Ou)& \char"0222 & \\ \tb ου or \tb λου (Latin small Script ou)& \char"0223 & \\ \tb Κου (Cyrillic uppercase letter monograph Uk) & \char"A64A & \\ \tb κου (Cyrillic lower letter monograph Uk ) & \char"A64B & \\ \midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Greek Numeral Signs and Numerals}}\\\midrule \cellpar{\tb καχ or ακ\\ (lower(κ) numeral(α) sign for thousands(χ) or left(α) keraia(κ))} & \καχ &\\ \cellpar{\tb ααμ or δκ \\(upper(α) numeral(α) sign for smaller values(μ) or right(δ) keraia)} & \ααμ & \tb ακ εωοε\tb δκ \char"21D2{} \ακ εωοε\δκ\\ \tb διγ or \tb γγ or \tb δγ (small digamma)& \char"03DD & \\ \tb Διγ or \tb Γγ or \tb Δγ (Capital digamma)& \char"03DC & \\ \tb κοπ (small letter koppa)& \char"03DF & \\ \tb Κοπ (Capital letter koppa)& \char"03DE & \\ \tb Ακοπ or \tb αΚοπ or \tb Κοφ (archaic(A) koppa) & \char"03D8 & \\ \tb ακοπ or \tb κοφ (small archaic koppa)& \char"03D9 & \\ \tb σαμ (sampi)& \char"03E1 & \\ \tb Σαμ (Sampi)& \char"03E0 & \\ \tb στ (small stigma)& \char"03DB & \\ \tb Στ (capital stigma) & \char"03DA & \\\midrule \multicolumn{3}{c}{{\bf Some useful combinations}}\\\midrule \tb ός or \tb τος & \τος& \\ \tb άν or \tb ταν & άν& \\ \tb έν or \tb τεν & έν& \\ \tb ήν or \tb την & ήν& \\ \tb όν or \tb τον& όν& \\ \tb ύν or \tb τυν& \ύν& \\ \tb ών or \tb των& ών& \\ \tb άς or \tb τας& άς& \\ \tb έρ or \tb τερ& έρ& \\ \tb μώω or \tb τμωω & \τμωω & \\ \tb μώων or \tb τμωων & \τμωων& \\ \tb ές or \tb τες & ές& \\ \tb ής or \tb της& ής& \\ \tb ίς or \tb τις& ίς& \\ \tb ύς or \tb τυς& ύς& \\ \tb ώς or \tb τως& ώς& \\ \tb έρ or \tb τερ& έρ& \\ \tb ίο or \tb τιο& ίο& \\ \tb ήρ or \tb τηρ & ήρ& \\ \tb ύω or \tb τυω & ύω& \\ \tb ίων or \tb τιων& ίων& \\ \tb ίως or \tb τιως & ίως& \\ \tb ίω or \tb τιω & ίω& \\ \tb έω or \tb τεω & \τεω& \\ \tb έων or \tb τεων& έων& \\ \tb έως or \tb τεως& έως& \\ \tb άω or \tb ταω & άω& \\ \tb βάς or \tb βας & ὰς& \\ \tb βεν or \tb βέν & ὲν& \\ \tb βερ or \tb βέρ & ὲρ& \\ \tb βες or \tb βές& ὲς& \\ \tb βόν or \tb βον & ὸν& \\ \tb βός or \tb βος& ὸς& \\ \tb βις or \tb βίς& ὶς& \\ \tb βιν or \tb βίν& ὶν& \\ \tb βυν or \tb βύν & ὺν& \\ \tb βής or \tb βης & ὴς& \\ \tb βηρ or \tb βήρ & ὴρ& \\ \tb βήν or \tb βην& ὴν& \\ \tb βυς or \tb βύς & ὺς& \\ \tb βώς or \tb βως & ὼς& \\ \tb βών or \tb βων& ὼν& \\ \tb δβας or \tb δβάς & ἃς& \\ \tb δβος or \tb δβός & ὃς& \\ \tb δβυς or \tb δβύς& ὓς& \\ \tb δβεν or \tb δβέν& ἓν& \\ \tb δβην or \tb δβήν& ἣν& \\ \tb δβον or \tb δβόν& ὃν& \\ \tb δτεν or \tb δέν& ἕν& \\ \tb δτως or \tb δώς& ὥς& \\ \tb δτος or \tb δός & ὅς& \\ \tb δπων or \tb δπών & ὧν& \\ \tb δπις or \tb δπίς& ἷς& \\ \tb δπια or \tb δπία& ἷα& \\ \tb δπυς or \tb δπύς& ὗς& \\ \tb δτυω or \tb δύω& ὕω& \\ \tb δτια or \tb δία& ἵα& \\ \tb δως & ὡς& \\ \tb πδις or \tb πδίς & ἷς& \\ \tb πδιος or \tb πδίος& ἷος& \\ \tb πδιον or \tb πδίον& ἷον& \\ \tb πδιοί or \tb πδίοί & ἷοί& \\ \tb πδων or \tb πδών & ὧν& \\ \tb πας or \tb πάς& ᾶς& \\ \tb πμαον or \tb πμάον& ᾷον& \\ \tb παν or \tb πάν & ᾶν& \\ \tb πυν or \tb πύν& ῦν& \\ \tb πυξ or \tb πύξ& ῦξ& \\ \tb πυς or \tb πύς & ῦς& \\ \tb πψυς or \tb πψύς& ὖς& \\ \tb πψυν or \tb πψύν& ὖν& \\ \tb πψην or \tb πψήν& ἦν& \\ \tb πδυς or \tb πδύς& ὗς& \\ \tb πις or \tb πίς & ῖς& \\ \tb πιος or \tb πίος& ῖος& \\ \tb πιο or \tb πίο & ῖο& \\ \tb πια or \tb πία& ῖα& \\ \tb πδιά & ἷά& \\ \tb πδίς or \tb πδις& ἷς& \\ \tb πιν or \tb πίν & ῖν& \\ \tb πμωα or \tb πμώα& ῷα& \\ \tb πων or \tb πών& ῶν& \\ \tb πως or \tb πώς& ῶς& \\ \tb πμας or \tb πμάς& ᾷς& \\ \tb πμώος or \tb πμωος& ῷος& \\ \tb πμώα or \tb πμωα& ῷα& \\ \tb πμώω or \tb πμωω& ῴω& \\ \tb πής or \tb πης& ῆς& \\ \tb πμης or \tb πμής& ῇς& \\ \tb μης or \tb μής& ῃς& \\ \tb πήρ or \tb πηρ& ῆρ& \\ \tb πήν or \tb πην & ῆν& \\ \tb ψβαν or \tb ψβάν & ἂν& \\ \tb ψταν or \tb ψάν& ἄν& \\ \tb ψτον or \tb ψόν & ὄν& \\ \tb ψπυς or \tb ψπύς& ὖς& \\ \tb ψπυν or \tb ψπύν& ὖν& \\ \tb ψτεκ or \tb ψέκ& ἔκ& \\ \tb ψβην or \tb ψβήν & ἢν& \\ \tb ψβων or \tb ψβών& ὢν& \\ \tb ψτων or \tb ψών& ὤν& \\ \tb ψβον or \tb ψβόν& ὂν& \\ \tb ψτιη or \tb ψίη & ἴη& \\ \tb ψτιης or \tb ψίης& ἴς& \\ \tb ψτυω or \tb ψύω& ὔω& \\ \tb ψπυς or \tb ψπύς& ὖς& \\ \tb ψτεν or \tb ψέν& ἔν& \\ \tb ψτην or \tb ψήν& ἤν& \\ \tb ψπην or \tb ψπήν& ἦν& \\ \tb ψις & ἰς& \\ \tb ψεν & ἐν& \\ \tb ψες & ἐς& \\ \tb ψεπ & ἐπ& \\ \tb μής & ῄς& \\ \tb μάς or \tb μτας& ᾴς& \\ \tb μώα & ῴα& \\ \tb μης & ῃς& \\ \tb ρρ & ῤῥ& \\ \tb και (small kai symbol) & \char"03D7 &\\ \tb Και (capital kai symbol) & \char"03CF(most fonts haven't it) &\\ \end{longtable} \end{english} \end{document}