2008-12-24 Sandy Armstrong * NEWS: Updated for 0.1.8. 2008-12-24 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: DllImport system function from libc to open URLs, since the Process class is broken in OS X 10.4 and earlier (should be fixed when Mono 2.2 comes out). 2008-12-24 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: In RetryBackend, only Cleanup+Initialize if the backend isn't configured. Fixes problem with backends beining initialized twice (reproduce by clearing prefs, launching Tasque, choosing Local File backend, and noticing that no category is selected). 2008-12-24 Sandy Armstrong * RtmNet/Rtm.cs: Make lastRequestTime static, so that new Rtm instances obey it. Fixes problem where after authenticating RTM for the first time, task list came back truncated like in bug #562026. 2008-12-24 Sandy Armstrong * src/Makefile.am: Add OSXApplication.cs to EXTRA_DIST and POTFILES.in. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * mac-prebuild.sh: * mac-postbuild.sh: * tasque-mac.csproj: Update project to actually work on a Mac. * bundle-mac-app.sh: Copy RtmNet.dll and all .mdb files into bundle. * osx/Contents/MacOS/Tasque: Run with --debug. * src/TaskWindow.cs: ShowWindow only shows; use new ToggleWindowVisible method for toggle support. * src/Application.cs: Use ToggleWindowVisible when tray icon is activated. Fix #if directives to have proper Mac support. * src/OSXApplications.cs: Add Window menu with ShowTasksAction. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * tasque-mac.csproj: * tasque-mac.sln: Add solution/project for building OS X version of Tasque. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj: Add Hiveminder and SQLite backends, and requisite references, as well as OSXApplication.cs. * winbin/Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll: * winbin/sqlite3.dll: Add dependencies for SQLite backend. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * RtmNet/Rtm.cs: Limit API requests to no more than one per second. Last fix for bug #562026. Adds some noticeable slowdown to certain actions (like refreshing tasks and creating tasks), but it is necessary. A better fix will be to store all tasks in a sqlite db that periodically syncs with the backend without interrupting the user. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * src/RemoteControl.cs: Simplify and uncomment MarkTaskAsCompleteById. Complete task immediately, without timeout or other fancy GUI stuff. Fixes bug #555028. Many thanks to Alex Launi for expanding our DBus interface. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * osx/Contents/Info.plist: Bump version to 0.1.8. Fixes bug #556549. 2008-12-23 Sandy Armstrong * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmBackend.cs: Only make one call to ListsGetList during RefreshThreadLoop. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * RtmNet/Rtm.cs: Update REST URL base. Beginning of fix for bug #562026. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmPreferencesWidget.cs: Add a white EventBox to contain the RTM logo. Kind of ugly, but I'm willing to say we've fixed bug #532766. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: Enable translator-credits string for About dialog. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/Makefile.am: * Makefile.include: * RtmNet/Makefile.am: Don't hardcode gmcs; use $(GMCS) instead. Fixes bug #562845, patch courtesy of James Westby. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/TaskTreeView.cs: Have FilterFunc return false when the given task is null. Fixes crash reported in bug #526662. * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteBackend.cs: Don't try to close a null database. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmPreferencesWidget.cs: Handle exceptions when trying to get an authorization URL for RTM. Fixes bug #563932. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteBackend.cs: Implement task deletion. Fixes bug #551717, patch courtesy of Andreia Gaita and Stefan Schlott. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/TaskWindow.cs: Don't try to create a new TaskWindow if the backend is not yet set. Fixes bug #564344. 2008-12-22 Sandy Armstrong * src/Preferences.cs: If the prefrences file is invalid, recreate it. Fixes bug #562729. 2008-11-18 Steve Frécinaux * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteTask.cs: * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteNote.cs: Implement Notes support for the SQLite backend (Bug 561430) 2008-10-27 Sandy Armstrong * src/tasque.in: * src/Makefile.am: Install to $(libdir) instead of $(prefix)/lib, to properly support 64-bit environments. Fixes bug #540983. 2008-10-26 Sandy Armstrong * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteTask.cs: Sanitize task name text before inserting into database. Fixes crasher bug #537911. Thanks to Geert van Dijk and Loganathan Subramaniam for their assistance with this patch. * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteBackend.cs: Add SanitizeText method, which currently just replaces single apostrophes with double-apostrophes. 2008-10-26 Sandy Armstrong * src/TaskWindow.cs: * src/Application.cs: Support "--quiet" command line option to start Tasque with its main window hidden at first. Also added "--backend My.Backend.Class", though the old behavior of just allowing "My.Backend.Class" is still supported. Thanks to Charles Schaefer for his help on this patch. 2008-10-26 Sandy Armstrong * src/RemoteControl.cs: Add CreateTask override that enables due date parsing (assuming it is also enabled in Tasque preferences). Fixes bug #542113, patch courtesy of Johannes. 2008-10-22 Sandy Armstrong Additional fixes (including crash fix) for bug #532766, thanks to Joel Bennett. * src/TaskGroup.cs: Override OnStyleSet to manage the Pango markup of the header. * src/TaskWindow.cs: Move targetVBox init code back to constructor, don't call PopulateWindow in OnStyleSet (obsoleted by fixes to TaskGroup), and be sure to update the addTaskEntry color based on the new style, if it's showing the default text. 2008-10-21 Sandy Armstrong * src/NoteDialog.cs: * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmPreferencesWidget.cs: Do not paint the background white. * src/Utilities.cs: Add ColorGetHex method, stolen from Banshee, that takes a Gdk.Color and makes a hex string like "#FFFFFF". * src/TaskGroup.cs: Green was a pretty header color, but let's use the "selected" state color from the GTK+ theme instead. * src/TaskWindow.cs: Get the background color from the GTK+ theme instead of just using white. Some whitespace fixes. 2008-10-20 Sandy Armstrong * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmPreferencesWidget.cs: Don't crash if default browser isn't set, and mark some old strings for translation. Fixes bug #552944, patch courtesy of Loganathan Subramaniam. 2008-10-15 Johnny Jacob * src/Backends/Hiveminder/HmBackend.cs: Use Path.DirectorySeperatorChar. * src/Backends/Hiveminder/HmTask.cs: Remove redundant code. Use 'Constructor Chaining' 2008-10-15 Johnny Jacob * src/Backends/Hiveminder/HmBackend.cs: Fixed spelling for LoadCredentials * src/Backends/Hiveminder/service/Hiveminder.cs: Coding style fixes. 2008-10-15 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.mdp: Remove WindowsApplication reference. 2008-10-15 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj: Surround paths in build events with quotes. Fix from Dmitry Radkovsky. 2008-10-15 Johnny Jacob * src/Backends/Hiveminder/HmPreferencesWidget.cs: Removed references to OAuth. Fixes build break. 2008-10-15 Johnny Jacob * src/Makefile.am, configure.ac, tasque.mdp: Project & Makefile changes 2008-10-15 Johnny Jacob * src/Backends/Hiveminder/* : Added. Initial commit for Hiveminder Backend. 2008-10-12 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj: * tasque.sln: * RtmNet/RtmNet.csproj: Split RtmNet code into its own project. * RtmNet/AssemblyInfo.cs: Set CLSCompliant to True again. 2008-10-11 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj: Change output type to WinExe to prevent DOS window. 2008-10-11 Sandy Armstrong * configure.ac: Correct handling of "--enable" flags. Fixes bug #555921, patch courtesy of Romain Tartière. 2008-10-08 Sandy Armstrong * src/RemoteControl.cs: Add comment about need for review. 2008-10-08 Sandy Armstrong * src/RemoteControl.cs: Accidentally committed Alex Launi's patch for bug #555028, which adds a bunch of really useful dbus methods: GetTaskIds, GetNameForTaskById, GetCategoryForTaskById, GetStateForTaskById, and MarkTaskAsCompleteById. In this commit I'm commenting-out MarkTaskAsCompleteById because it still needs to be reviewed. 2008-10-08 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.mdp: WindowsApplication -> GtkApplication 2008-10-08 Sandy Armstrong * src/TaskGroup.cs: * src/Utilities.cs: * src/TaskWindow.cs: * src/Preferences.cs: * src/Application.cs: * src/TaskTreeView.cs: * src/AbstractTask.cs: * src/RemoteControl.cs: * src/PreferencesDialog.cs: * src/CompletedTaskGroup.cs: * src/Backends/EDS/EDSBackends.cs: * src/Backends/IceCore/IceBackend.cs: * src/Backends/Dummy/DummyBackend.cs: * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteBackend.cs: Increased readability of boolean expressions. Fixes bug #555168, patch courtesy of Alex Launi. 2008-10-06 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj: WindowsApplication.cs -> GtkApplication.cs. 2008-09-29 Sandy Armstrong * bundle-mac-app.sh: Use those variables, silly. 2008-09-29 Jakub Steiner * data/images/tasque-256.png: * data/images/tasque-icons-source.svg: add a high resolution "icon" for the OSX build. Still figuring out how to produce the native icon format. 2008-09-29 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: Use OSXApplication if OSX is defined. 2008-09-29 Sandy Armstrong * macbin/: Added pre-compiled ige-mac-integration-sharp.dll from Eoin's banshee-osx git repo. Thanks Eoin! * osx/: Configuration, execution, and icon files for app bundle. * bunde-mac-app.sh: Stupid little script to build the app bundle. * data/images/tasque.ico: Windows icon, for the future. * RtmNet/AssemblyInfo.cs: No need to be CLSCompliant. * src/OSXApplication.cs: Integration code for Mac menu bar. 2008-09-29 Sandy Armstrong * src/GtkApplication.cs, src/Makefile.am, src/WindowsApplication.cs: Complete rename of WindowsApplication->GtkApplication. 2008-09-29 Sandy Armstrong * src/WindowsApplication.cs: Rename to GtkApplication, mark everything virtual. * src/Application.cs: Expose the StatusIcon as a public property, and call nativeApp.InitializeIdle at the end of InitializeIdle. * src/GnomeApplication.cs, src/NativeApplication.cs: Add InitializeIdle method to INativeApplication. 2008-09-27 Sandy Armstrong * src/GnomeApplication.cs: Initialize Catalog on application Init. 2008-09-27 Sandy Armstrong * src/tasque.in: Add Mono --debug, --trace, and --profile support to "tasque" command. * src/Application.cs: Use UIManager to construct/manage tray icon menu. Add Sandy and Brian to the "Authors" area of the About dialog. * src/Makefile.am: Install .mdb file for debugging purposes. 2008-09-26 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj: Remove unused references and build for .NET 2.0, not 3.5. 2008-09-26 Johnny Jacob * src/PreferencesDialog.cs: Let categories in task filtering use all the available space. 2008-09-26 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.csproj, src/Defines.WIN32.cs: Rename Defines.cs for Windows. 2008-09-26 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.mdp, src/Makefile.am: Add new files. * src/Defines.cs: Keep Defines.cs in sync. Should do this better, though, but I'm tired. * src/Application.cs, src/GnomeApplication.cs: Typo fix. 2008-09-26 Sandy Armstrong * tasque.sln, tasque.csproj: Visual Studio 2008 solution for building Tasque with the Dummy and RTM backends. * src/Application.cs, src/NativeApplication.cs, src/GnomeApplication.cs, src/WindowsApplication.cs: Platform-specific app management code. * src/Logger.cs: Some ugly (temporary) #if WIN32 lines. * src/Defines.cs.in: Rename GnomeLocaleDir to LocaleDir. * src/Defines.cs: Commit a copy for building on Windows. * src/Preferences.cs: Pick conf file in platform-independent way. * src/Utilities.cs: Process-renaming code moved to src/GnomeApplication.cs. * winbin/: Mono assemblies needed on Windows. 2008-09-26 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: Handle null backend the same as unconfigured backend. Whitespace fixes. * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmTask.cs, src/Backends/Rtm/RtmBackend.cs: Null reference checks based on some errors I saw while running in Windows. 2008-09-26 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: Make line endings consistent. 2008-09-21 Sandy Armstrong * src/Application.cs: If there's a valid backend that fails to authenticate, retry instead of just showing the preferences window. Fixes bug #538019, patch courtesy of Joseph Method and Andrew Conkling. * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmBackend.cs: More informative exception handling during authentication. 2008-09-15 Sandy Armstrong * src/TaskWindow.cs: Don't paint the background of the status bar white (it was overriding theme colors). Partial fix for bug #532766, patch courtesy of Mark A. Nicolosi. 2008-09-04 Brian G. Merrell * src/Backends/Dummy/DummyTask.cs: add id proprety to adhere to AbstractTask. * src/Backends/Dummy/DummyBackend.cs: add id property to adhere to the AbstractTask. This fixes a compiler error when trying to compile with the dummy backend. 2008-08-31 Brian G. Merrell * src/TaskTreeView.cs: Display relevant information in the status bar, including a cute (according to Sandy) countdown when completing tasks. This is a fix for Bug 533033, with many good ideas from steve evolvedlight co uk * src/TaskWindow.cs: Display relevant information in the status bar. Again, many contributions from steve evolvedlight co uk. * src/Application.cs: Just a silly little tooltip for the tray icon. In the future we'll want something like Bug 532915 describes. 2008-08-26 Brian Merrell * src/AbstractTask.cs: add id property to abstract * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteTask.cs: add id property * src/Backends/Sqlite/SqliteBackend.cs: add id property * src/Backends/Rtm/RtmTask.cs: add id property * src/Backends/IceCore/IceTask.cs: add id property * src/Backends/EDS/EDSTask.cs: add id property * src/ITask.cs: add id property * src/RemoteControl.cs: add id property to dbus interface, this (and the above changes) fixes Bug 526492. Thanks Thomas Van Machelen! * README: update with current info * MAINTAINERS: -boyd -calvin +sandy +brian 2008-08-18 Sandy Armstrong * configure.ac: Bump version to 0.1.8. 2008-08-18 Sandy Armstrong * NEWS: Update for 0.1.7.