Versioning Report

For using as the reference.

Remember this listing is subject to inaccuracies based on bugs in the scripts that generate it, or, more likely in the exact way or time the reference data was obtained. In other words, the code is correct and self documenting, and this report is intended to provide a quick sneek peek only.

Errors (decreases in version numbers)





No Change

Bundles with versioning errors


Features with versioning errors


Bundles with major version increase

These should be rare, so be sure to check for versioning error, but when it a legitamate change, needs special attention from clients to adopt.


Bundles with minor version increase


Bundles with service version increase


Bundles with qualifier-only increases

There may be occasions these do not always indicate a true error (such as fixing a spelling mistake in a comment, but it is clearer if qualifier-only increases are not allowed, since usually it indicates that someone has changed the code, but forgotten to increase the service or minor version.


Features with major version increase


Features with minor version increase


Features with service version increase


Features with qualifier-only increases


New bundles in current but not in reference


New features in current but not in reference


Bundles in reference but not in current


Features in reference but not in current


Features with no change


Bundles with no change
