============================================================================== HELP.ENG (emTeX DISTRIBUTION) 23-Feb-1997 ============================================================================== This file contains frequently asked questions about emTeX and their answers. If you have a question which is not here and you cannot find the answer in the documentation (or it is very difficult to find), please let me know. If you don't know how to install emTeX, see INSTALL.ENG. Contents ======== 1. TeX 2. DVIDRV 3. METAFONT 4. FONTS 5. Miscellaneous topics 1. TeX ====== 1.1: What's the difference between standard TeX and bigTeX? `bigTeX' is bigger than `standard TeX' (and much slower). If TeX runs out of memory, try bigTeX. If you have a 386 or better CPU use tex386.exe instead of btex*.exe -- it's faster and provides more space for strings (pool size). 1.2: TeX says: Fatal format file error; I'm stymied What shall I do? You are trying to use a format file of a different TeX version (for instance, standard vs. big, or 3.14 vs. 3.14159). Note that the big emTeX versions including tex386 use the BTEXFMT environment variable. The standard-sized versions use the TEXFMT environment variable. (Also note that usually you don't have to set these environment variables.) Perhaps you forgot to use the `386' keyword of makefmt when creating a format file for tex386.exe. If the error message includes Must increase the trie size you forgot to use the /mt option. For both creating and using a FMT file with a non-standard trie size, you have to use the /mt option. Putting it into the environment variable EMTEXOPT is a convenient method for achieving this. The makefmt tool optionally creates a batch file; that batch file uses the optimal value for the /mt option. See \emtex\doc\english\tex.doc for details. 1.3: TeX says: I can't find the PLAIN format file! What's wrong? You forgot to create the plain format file (plain.fmt) or emTeX cannot find it. Use makefmt to create the format file (see INSTALL.ENG, QUICK.ENG and \emtex\doc\english\tex.doc for details). Be careful to do this in the correct directory. Usually you should not set the TEXFMT, BTEXFMT, and HTEXFMT environment variables. 1.4: When trying to use LaTeX, the error message ! Undefined control sequence. l.1 \documentclass or ! Undefined control sequence. l.1 \documentstyle is displayed. What's wrong? Apparently, TeX is using the PLAIN format instead of the LaTeX format. You have to tell TeX to use the LaTeX format. Invoke the batch file created by makefmt instead of TeX proper and make sure that the LaTeX format file does exist and can be found (see the answer to question 1.2). 1.5: makefmt complains about `plain.tex' not being installed. What's wrong? As mentioned by INSTALL.ENG, you should unset the TEXINPUT environment variable. If you need TEXINPUT, don't forget to add `!' to the end of the path of emTeX's `texinput' directory. 1.6: makefmt cannot find `makefmt.dat'. What's wrong? You have not correctly set the EMTEXDIR environment variable. Note that the value must be the pathname of a single directory, without `;', `!', and `!!'. There must be no spaces at the end. It must point to the emTeX directory. Example: set emtexdir=c:\emtex 1.7: When will a TeX-XeT or TeX--XeT variant of emTeX be available? emTeX won't become a TeX-XeT, which has been superseded by TeX--XeT. TeX--XeT creates standard DVI files, in contrast to TeX-XeT which creates IVD files, requiring special DVI drivers or an intermediate step for converting to DVI format. TeX-XeT and TeX--XeT are special variants of TeX capable of left-to-right and right-to-left (for Hebrew etc.) typesetting. I don't know whether and when I'll make a TeX--XeT. 1.8: Why is tex386.exe slower than tex.exe on my machine? If there isn't enough memory, tex386.exe swaps to disk. Don't use all your extended memory for caching or as virtual disk! 1.9: How can I run tex386 under Windows without opening a DOS window? Fetch /tex-archive/systems/msdos/dpmigcc/rsxwin3c.zip from CTAN. 1.10: Why doesn't the /mm# option work for me? TeX's main memory is divided into two parts, one for `small' things and one for `big' things. Only the size for `small' things is affected by /mm#. Unfortunately, in most cases you run out of space for `big' things. 1.11: I have seen emTeX described as very fast but I find that abcTeX is much faster processing the file xyz.tex! Why is that? emTeX's speed depends heavily on the amount of memory available. If there is not much spare memory then it can happen that another TeX, which cannot run the large TeX files that emTeX can, will be faster. 1.12: There is no INITEX with emTeX, what can I do? INITEX *is* there, use `tex /i'. Note that the /i option must precede any other arguments. See \emtex\doc\english\tex.doc for details. 1.13: TeX displays the error message ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [buffer size=2048]. How can I prevent this? Some text processing packages write complete paragraphs as one line to the text file. If a paragraph contains, say, 3000 characters, the line will contain 3000 characters, without regard to the appearance of the paragraph on the display. Remedy: Most of those text processing packages offer an option for writing the file formatted, i.e., line by line. 1.14: What's the difference between between TeX, emTeX, and LaTeX? TeX is a program for typesetting texts. emTeX is an implementation of TeX for OS/2 and DOS. LaTeX is a macro package for TeX (and can therefore be used with emTeX). 1.15: What's the difference between LaTeX, LaTeX 2.09, and LaTeX2e? LaTeX 2.09 is Leslie Lamport's original macro package which is no longer supported. LaTeX2e is the successor to LaTeX 2.09, produced by the LaTeX3 project. LaTeX formerly referred to LaTeX 2.09, nowadays it means LaTeX2e. 1.16: Directly entered accented characters do not work with LaTeX2e. What's wrong? If you get the error message ! Text line contains an invalid character. you should recreate the format file using makefmt's `8bit' keyword. If there are no error messages on the screen, you should use \usepackage[cp850]{inputenc} in your documents. (The LOG file of the failed TeX run contains lines like Missing character: There is no ^^84 in font cmr10! in this case.) 1.17: Why can emTeX not use the format files created by other versions of TeX? Format files are implementation dependent, for instance, the sizes of the different memory areas, hash size etc. You are very unlikely to find two implementations which can use the same format files! 1.18: When I try and print DVI files generated by TeX on another machine, the printer driver says they are invalid. This usually arises from corruption while transferring the data -- uuencode/uudecode or xxencode/xxdecode will solve the problem. DVI files are portable between different TeX implementations and between different machines. 1.19: I would like to run my text through a spelling checker (style checker). Feed the DVI into dvispell and run the spelling checker on dvispell's output. 1.20: emTeX generates a DVI file which differs from that produced by another implementation though the input file was the same and the printed output is identical. That may be expected. The optimization of position changes depends on the size of the DVI file buffer -- and it need not be done at all. In addition, in some places, floating point arithmetic is allowed and used (\leaders). Floating point precision differs from machine to machine. 1.21: TeX breaks words after the first letter, for instance, T-est! You are using a macro package which is not written for TeX 3.0. You should recreate the format file and this time set \lefthyphenmin and \righthyphenmin appropriately for the hyphenation patterns being used. 1.22: TeX displays the following message (when run under DOS): Please insert diskette containing TEX.EXE into drive x press any key to continue Increase the value for FILES= in config.sys. 1.23: Where's german.tex? Use german.sty instead. 1.24: How do I run LaTeX? There is no latex.exe! See \emtex\doc\english\install.eng for instructions on installation of LaTeX. See \emtex\doc\english\tex.doc on how to create a format file for LaTeX with the makefmt tool; makefmt will also create a batch file (say, latex.bat) for running LaTeX. 1.25: How do I install AMSTeX? See the installation instructions of AMSTeX. (emTeX does not include AMSTeX; however, you can get it from CTAN.) 1.26: How can I make emTeX look for TFM files in the current directory? Set the TEXTFM environment variable to include `.' and the usual TFM directories: set textfm=.;c:\emtex\tfm! 1.27: Running tex386.exe or htex386.exe yields the error message emx not found What's wrong? You forgot to add the directory c:\emx\bin to the PATH (or you forgot to reboot after making that change). If you don't want to list that directory in the PATH, let the EMX environment variable point to the emx.exe file: set emx=c:\emx\bin\emx.exe (Use the correct drive letter, as usual.) 1.28: Running tex386.exe or htex386.exe yields the error message SYS1804: The system cannot find the file EMX. What's wrong? You forgot to add the directory c:\emx\dll to the LIBPATH statement of config.sys (or you forgot to reboot after making that change). 1.29: How can I avoid emTeX saying ! I can't write on file `xxx.dvi'. when I try to run emTeX while dvipm displays xxx.dvi? In dvipm, select File->New or File->Auto_reload. 1.30: tex386.exe says Usage: emx [-cdeoOV] ... What's wrong? You have an out-dated version of emx.exe somewhere in your PATH. Delete it and keep \emx\bin\emx.exe of emxrsx.zip. 1.31: How can I preload a TeX format, i.e., create an EXE file containing a format file? That isn't supported by emTeX because it isn't useful in my opinion. 1.32: Has emTeX passed the trip test? Yes. 1.33: TeX crashes (I am using a somewhat unusual memory card). Use the /d option when running TeX. 1.34: How can I run tex386.exe and htex386.exe under Windows or in a DOS window of OS/2? The programs say `DYN: out of memory'. Increase the DPMI memory limit of Windows or of the DOS window. 2. DVIDRV ========= General ------- 2.1: I have a PostScript printer but emTeX does not have a suitable driver. Where can I find a suitable driver? Use Tomas Rokicki's dvips. It has been ported to OS/2 and DOS and is for anonymous ftp on CTAN hosts, in directory /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex/dvips. dvips can use emTeX's font library files. 2.2: Automatic generating of missing fonts does not work. METAFONT generates a GF file (but no TFM file) which GFtoPK does not find, or MFjob complains about not being able to move a TFM file. What's wrong? If MFjob calls GFtoPK with a file name that has a long extension (say, cmr10.300gf), but METAFONT has created a file with a truncated extension (say, cmr10.300), try the /z option of MFjob: set mfjobopt=/z (Don't forget to include the previous value of MFJOBOPT!) Check the EMXOPT environment variable: It must not contain `-t'. If MFjob calls GFtoPK with a file name that has a truncated extension (say, cmr10.300), but METAFONT has created a file with a long extension (say, cmr10.300gf), you have erroneously used MFjob's /z option, probably in the MFJOBOPT environment variable. If that does not help, it is very likely that you have ignored the installation instructions. Either you have not deleted the \emtex directory tree of a previous emTeX release (causing METAFONT to load an out-dated local.mf file), or you have not created new base files. You can find instructions for creating base files in \emtex\doc\english\metafont.doc. The correct local.mf file is in \emtex\mfinput\etc, the old one is in \emtex\mfinput. If you have \emtex\mfinput\local.mf, you should delete the entire emTeX directory tree and reinstall the latest version. Check the LOG file (typically \emtex\bmfbases\plain.log) written by METAFONT when the base file was created: It should contain (c:\emtex\mfinput\etc\local.mf) but not (c:\emtex\mfinput\local.mf) Note that some METAFONT modes have been renamed. Check that the CNF files (e.g., lj.cnf) used by the DVI driver contain the correct (new) METAFONT mode in the line starting with `+metafont-mode' (if there is a line starting with `/fm', please install the latest version of the DVI drivers). Also check that the file \emtex\mfjob\modes.mfj uses the correct (new) METAFONT modes. If there is a mismatch, there is perhaps a version mismatch (or you use your own CNF files). Please update the DVI drivers, MFjob, and METAFONT to the latest version. If the problem occurs with dvips, config.ps should be changed to use the new METAFONT modes of local.mf. Check the line starting with `M'. The following table shows the old and the corresponding new METAFONT modes: Old METAFONT mode | New METAFONT mode -------------------+-------------------- hplaser | laserjet or deskjet kyocera | laserjet hpquiet | quietjet 2.3: The driver won't find the font after generating a missing font. Why? That's a rounding problem which should have been fixed in version 1.6a. If you still experience that problem, add the size of the font as generated by MFjob to the list of font sizes searched by the driver. For instance, if the driver wants cmr10<746.63959> and MFjob puts the font into the 746dpi directory (instead of 747dpi), use +font-sizes:+746 (You might want to add that option it to the batch file or to the configuration file.) 2.4: How can I make MFjob invoke mf386.exe (instead of mf.exe)? SET MFJOBOPT=/3 2.5: My printer is connected to the serial port and prints nonsense. You should turn on the XON-XOFF protocol with the +xon-xoff parameter giving the port name as COM1, COM2, COM3 or COM4. 2.6: I am using a DVI driver which cannot use font library files, do I have to have both the fonts and a font library on my disk? No -- see the answer to question 4.2. 2.7: The driver writes a DLG file (e.g., dviscr.dlg) every time, how can I suppress it? Use the command line option +transcript-file (without a filename). 2.8: I have a PCX file (or MSP file) which doesn't work with \special{em:graph}. Please send the file (and a correct hard copy) to the emTeX author. Note that PCX files written by certain programs cannot be interpreted unambiguously. emTeX's DVI drivers rejects those PCX files. Consider using bm2font for including images in TeX documents. 2.9: I have inserted a picture using \special{em:graph} exactly as the documentation says but it appears too far to the right (or too low). The reason is that many pictures have an empty left or upper margin. To overcome this you can use the following trick -- pass these commands through TeX: \noindent\special{em:graph xxx}\bye where xxx is the name of the graphics file. Then convert the DVI file into a bitmap file with dvidot, using the +minimize option. The +minimize option removes the empty margins. You can now use the resulting bitmap file in your document. 2.10: Graphics inserted with \special{em:graph} appear too small (or too large). The driver copies the picture without altering its size -- if this size is wrong then you must use a suitable program to adjust it. Consider using bm2font for including images in TeX documents. 2.11: What is bm2font? bm2font is a program written by Friedhelm Sowa which converts bitmaps (many formats) into PK fonts. It features scaling and dithering. bm2font is available for anonymous ftp on CTAN hosts in directory /tex-archive/graphics/bm2font. 2.12: What does the error message [cannot open dvidrv.err] mean? Error messages are read from a file called dvidrv.err. This file must exist in the `data' subdirectory of the emTeX directory. The EMTEXDIR environment variable should point to the emTeX directory. If EMTEXDIR is not set, dvidrv.err is assumed to be in \emtex\data. If this file cannot be found then you will get the number of the error or warning and you can look up the text in dvidrv.doc. 2.13: The driver issues fatal error 2003 if I try to let it print directly to a device such as PRN. If you are using MS-DOS: mode lpt1,,p (DOS 2.x and 3.x) mode lpt1 retry=r (DOS 4.0 or later) If you are using DR-Dos: This failure is due to a bug in DR-Dos 5.0. DR-Dos 5.0 cannot send a Ctrl-Z character to any device because the IOCTL system call which is used to enable output of Ctrl-Z to devices seems to be ignored by DR-Dos 5.0. Even printing to a file and copying that file to the device using `copy /b' does not work. It is reported that there is a new version of DR-Dos 5.0 with that bug fixed. Remedy: Obtain that new version, a later version, or use OS/2, MS-DOS or PC-DOS. 2.14: The drivers cannot find the fonts circle10 and circlew10. What can I do? See the answer to question 4.10. 2.15: I get the error message A numeric coprocessor exception occurred and a numeric coprocessor exception handler was not registered with all drivers but dviscrs (note the `s' at the end) and dvivik. This problem should disappear when you remove the (n)nansi.sys driver from config.sys. Currently, I don't know any other remedy. 2.16: I get the error message A program started an invalid instruction without registering an invalid opcode exception handler with all drivers but dviscrs (note the `s' at the end) and dvivik. There seems to be a problem with old RAM disk drivers which use neither XMS nor EMS. 2.17: How can I send a fax document created with TeX? Under DOS, use pcxfax.bat to create a PCX file. Feed that PCX file into your fax software. Under OS/2, use prtfaxwk.cmd to print to a printer port attached to FaxWorks. By default, prtfaxwk.cmd prints to LPT3. Alternatively, you can use dvipm (with fax.cnf) to print to the FxPrint printer. 2.18: Where can I get a DVI previewer for Windows? Fetch /tex-archive/dviware/dviwin/dviwin29.zip from CTAN. dviscr ------ 2.19: I have a video adapter which is not supported by dviscr. What can I do? Send me the hardware and software documentation. If it is not too difficult, then there is a good chance that I will extend dviscr. 2.20: Why can't I use ESC for quitting dviscr? ESC is used for leaving the status line when entering a search string (for the S command), a page index (G command), a page number (P command), scaling factors (Alt+G and Alt+S commands), or the transformation (T command). To avoid quitting dviscr by mistake, the key for leaving the status line is different from the keys for quitting dviscr. Use Q or Ctrl+C to quit dviscr. dvihplj ------- 2.21: How can I stop dvihplj from deleting preloaded soft fonts in an HP LaserJet? dvihplj deletes all fonts designated temporary unless +delete-fonts:off is used. You should preload the fonts as permanent or use +delete-fonts:off. You may still get problems due to the font numbers assigned to the fonts loaded by the driver duplicating those of the soft fonts. To avoid this use the +font-offset option: by setting +font-offset:1000 the driver will use 1000 to 1031 for the fonts it downloads. 2.22: Characters go missing at the edges of the page. Set the correct page size with +page-height and +page-width. Note that laser printers cannot print within about 5mm from any edge of the paper. Some DeskJet models have a switch for selecting the page length. Set that switch correctly. If your DeskJet does not have such a switch, use the +paper and +set-paper options. 2.23: My HP LaserJet II produces an interesting, but undesired, pattern in the middle of the page. This sometimes happens when the page height set with +page-height is larger than the printer permits. 2.24: How can I include a PCL file (a print file for the LaserJet produced by another program) in a TeX document? Use \special{em:pclfile ...} to include a PCL file; however, that works with dvihplj only. If the file contains only graphics (no text), you can convert it into a MSP or PCX file with PCLtoMSP and then include it with \special{em:graph}. This works with all emTeX DVI drivers, including dviscr and dvipm. 2.25: dvihplj doesn't work with my HP LaserJet+ compatible printer. Try the following options: +optimize-graphics:off, +negative-top-offset:off, +clear-fonts:1, and +full-page-bitmap:on. dvidot ------ 2.26 The output has `shadows' or the left margin is jagged. Create a new DOT file with empty BLANK_WIDTH or switch the printer to 10 CPI. See \emtex\doc\english\makedot.doc for details. 2.27: Why is the printed output so bad? Sometimes lines overprint one another and at other times characters are cut by this horizontal lines. Sometimes lines are reduced in height. The fault is usually the printer's. To print correctly even the smallest paper movement must be executed exactly. You could try experimenting with tractor feed and sheet feed. This problem occurs more frequently with printers from some manufacturers than others but I am not going to name names. Remedy: Use 360x180 DPI instead of 360x360 DPI. 2.28: How can I make sure that the margin from the perforation is correct; I am using fanfold paper? Always feed an empty sheet through first and adjust the paper so that the margin is correct. The empty first page is necessary as many printers cannot start printing right at the top of the first page. dvipm ----- 2.29: How can I save the options of dvipm? Use Options->Save_options to save the options to a file, say, \emtex\data\dvipm.cnf. Use that file as response file on the command line of dvipm.exe or load it with Options>-Load_options. You can save the other settings (window position etc.) with File->Settings->Save. These will be reloaded automatically. 2.30: How can I print with dvipm? dvipm says 0x203e - GpiSetBitmap failed. when printing. Select File->Print_Options to open the `Print Options' dialog, then select `Bitmap' and `Use GpiDrawBits'. 2.31: How can I print with dvipm? All character codes are shifted: A is printed instead of B, etc. Select File->Print_Options to open the `Print Options' dialog, then select `Bitmap'. 2.32: How can I avoid emTeX saying ! I can't write on file `xxx.dvi'. when I try to run emTeX while dvipm displays xxx.dvi? In dvipm, select File->New or File->Auto_reload. 2.33: A dialog box is displayed when I start dvipm: SYS2070 The system could not demand load the application's segment. DVIPM->EMDLL2X.46 is in error. What's wrong? You are using an out-dated version of emdll2x.dll. Make sure that exactly one directory containing emdll2x.dll (c:\emtex\dll) is listed in the LIBPATH statement of config.sys. Make sure that you are using the version of emdll2x.dll shipped with dvipm. 2.34: dvipm shows boxes of characters, how can I make it show characters? Start dvipm by running vp.cmd instead of running dvipm.exe. If you want to create a WorkPlace Shell program object for dvipm, type `@p6l' (or a reference to another configuration file) in the `Parameters' entryfield. 3. METAFONT =========== 3.1: Why doesn't METAFONT display a picture on my screen? METAFONT works only with the following adapters: CGA, EGA and VGA. In particular, if you have a Hercules compatible card then you will not get any graphic output. mf386 does not support graphical output under DOS. 3.2: emTeX does not have INIMF. What shall I do? INIMF is there, simply call METAFONT with `mf /i' (see also \emtex\doc\english\metafont.doc). 3.3: METAFONT displays error messages for some fonts or creates wrong TFM files. MF files that don't contain a line similar to if unknown cmbase: input cmbase fi should usually be processed with plain.bas, not with cm.bas. Examples are the line and lcircle fonts. 3.4: makebas complains about `plain.mf' or `s640x480.mf' not being installed. What's wrong? As mentioned by INSTALL.ENG, you should unset the MFINPUT environment variable. If you need MFINPUT, don't forget to add `!' to the end of the path of emTeX's `mfinput' directory. 3.5: METAFONT says I can't find the PLAIN base file! What's wrong? You forgot to create the base files or METAFONT cannot find the base files. See the installation instructions in \emtex\doc\english\metafont.doc. Usually, you should not set the MFBAS and BMFBAS environment variables. 3.5: I call METAFONT with the command line mf &cm \smode="mymode"; input cmr10 but the quotes disappear. You should use mf &cm \smode=\"mymode\"; input cmr10 instead, see \emtex\doc\english\metafont.doc. 3.7: Why does METAFONT not switch back into text mode when it is finished? That would clear the screen, removing the messages there. Type mode co80 to switch back to text mode (type `mode mono' if a monochrome adapter is installed). 3.8: Why does METAFONT overwrite the graphics with text? I was too lazy to put it right, besides it is not easy. The problem has been solved for OS/2. 3.9: METAFONT overwrites the graphics with blanks. Some versions of ansi.sys (and replacements) seem to cause this problem. Try without ANSI driver. Try another ANSI driver. 3.10: How can I get rid of the mfj*.tmp subdirectory that MFjob sometimes leaves behind ? Run `emdelete -r mfj*.tmp' in all directories that contains such subdirectories. 3.11: METAFONT's version number is 2.718, however plain.mf's version number is 2.71. Is there anything wrong? No. 3.12: METAFONT crashes (I have a rather unusual memory card). Use the /d option with METAFONT or MFjob. 3.13: GFtoDVI cannot find gray.tfm or slant.tfm or black.tfm. See \emtex\doc\english\mfware.doc. 3.14 When computing a DC font, METAFONT says: ! Not implemented: (boolean)or(unknown numeric). What shall I do? Delete or regenerate the dx.bas base file. 3.15: Has emTeX's METAFONT passed the trap test? Yes. 3.16: How do I add a new METAFONT mode? 1. Add a `mode_def' for the new mode to \emtex\mfinput\etc\local.mf 2. Add appropriate definitions to \emtex\mfjob\modes.mfj, using the existing definitions as models 3. Create a configuration file (CNF file) for the new mode and put it into directory \emtex\data 4. Recreate all the base files with makebas 4. FONTS ======== 4.1: What are FLI files (files with extension .fli)? These are "font libraries". A single file contains several font files (PK or PXL). Further information can be found in fontlib.doc and dvidrv.doc (+font-libraries). 4.2: I have other printer drivers which cannot use font libraries; does this mean that I have to keep both the font library and the font files on the disk? No. The files in the font library can be unpacked with fontlib, that is, split up into single files again. The dvidrv printer drivers work both with font libraries and with single files. After unpacking, the font libraries are no longer needed. The font library file does, however, make a good backup as backing up many small files is inefficient. See fontlib.doc and dvidrv.doc (+font-files). 4.3: What is the difference between "cmr10 scaled 1200" (that is, "cmr10 at 12pt" and "cmr12"? Removing duplicate fonts would save quite a bit of space on the disk! The answer is given in The TeXbook, page 16. Each font is designed for a particular size, magnified fonts are just that, magnified: the stroke widths, height, width and spacing must be changed for the new size, they are not simply in proportion. Using a magnified font is a last resort for use when the correct font is not available -- unless, of course, the page is to be reduced after printing. There are parameter files (from John Sauter) to generate Computer Modern fonts in unusual sizes (other than 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17pt) but these are not yet in general use. The DC font use a similar scheme. 4.4: I already have a set of TeX fonts, do I need the FLI files mentioned in INSTALL.ENG, QUICK.ENG, README.ENG, and dvidrv.doc? You can use your fonts as long as they are PK files (with ID 89) or PXL files (with ID 1001 or 1002). Fonts in GF format cannot be used (GFtoPK.exe will convert them). Note, however, that the sources for the Computer Modern fonts have changed in 1992 and 1995; you should no longer use the old fonts. The TFM files have not changed. 4.5: I would like to generate the fonts myself, how do I do this? INSTALL.ENG tells you how to create the base font library files. See also the documentation for MFjob (mfjob.doc). It is not recommended to run MFjob on all.mfj, that's overkill. The DVI drivers automatically call MFjob to generate missing fonts. 4.6: Why can't GF files be used? GF files use a great deal of disk space and the routines to read GF files would make the DVI drivers even larger. Apart from this, GF files can easily be converted into PK files. For these reasons I have decided not to support GF files in the drivers. 4.7: I would like to print using 180 DPI fonts for draft as well as 360 DPI fonts for final copy but I haven't enough room on my disk for both the P6L and the P6H fonts. The drivers can reduce the size of the fonts they use. For instance, you can have the P6H fonts on your disk which the driver can scale down to 180 DPI -- though the result is not as good as using the P6L fonts. Fonts can be scaled by the factors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 --- fractional values are not possible. You can, however, have different horizontal and vertical factors. 4.8: What is a virtual font? While we used Computer Modern fonts and 7-bit characters, everything was simple. But increasingly, built-in font sets (PostScript!) were being used too. This caused difficulties when a document was to be previewed on the screen, or printed on a device which did not contain these fonts. Virtual fonts come to the rescue here: they consist of a TFM file (which contains information on ligatures and character widths) and a VF file. The VF file tells the printer driver how the different characters of the font are to be generated. For instance, whether the characters can be replaced by another font (e.g. cm font) or made up from two other characters. If we have an 8-bit virtual font in which the characters from 0 to 127 correspond to a cm font and the rest are accented characters, then the VF information for these accented characters can show that they are to be made from existing ones, for instance, letter and accent. 4.9: How can I fix wrong character spacing? The fonts must match the TFM files used for typesetting the document. Perhaps you got hit by a bug in emTeX's printer drivers which strikes when substituting a font with one of a different design size. Until this bug is fixed, don't substitute fonts with fonts of a different design size. 4.10: The drivers cannot find the fonts circle10 and circlew10. What can I do? The fonts containing circles, quarter circles, and discs have been renamed from circle* to lcircle*. You can make the emTeX DVI drivers change the names (circle* -> lcircle*) using the font substitution file circle.sub: +font-subst-file:circle. 4.11: What's the `Cork Encoding'? The Computer Modern fonts employ a 7-bit encoding, allowing for 128 different characters. In 1990, at the TeX User's Group meeting in Cork, Ireland, an 8-bit encoding was created (allowing for 256 different characters). That encoding is called the `Cork Encoding'. For instance, the DC fonts use the Cork Encoding. 4.12: Where can I find xx_more.fli? Those font libraries are intended for local fonts. See INSTALL.ENG on how to create them. 5. Miscellaneous topics ======================= 5.1: A program complains about not being able to create a temporary file. What's wrong? The environment variable TMP should point to an existing, writable directory. Note that writing to the root directory of network drives is usually not permitted. 5.2: Will emTeX use a coprocessor if present? If not, would it run faster with coprocessor support? No. No. 5.3: I have only a 360 KB (or 720 KB) drive in my machine, how can I get emTeX on suitable disks? Use ZIPSPLIT or SLICE to split the ZIP files. Or use BACKUP to make 360 KB diskettes. 5.4: The emTeX documentation is rubbish, I can write better! Please do so and then send it to me so I can include it with emTeX. 5.5: Where can I find an exact description of VFtoVP, VPtoVF, TFtoPL and PLtoTF? You can find the description in the files vftovp.web, vptovf.web, tftopl.web and pltotf.web, which are not included with emTeX. 5.6: Where can I find a description of PiCTeX? You will find the answer in \emtex\doc\english\install.eng. 5.7: Is there an emTeX version for Linux, Macintosh, Windows NT, Unix, ...? No. emTeX is available for OS/2, MS-DOS, and PC-DOS. There are other ports of TeX for other machines and operating systems. Apparently emTeX works under Windows. 5.8: Will there be emTeX etc. for other operating systems? No, that's not planned. 5.9: What is CTAN? CTAN means Comprehensive TeX Archive Network, a collective term for certain ftp servers using the same directory structure and mirroring each other. Please use the host closest to you: ftp.dante.de (Germany) ftp.tex.ac.uk (UK) There are a lot of partial and complete mirrors of CTAN, for instance: ftp.cdrom.com /pub/tex/ctan (USA) 5.10: Where's the book list? There used to be one in the README.ENG file of previous emTeX releases. It has been removed because there are too many books available. Any selection of books would be incomplete, biased, out-dated, and unqualified (because I haven't read all the books). 5.11: Are there any user interfaces (shells) for emTeX? There are too many to be listed here. Most of them are available from CTAN. Let me give just four examples: J\"urgen Schlegelmilch's TeXShell (DOS, text mode) CTAN: /tex-archive/systems/msdos/texshell/ts271.zip Andreas Krebs' TeXtelmExtel (Windows) CTAN: /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex-contrib/TeXtelmExtel/... Jon Hacker's EPMTeX (enhancements for OS/2's EPM editor) CTAN: /tex-archive/systems/os2/epmtex/... Kresten Krab Thorup's and Per Abrahamsen's AUC TeX (for GNU Emacs) CTAN: /tex-archive/support/auctex/... 5.12: Is there an installation program for emTeX? An installation program for emTeX is now available for beta testing. CTAN: /tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex/betatest/README.INS -------- End of HELP.ENG -------------