\documentstyle[times,changebar]{csart} \driver{dvips} \font\mf=logo10 \hyphenchar\mf=-1 % Metafont from the METAFONT Documentation \def\METAFONT{{\mf METAFONT}} % BIBTeX from the BiBTeX Documentation \def\BIBTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} % SliTeX from the SliTeX Documentation \def\SLiTeX{S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{i}\kern-.03em\TeX} % AMSTeX from the AMSTeX Files \def\AmSTeX{{$\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em $\cal S$-\TeX}} % PiCTeX Documentation from the PiCTeX Files \def\PiC{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075emC} \def\PiCTeX{\PiC\kern-.11em\TeX} % \def\PICTEX{\PiCTeX} \def\pictex{\PiCTeX} \def\AMSTeX{\AmSTeX} \def\AMSTEX{\AmSTeX} \def\amstex{\AmSTeX} \def\BibTeX{\BIBTeX} \def\bibtex{\BIBTeX} \def\SliTeX{\SLiTeX} \def\slitex{\SLiTeX} \def\Metafont{\METAFONT} \def\metafont{\METAFONT} \def\MF{\METAFONT} \def\latex{\LaTeX} % TeXsis from the TeXsis documentation \def\TeXsis{\TeX sis} \def\TeXcad{\TeX cad} \def\WEB{{\mf WEB}} \def\PS{{\sc PostScript}} \def\README{\verb|readme.eng| or \verb|readme.ger|} \begin{document} \title{em\TeX: TeX for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS} \author{Eberhard Mattes\\(shortened, and with additions by UK \TeX\ Archive\\edited by Sebastian Rahtz)} \date{25-Sep-1990, with modifications of 06-Oct-1991\\additions 8 April 92 \& 26 February 1993} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Preliminary remarks on the documentation} \cbstart This document is a typeset version of the machine readable files \README, prepared by the UK \TeX\ Archive. Changed sections are noted by changebars in the margin. \cbend In order to use \TeX\ or \LaTeX, familiarity with the `programming language' \TeX\ or \LaTeX, respectively, is required. Thus in general the reading of [1], [2], [5] or [7] is unavoidable. As a brief introduction for beginners the \LaTeX\ brief introduction of H. Partl (in German) may be used; it can be found on the disk after the installation of em\TeX\ (details below). It cannot be used as a substitute for [2] or [5], however. Experience shows that trying to save time by not reading the documentation fails. This is especially true with \TeX. \subsection{Book list} `Original works': \begin{itemize} \item[1.] Donald E. Knuth: The \TeX\ book The standard work on \TeX\ and plain \TeX\ (in English). \item[2.] Leslie Lamport: \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System The standard work for \LaTeX\ (in English). Supplemented by \verb|\emtex\texinput\local.tex| and/or \verb|\emtex\doc\local.dvi|. \item[3.] Donald E. Knuth: The \METAFONT\ book The standard work for \METAFONT\ (in English). \item[4.] Michael J. Wichura: The \PiCTeX\ Manual Manual for \PiCTeX\ (in English). Obtainable (cost: \$30) from the TeX User's Group: \cbstart \begin{verse} \TeX\ Users Group\\ P. O. Box 869,\\ Santa Barbara, CA 93102,\\ USA\\ telephone=805-899-4673\\ email=Internet: TUGboat@Math.AMS.org\\ \end{verse} \cbend \end{itemize} Further Books: \begin{itemize} \item[5.] Helmut Kopka: \LaTeX\ Eine Einf\"uhrung A manual for \LaTeX\ in German. \item[6.] Norbert Schwarz: Eine Einf\"uhrung in \TeX \item[7.] Norbert Schwarz: Introduction to \TeX \end{itemize} \section{Introduction} em\TeX\ consists among others in the following: \begin{description} \item[ \TeX\ ] The well-known text system by Donald E. Knuth \item[ \LaTeX\ ] The well-known macro package for TeX by L. Lamport \item[ \METAFONT\ ] `font compiler' by Donald E. Knuth \item[ dvidrv ] Printer driver and Screen Previewer \item[ \TeXcad\ ] A program for drawing LaTeX picture environments \end{description} All programs but \TeXcad\ can be used under DOS as well as OS/2. \TeXcad\ can be used only under DOS or in DOS mode of OS/2. The dvidrv printer drivers support the following printers: \begin{verse} HP LaserJet+, HP LaserJet II, HP LaserJet III\\ HP DeskJet, HP DeskJet+\\ Kyocera F-1010\\ NEC P6, P7, P2200\\ EPSON LQ, FX, and RX series\\ Panasonic KX-P1124\\ Apple Imagewriter\\ C.ITOH 8510A\\ Tandy DMP-130\\ \ldots and many more dot matrix printers\\ \end{verse} em\TeX\ consists of several packages. Each single package is provided in the form of zip files, which have to be unpacked with the program pkunzip, which is also provided. Many packages are spread over several zip files, so that DSDD diskettes can be used. (But fonts are available only on HD diskettes.) The package DVIDRV, for example, is found in the files dvidrv1.zip, dvidrv2.zip, and dvidrv3.zip. On the other hand, the package \PICTEX\ is found in the single file pictex.zip. Details of the packages are given in Table \ref{packages}. \section{Diskettes} On delivery on HD diskettes (1.44 MB), the diskettes contain the following files: {\small \begin{description} \item[Diskette 1]\par \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill pkz102.exe \> Compression program (self-unpacking program).\\ pkunzip.exe\> Unpacking program (from pkz102.exe).\\ delete.exe \> File deleting program.\\ remove.exe \> Package removing program.\\ readme.eng \> This file.\\ readme.ger \> German version of this file.\\ help.eng \> Frequently asked questions with answers (English).\\ help.ger \> Frequently asked questions with answers (German).\\ changes.eng \> Changes from older versions (English).\\ changes.ger \> Changes from older versions (German).\\ changes.pre \> Changes between the pre-releases of emTeX (German).\\ tex1.zip \> TEX package, Part 1/2.\\ tex2.zip \> TEX package, Part 2/2.\\ latex1.zip \> LATEX package, Part 1/2.\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \item[Diskette 2]\par \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill latex2.zip \> LATEX package, Part 2/2.\\ texware.zip \> TEXWARE package.\\ web.zip \> WEB package.\\ btex1.zip \> BTEX package, Part 1/2.\\ btex2.zip \> BTEX package, Part 2/2.\\ bmf1.zip \> BMF package, Part 1/2.\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \item[Diskette 3]\par \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill mfware1.zip \> MFWARE package, Part 1/2.\\ mfware2.zip \> MFWARE package, Part 2/2.\\ mf1.zip \> MF package, Part 1/3.\\ mf2.zip \> MF package, Part 2/3.\\ mf3.zip \> MF package, Part 3/3.\\ mfjob.zip \> MFJOB package\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \item[Diskette 4]\par \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill gtex.zip \> GTEX package.\\ glatex.zip \> GLATEX package.\\ gbtex.zip \> GBTEX package.\\ gblatex.zip \> GBLATEX package.\\ texcad.zip \> TEXCAD package.\\ emsy.zip \> EMSY package.\\ pkedit.zip \> PKEDIT package.\\ misc\_mf.zip \> MISC\_MF package.\\ bibtex.zip \> BIBTEX package.\\ makeindx.zip \> MAKEINDX package.\\ pictex.zip \> PICTEX package.\\ dvidrvma.zip \> DVIDRVMA package.\\ lkurz.zip \> LKURZ package.\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \item[Diskette 5]\par \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill dvidrv1.zip \> DVIDRV package, Part 1/3.\\ dvidrv2.zip \> DVIDRV package, Part 2/3.\\ bmf2.zip \> BMF, Part 2/2.\\ latexdoc.zip \> LATEXDOC package.\\ blatex.zip \> BLATEX package.\\ dvidrv3.zip \> DVIDRV package, Part 3/3.\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \end{description} } \begin{table} \caption{List of Packages}\label{packages} { \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{lp{2in}p{1in}p{1in}rr}\hline Package&Description&Requires&Optional&Files&Size\\ \hline BIBTEX & BibTeX (Bibliography database for \LaTeX) & LATEX & --- & 11 & 323\\ BLATEX & \LaTeX\ for big\TeX\ (extra big \LaTeX) & TEX, BTEX, LATeX & --- & 7 & 510\\ BMF & big\METAFONT\ (extra big \METAFONT) & MF & --- & 11 & 1043\\ BTEX & big\TeX\ (extra big \TeX) & TEX & BLATEX & 9 & 986\\ DVIDRV & Printer drivers and previewers (dvidrv) & --- & TEX & 106 & 1491\\ DVIDRVMA & Manual for the dvidrv drivers & DVIDRV, (EMSY) & --- & 29 & 511\\ EMSY *) & Special fonts of/for em & MF, TEX & LATEX & 19 & 25\\ GBLATEX & \LaTeX\ for big\TeX\ (German hyphenation patterns) & TEX, BTEX, GTEX, LATEX, BLATEX, GLATEX & --- & 7 & 541\\ GBTEX & big\TeX\ (German hyphenation patterns) & TEX, BTEX, GTEX & GBLATEX & 5 & 316 \\ GLATEX & \LaTeX\ (German hyphenation) and brief \LaTeX\ intro. & LATEX, GTEX & --- & 8 & 421 \\ GTEX & Files for typesetting German texts & TEX & GLATEX & 12 & 279 \\ LATEX & \LaTeX\ (to be more exact: I\LaTeX) & TEX & DVIDRV & 73 & 1074\\ LATEXDOC *) & doc files (documented sty files; obsolete) & LATEX & --- & 26 & 324\\ LKURZ *)\\ & Source text for the brief \LaTeX\ intro (German) & LATEX & --- & 7 & 94\\ MAKEINDX\\ & MakeIndx (to sort \LaTeX\ index) & LATEX & --- & 5 & 120\\ MF & \METAFONT & MFWARE & --- & 191 & 1868\\ MFWARE & Auxiliary programs for \METAFONT & MF & TEX, PKEDIT & 44 & 759\\ MISC\_MF *) & Various font source texts & METAFONT & --- & 5 & 134\\ PICTEX & \PiCTeX\ (graphic macros for \TeX) & TEX & BLATEX (required for \LaTeX) & 5 & 147\\ PKEDIT & Font editor & --- & MFWARE & 4 & 100\\ TEX & em\TeX\ (plain \TeX) & --- & DVIDRV & 104 & 1110\\ TEXCAD & \TeXcad\ (drawing program for \LaTeX\ picture environment) & --- & --- & 18 & 244\\ TEXWARE & Auxiliary programs for \TeX & TEX & --- & 11 & 439\\ WEB *) & The WEB programming system (TANGLE, WEAVE, \ldots) & TEX & --- & 7 & 255\\ \end{tabular} The packages with *) are usually not installed. } \end{table} \section{Directions for pkunzip} The program pkunzip is part of a program package from PKWARE. It is installed as follows on a disk (for example in the directory \verb|c:\pk|): {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} md c:\pk a:pkz102 c:\pk \end{verbatim} } These lines mean the following: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} md c:\pk Make the directory a:pkz102 Load the self-unpacking program on drive a: c:\pk Target directory \end{verbatim} } Please observe the license conditions at the end of manual.doc (contained in pkz102.exe)! The contents of a zip file (here dvidrvma.zip) can be displayed as follows: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip -vb a:dvidrvma \end{verbatim} } These lines have the following meaning: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip Call the unpacking program -vb List the contents of a zip file (brief listing) a:dvidrvma zip file \end{verbatim} } \section{Installation} \cbstart First read this file (a shortened version of \README, which you should also look at) in its entirety. \cbend Then you should read the license conditions at the end of manual.doc (contained in pkz 102.exe) for pkzip/pkunzip. (And follow the conditions.) For the installation, the program pkunzip.exe should be copied onto the disk. A directory should be used that is in the path for executables (PATH). For OS/2 users: There is also an OS/2 version of pkzip/pkunzip, but this is not supplied with em\TeX. \cbstart If you do not have this, you have to use pkunzip in the DOS compatibility environment, or use the public domain {\tt unzip} program. \cbend All of the following examples assume that em\TeX\ is to be installed on drive c: (You can however install em\TeX\ on another disk, if there is enough space.) In case an older version of em\TeX\ is already installed on the disk, this should first be removed. First the files you have modified should be saved (usually only batch and configuration files). Moreover, before removing em\TeX from the disk, the diskettes should be checked for readability, for example with {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip -t a:* \end{verbatim} } These lines have the following meaning: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip Call the unpacking program -t Check the zip files a:* All the zip files on drive a: \end{verbatim} } The removal of em\TeX\ is done with the program delete, which is supplied on the first diskette. This is done as follows (drive c:): {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} a:delete -sd c:\emtex\*.* \end{verbatim} } These lines have the following meaning: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} a: Load the program from diskette (first diskette!) delete Call the file deletion program -s Also delete in subdirectories -d Remove directories c:\emtex\*.* Files to be removed \end{verbatim} } Since by this procedure all files in the directory \verb|\emtex| and in all subdirectories of this directory will be deleted, you should not use this directory for your own files! Now the individual packages can be installed. The following packages are usually installed (the packages in parentheses do not have to be installed): \begin{tabbing} TEX:xxxx xxx\= TEX, DVIDRV, (PICTEX), (TEXWARE)\kill \TeX: \> TEX, DVIDRV, (PICTEX), (TEXWARE)\\ \LaTeX: \> TEX, DVIDRV, LATEX, (BIBTEX), (TEXWARE), (MAKEINDX)\\ \METAFONT: \> MF, MFWARE, (PKEDIT), (TEX)\\ \end{tabbing} For example, to install the package LATEX from drive a: onto disk c:, the following should be entered: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip -d -o a:latex? c:\ \end{verbatim} } This line means the following: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip Call the unpacking program -d Use directories stored in zip file -o Overwrite existing files a:latex? Unpack the package LATEX (latex1.zip, ...) c:\ Target path \end{verbatim} } In this way the files will automatically be copied into the right directories. After installation you should read (or print and read) the following files: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} \emtex\doc\english\texware.doc (TEX package, English) \emtex\doc\german\texware.doc (TEX package, German) \emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.doc (DVIDRV package, English) \emtex\doc\german\dvidrv.doc (DVIDRV package; do not print out; see below!) \end{verbatim} } Moreover, the license conditions in the following files should be observed: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} \emtex\doc\makeindx.cpy (MAKEINDX package) \emtex\texinput\ghyphen.min (GTEX package) \emtex\texinput\ghyphen.max (GTEX package) \end{verbatim} } If you have installed the package DVIDRV and have followed the directions in the part `Installation of the printer driver and screen previewer' of this file, then you should install the package DVIDRVMA. This enables you to print out the `real' manual for the package DVIDRV (as opposed to dvidrv.doc), if you have available a suitable printer. After printing the manual you can again delete the files taken from DVIDRVMA (see below). If you cannot, or do not want to, print the dvidrv manual, then you have to content yourself with the indications in dvidrv.doc. After the installation of DVIDRV you can print out the other instructions (or look at them on the screen). Reading {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} \emtex\doc\english\emtex.dvi (TEX package) \emtex\doc\local.dvi (LATEX package) \end{verbatim} } is especially recommended. In order to use \TeX\ or \METAFONT, various environment variables still have to be set; see the section `Environment Variables' further below in this file. If you want to use \LaTeX\ together with \PiCTeX, then big\TeX\ has to be used. This is a bigger (but slower) version of em\TeX. At present only a preliminary version is available. A brief introduction to \LaTeX\ in German is found in the package GLATEX. Among the files delivered is the macro package german.sty of H. Partl; if you want to typeset German or other non-English texts with \TeX\ or \LaTeX, you should read the corresponding instruction \verb|\emtex\doc\germdoc.dvi|. Since there are some files which you will not need, you should write a batch file to delete the ones not needed. In this way you can save some work in the next installation of em\TeX. For example, if you work under DOS, you will not need the OS/2 versions of \TeX\ and \METAFONT. It is also possible to extract single files from a zip file; see manual.doc in pkz102.exe. Example: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip -d a:pkedit c:\ emtex\pkedit.exe \end{verbatim} } This line means the following: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} pkunzip Call the unpacking program -d Use directories stored in zip file a:pkedit Unpack the package PKEDIT c:\ Target path emtex\pkedit.exe File name (without leading backslash!) \end{verbatim} } You'll find some frequently asked questions with answers in the file help.eng (and help.ger) on the first diskette. \section{Removing a package} You can remove a package from the hard disk if the appropriate REM file is supplied --- these files appear in em\TeX\ sets made available after 2nd May 1990. To remove a package the program `remove', on the first disk, is needed. If, for example, you want to remove the DVIDRVMA package from the C: drive you would enter the following commands: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} a:remove c:\emtex\remove\dvidrvma.rem c:\ \end{verbatim} } where {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} a: load the program from the first disk remove run the package removal program c:\emtex\remove\dvidrvma.rem the list of files comprising the package c:\ remove the package from this disk \end{verbatim} } \section{Directories} The following directories are created during the installation (see also emtex.dvi, local.dvi, texware.doc, and mfware.doc): \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxemte\=xxxxx\kill \verb|\emtex|\\ \> Programs, batch files, and configuration files.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\doc|\\ \> Instructions and Manuals. The texts in this directory are available\\ \> in only one language (English or German).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\doc\english|\\ \> English Instructions and Manuals.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\doc\german|\\ \> German Instructions and Manuals.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\doc\gr180|\\ \> Graphic files for the dvidrv manual (180 DPI).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\doc\gr300|\\ \> Graphic files for the dvidrv manual (300 DPI).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\doc\gr360|\\ \> Graphic files for the dvidrv manual (360 DPI).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\texfmts|\\ \> \TeX\ format files (macro packages in a fast-loading format;\\ \> for example, plain and \LaTeX) and tex.poo.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\btexfmts|\\ \> big\TeX\ format files (macro packages in a fast-loading format;\\ \> for example, plain and \LaTeX) and tex.poo.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\tfm|\\ \> tfm files (\TeX\ font metrics; font descriptions).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\texinput|\\ \> Texts which will be read by \TeX\ (and \BibTeX).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\bibinput|\\ \> Bibliography database for \BibTeX.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\mfinput|\\ \> Texts which will be read by \METAFONT\ (and MFT).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\mfbases|\\ \> \METAFONT\ base files (macro packages in a fast-loading format;\\ \> for example plain and cm) and mf.poo.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\bmfbases|\\ \> big\METAFONT\ base files (macro packages in a fast-loading format;\\ \> for example plain and cm) and mf.poo.\\ \\ \verb|emtex\mfjob|\\ \> mfj files (see MFjob).\\ \\ \verb|emtex\remove|\\ \> Package contents listings used by the remove program.\\ \end{tabbing} \section{Environment variables and config.sys} In this section it is assumed that \TeX\ has been installed on drive C:. You should set the environment variables for \TeX\ as follows: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} set texinput=c:\emtex\texinput set tfm=c:\emtex\tfm set texfmt=c:\emtex\texfmts set btexfmt=c:\emtex\btexfmts (only for bigTeX) set textfm=c:\emtex\tfm set bibinput=c:\emtex\bibinput \end{verbatim} } The environment variables for \METAFONT\ and MFjob are set as follows: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} set mfinput=c:\emtex\mfinput set mfbas=c:\emtex\mfbases set bmfbas=c:\emtex\bmfbases (only for bigMETAFONT) set mfjob=c:\emtex\mfjob \end{verbatim} } In addition, the directory \verb|c:\emtex| should be put in the search path, for example: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} path c:\bin;c:\emtex \end{verbatim} } All of these lines should be put in the file autoexec.bat (file config.sys for OS/2). The file \verb|\emtex\set-tex.bat| (\verb|\emtex\set-tex.cmd| in OS/2) can be used as a model, or modified and called by autoexec.bat. If the computer complains about not enough environment space, you should consult your DOS manual concerning the SHELL command in the config.sys file and concerning the /E and /P options of the program COMMAND.COM. If you put all em\TeX\ directories on ONE drive and if the directories are organzied as recommended (and as stored in the zip files), it will be sufficient to set the environment variable EMTEXDRV (besides PATH): {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} set emtexdrv=c \end{verbatim} } This causes all programs (but dvidrv) to use the default directories on drive C:. The config.sys file should specify at least {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 \end{verbatim} } greater values are allowed. Under OS/2, the line {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} IOPL=YES \end{verbatim} } is required in config.sys for dviscr and pkedit. \section{Installation of the printer drivers and the screen previewers} \begin{enumerate} \item Install the DVIDRV package. \item Copy the fonts to the disk. For example, to install them on drive d: do as follows: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} md d:\texfonts copy a:*.fli d:\texfonts \end{verbatim} } The last line has to be repeated for all suitable font diskettes. The fonts should if possible not be put into a directory under \verb|\emtex|, in order to simplify the installation of a new version of em\TeX\ (that is, without having to copy the fonts again to the disk). \item The following environment variables should be set: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} dvidrvinput Search path for dvi files. dvidrvfonts Search path for fli files. dvidrvgraph Search path for graphic files. \end{verbatim} } For example, this can be done by {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} set dvidrvinput=c:\mytex;c:\emtex\doc set dvidrvfonts=d:\texfonts set dvidrvgraph=c:\mytex;c:\emtex\doc\gr$r \end{verbatim} } The directory \verb|c:\emtex\doc| resp. \verb|c:\emtex\doc\gr$r| is used for printing the dvidrv manual. The value stored in DVIDRVFONTS will have the following appended to it by prtp6l.bat, for example (\$r will be replaced by the resolution): {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} \pixel.p6l\$rdpi \end{verbatim} } Therefore only a directory should be given, and this must not end with a \verb|\|. All these lines should be put in the file autoexec.bat (for OS/2 config.sys). \verb|\emtex\set-tex.bat| or \verb|\emtex\set-tex.cmd| can be used as models, or modified and called by autoexec.bat. Important: \$r and \$s must be written in small letters. If you don't want to set the environment variables (or if you cannot), you have to insert the desired directories into the configuration files (*.cnf) after renaming. \item To use dviscr under OS/2, you should insert the line {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} IOPL=YES \end{verbatim} } into config.sys. If you don't need the OS/2 spooler, you should disable it. \item Now the following batch files can be used: \begin{description} \item[v ] Screen previewer (dviscr). \item[vs ] Screen previewer (dviscrs). \item[prthplj ] Printer driver (dvihplj: HP LaserJet+). \item[prthplj /od ] Printer driver (dvihplj: HP DeskJet). \item[prthplj /ok ] Printer driver (dvihplj: Kyocera F-1010). \item[prtp6l ] Printer driver (dvidot p6l: P6 with 180 DPI). \item[prtp6m ] Printer driver (dvidot p6m: P6 with 360x180 DPI). \item[prtp6h ] Printer driver (dvidot p6h: P6 with 360 DPI). \item[prtfx ] Printer driver (dvidot fx: EPSON FX-80). \item[prtlql ] Printer driver (dvidot lql: EPSON LQ, 180 DPI). \item[prtlqm ] Printer driver (dvidot lqm: EPSON LQ, 360x180 DPI). \item[prtlqh ] Printer driver (dvidot lqh: EPSON LQ, 360 DPI). \item[ ] Note: not all LQ printers support 360 DPI. \item[prtitoh ] Printer driver (dvidot itoh: C.ITOH 8510A). \item[prtaiw ] Printer driver (dvidot aiw: Apple Imagewriter). \item[msplj ] Create graphic files (Parameters: lj.cnf) \item[mspp6l ] Create graphic files (Parameters: p6l.cnf) \item[mspp6m ] Create graphic files (Parameters: p6m.cnf) \item[mspp6h ] Create graphic files (Parameters: p6h.cnf) \item[mspfx ] Create graphic files (Parameters: fx.cnf) \item[mspito ] Create graphic files (Parameters: ito.cnf) \end{description} If you have a version of DOS prior to 3.3, then you should change the first line of these batch files from {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} @echo off \end{verbatim} } to {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} echo off \end{verbatim} } The batch files v.cmd, v.bat and vs.bat use the configuration file lj.cnf (LJ fonts). If another configuration file is to be used, then these batch files have to be changed correspondingly. If you don't have the correct font files for your printer, the drivers can reduce the existing font files in certain cases (marked with * in the table below; loss of quality!). Gray mode is recommended for dviscr. Example: Use {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} @p6m.cnf /ox2 \end{verbatim} } instead of {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} @p6l_p6m.cnf \end{verbatim} } with dviscr. A table of configuration files is given in Table \ref{config}. \begin{table} \caption{Configuration files}\label{config} {\small \centerline{\begin{tabular}{llll} File name & Resolution & Fonts & Font resolution\\ \hline lj.cnf & 300 & LJ & 300\\ p6l.cnf & 180 & P6L & 180\\ p6l\_p6m.cnf *& 180 & P6M & 360x180\\ p6l\_p6h.cnf *& 180 & P6H & 360\\ p6m.cnf & 360x180 & P6M & 360x180\\ p6m\_p6h.cnf *& 360x180 & P6H & 360\\ p6h.cnf & 360 & P6H & 360\\ fx.cnf & 240x216 & FX & 240x216\\ ito.cnf & 160x144 & ITO & 160x144\\ \end{tabular}} } \end{table} \item Justify the margins. This procedure is described in dvidrv.doc under /la\#. The /la\# and /ta\# options should be put in the respective prt*.cmd/bat files. \item If you're using a NEC P7, EPSON FX-100 or another wide (13.6") printer, you have to modify the batch files prt*.cmd resp. prt*.bat. Examples: prtfx.bat/cmd: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} old: dvidot fx80 @fx.cnf /po=prn %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 new: dvidot fx100 @fx.cnf /po=prn %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 \end{verbatim} } prtlql.bat/cmd: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} old: dvidot lql @p6l.cnf /po=prn %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 new: dvidot lqwl @p6l.cnf /po=prn %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 \end{verbatim} } prtp6h.bat/cmd: {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} old: dvidot p6h @p6h.cnf /po=prn %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 new: dvidot p7h @p6h.cnf /po=prn %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 \end{verbatim} } \item Print the dvidrv manual: Install the DVIDRVMA package and follow the instructions in dvidrvma.doc. \item If you need (and have) the big fonts for \SliTeX, you have to change the configuration file(s) to include the extra font library file. Example (lj.cnf): {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} old: /pl=%DVIDRVFONTS%;lj_0;lj_h;lj_1;lj_2;lj_3;lj_4;lj_5a;lj_5b new: /pl=%DVIDRVFONTS%;lj_0;lj_h;lj_1;lj_2;lj_3;lj_4;lj_5a;lj_5b;lj_sli \end{verbatim} } \end{enumerate} \section{Further sources of information} The following files contain further information (dvi files can be looked at on the screen with a screen previewer, or printed with a printer driver): {\small \begin{tabbing} emtexdocenglishtex\=ware.docxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=TEX package, English)\kill \verb|\emtex\doc\english\texware.doc| \>\>(TEX package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\texware.doc| \>\>(TEX package, German)\\ \>Calling \TeX\ and its associated programs.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\germdoc.dvi| \>\>(GTEX package, German, 4 pages)\\ \>Instructions for german.sty.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\emtex.dvi| \>\>(TEX package, English, 8 pages)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\emtex.dvi| \>\>(TEX package, German, 12 pages)\\ \>Instructions for em\TeX.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\latex.bug| \>\>(LATEX package, English)\\ \>Changes and known mistakes in \LaTeX.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\local.gid| \>\>(LATEX package, English)\\ \>Ultra brief instructions for \LaTeX.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\local.dvi| \>\>(LATEX package, English, 20 pages)\\ \>Implementation specific instructions for \LaTeX.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\lkurz.dvi| \>\>(GLATEX package, German, 46 pages)\\ \>Brief instructions for \LaTeX\ by H.Partl.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\mfware.doc| \>\>(MF package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\mfware.doc| \>\>(MF package, German)\\ \>Calling \METAFONT\ and its associated programs.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\mfjob.doc| \>\>(MFWARE package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\mfjob.doc| \>\>(MFWARE package, German)\\ \>Instructions for the MFjob program.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\dvidrvma.doc| \>\>(DVIDRVMA package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\dvidrvma.doc| \>\>(DVIDRVMA package, German)\\ \>Instructions for printing the dvidrv manual.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.dvi| \>\>(DVIDRVMA package, English, 45 pp.)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\dvidrv.dvi| \>\>(DVIDRVMA package, German, 58 pages)\\ \>Manual for the dvidrv drivers.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.doc| \>\>(DVIDRV package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\dvidrv.doc| \>\>(DVIDRV package, German)\\ \>Instructions for the dvidrv drivers.\\ \>Pay special attention to the end (changes with\\ \>respect to earlier versions).\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\fontlib.doc| \>\>(DVIDRV package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\fontlib.doc| \>\>(DVIDRV package, German)\\ \>Instructions for the fontlib program.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\makedot.doc| \>\>(DVIDRV package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\makedot.doc| \>\>(DVIDRV package, German)\\ \>Provisional instructions for makedot. This is a supplement\\ \>to dvidot.doc.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\web.doc|\>\>(WEB package, German)\\ \>Calling the programs of the WEB system.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\pkedit.doc| \>\>(PKEDIT package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\pkedit.doc| \>\>(PKEDIT package, German)\\ \>Instructions for the pkedit program.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\tcman.dvi| \>\>(TEXCAD package, English, 13 pages)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\tcman.dvi| \>\>(TEXCAD package, German, 14 pages)\\ \>The \TeXcad\ manual.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\texinput\webman.tex| \>\>(WEB package, English)\\ \>Manual for the WEB system.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\texinput\makeindx.tex| \>\>(MAKEINDX package, English)\\ \>Instructions for MakeIndx.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\makeindx.doc| \>\>(MAKEINDX package, English)\\ \>Detailed instructions for MakeIndx.\\ \\ \verb|\emtex\doc\english\texchk.doc| \>\>(TEXWARE package, English)\\ \verb|\emtex\doc\german\texchk.doc| \>\>(TEXWARE package, German)\\ \>Instructions for texchk.\\ \end{tabbing} } \section{File names in the em\protect\TeX system} {\small \begin{tabbing} .auxxxx\=Auxiliary file created and used by \LaTeX\kill .aux\>Auxiliary file created and used by \LaTeX\\ .bak\>Backup file (fontlib, pkedit)\\ .bas\>Fast-loading file for \METAFONT\ (no, not BASIC)\\ .bat\>Batch file (DOS)\\ .bbl\>Output file of \BibTeX\\ .bgi\>Video graphics driver (used by \TeXcad)\\ .bib\>Bibliography database for \BibTeX\\ .blg\>Transcript file (\BibTeX)\\ .bst\>Bibliography style for \BibTeX\\ .bug\>List of bugs\\ .ch\>Change file (TANGLE, WEAVE and MFT)\\ .chr\>Readable form of a pxl file (PXtoCH and CHtoPX)\\ .cmd\>Batch file (OS/2)\\ .cnf\>Configuration file for dvidrv\\ .dlg\>Transcript file (dvidrv)\\ .doc\>Instructions (straight text) or commented sty file\\ .dot\>Parameter file for dvidot\\ .dvi\>Device independent output of \TeX\\ .err\>Error messages and warnings (dvidrv)\\ .exe\>Executable program\\ .fli\>Font library file (dvidrv)\\ .fmt\>Fast-loading file for \TeX\\ .gf\>Font file created by \METAFONT\ (usually.\#gf)\\ .gft\>Default extension for the output of GFtype\\ .glo\>\LaTeX\ auxiliary file for \verb|glossary|\\ .idx\>Index entries (created by \LaTeX)\\ .ilg\>MakeIndx transcript file\\ .ind\>Index entries (created by MakeIndx)\\ .lof\>\LaTeX\ auxiliary file for \verb|\listoffigures|\\ .log\>Transcript file (\TeX\ and \METAFONT)\\ .lot\>\LaTeX\ auxiliary file for \verb|\listoftables|\\ .mac\>\TeXcad\ macro file\\ .mf\>Source text for a font\\ .mfj\>Job file for MFjob\\ .mft\>Style file for MFT\\ .msp\>Graphic file\\ .opt\>\TeXcad\ parameters\\ .ovl\>Overlay\\ .pas\>Pascal source file (TANGLE)\\ .pcx\>Graphic file\\ .pic\>Picture environment created by \TeXcad\\ .pk\>Compressed font file\\ .pkt\>Default extension for the output of PKtype\\ .pl\>Readable form of a tfm file\\ .poo\>String pool for INITEX or INIMF (pool file)\\ .pxl\>Font file\\ .rem\>Package contents listing for the remove program\\ .sty\>Document style or document style option for \LaTeX\\ .sub\>Font substitution file (dvidrv)\\ .tcp\>\TeX\ code page (translation of code pages and special characters)\\ .tex\>\TeX\ text\\ .tfm\>Symbol widths and other properties of a font (font metrics)\\ .toc\>Notes of \LaTeX\ for contents\\ .ver\>List of program versions (\TeXcad)\\ .vf\>Virtual font (dvidrv, VFtoVP, VPtoVF)\\ .vpl\>Readable form of a vf file (VFtoVP and VPtoVF)\\ .web\>WEB source text (TANGLE and WEAVE)\\ .zip\>Archive file (collection of compressed files)\\ \end{tabbing} } (No claim as to completeness.) \section{File list} \cbstart A complete list of files is given in \README \cbend \section{Fonts} \cbstart See \README\ for a discussion of font magnifications and names \cbend \section{License} emTeX may only be distributed in UNCHANGED and COMPLETE form (all zip files, readme.eng and readme.ger!), and only when this is done WITHOUT CHARGE. If you want to distribute only parts of emTeX or if you want to charge a small fee for handling etc., you have to contact the author. Please observe the license conditions for pkzip/pkunzip (see manual.doc in pkz102.exe)! Please observe the directions in {\footnotesize \verb|\emtex\texinput\ghyphen.min|} and {\footnotesize\verb|\emtex\texinput\ghyphen.max|}! Please observe the directions in {\footnotesize \verb|\emtex\doc\makeindx.cpy|} (see also {\footnotesize\verb|\emtex\doc\english\texware.doc|} and {\footnotesize\verb|\emtex\doc\german\texware.doc|})! TeXcad is Shareware. Please observe the directions in {\footnotesize\verb|\emtex\doc\english\tcman.dvi|}! No guarantee is made as to the proper functioning of the programs. No liability will be admitted for damage resulting from using the programs. Instead of a list: All the trademarks used in this document and all the other em\TeX\ documents are registered to whoever it is that owns them. \section{The author} Address: \begin{verse} Eberhard Mattes\\ Teckstra\ss e 81\\ D-7141 M\"oglingen\\ Federal Republic of Germany \end{verse} Questions only by mail! No telephone calls please! Please inclose a self-addressed return package with postage if you expect a response. Electronic mail (subject to sudden change): {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} Internet: mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de \end{verbatim} } If you want support by telephone, obtain a commercial \TeX\ package. Frequently asked questions (and answers) will be found in help.eng and help.ger. \section{Reporting bugs} If you find a bug please tell the author so that it can be corrected. Please send the following information which is needed for the task: \begin{itemize} \item machine type (XT, AT, 386 etc.), CPU, BIOS, video card, printer (manufacturer and model), operating system and version number (note: SYSLEVEL command with OS/2). For instance: AT compatible, 286, Award, Paradise VGA, DeskJet+, IBM PC-DOS 3.3 . \item the text of the autoexec.bat and config.sys in use when the error occurred: if possible, with an explanation of the programs called and drivers installed that are not part of the operating system. \item em\TeX\ version (date of issue) \item enough information for the error to be reproduced, if possible a disk (5.25" or 3.5") containing the appropriate files (see also dvidrv.doc). \item the dvidrv log file, if the error is in a driver \item the part of the printed output which shows the error, if the error is in a printer driver. \end{itemize} Please inclose a self-addressed return package with postage if you expect a response. \section{Changes from earlier versions (with regard to the installation)} \cbstart A full list of changes can be found in \README. \cbend \section{Betatest disk} \cbstart This disk contains new versions of some of the em\TeX\ packages. The tex386 package offers a conveniently large and fast \TeX\ (in the latest 3.141 version), and the new versions of the drivers with MFJOB provide dynamic creation of fonts. \begin{description} \item[Diskette 6]\par \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill tex386b8.zip \> em\TeX\ for 386 machines (large capacity, and fast) \\ readme.tst \> notes on beta-test files. PLEASE READ THIS!\\ drv14s.zip \> revised versions of dvi drivers\\ mfjob11l\> MFJOB utility to accompany new drivers\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \end{description} \section{Bonus disks from the UK \protect\TeX\ Archive}\label{bonus} This distribution of the em\TeX\ package by the UK \TeX\ Archive has been enhanced by the addition of more packages which provide some commonly-requested facilities. These are {\em not} as well-tested, packaged and documented as em\TeX\ itself, but should be useful to many PC-based \TeX\ users. All These packages are supplied as .zip archives which are unpacked in exactly the same way as the em\TeX\ ones. A {\tt .rem} file is supplied for use with the {\tt remove} utility. \begin{description} \item[bm2font] A program to convert eg .PCX or .GIF files to \TeX\ .pk fonts for inclusion in \TeX\ documents without any need for special drivers. \item[dvips] Tom Rokicki's dvips program, to translate .dvi files to PostScript. This is a reliable, sophisticated package, also available for Unix, VMS and VM/CMS systems. Full documentation is in the plain \TeX\ document \verb|\dvips.tex|. There are two copies of the program: \verb|dvips.exe| for normal DOS use, and \verb|dvipswin| for those with Microsoft Windows. Configuration files are placed in \verb|\emtex\ps| and they assume that the font library files or .pk files are in \verb|\texfonts\pixel.lj|. Font metric files are included for all the common \PS\ fonts. The program source for dvips is in a separate package, {\em dvipssrc}. \item[morebin] A selection of useful ancillary programs. Documentation is provided in the \verb|emtex\doc| hierarchy. \begin{description} \item[wp2latex] WordPerfect 5.0 to \LaTeX\ translator \item[dvi2tty] ASCII viewer for dvi files \item[dviselec] Write a subset of a dvi file to a new dvi file \item[dvidvi] Rearrange pages of a dvi file \item[dviconca] Join dvi files together \item[dvibook] Rearrange pages of a dvi file \item[lacheck] Syntax checker for \LaTeX\ documents \end{description} \item[newlatex] The version of em\TeX\ is slightly out of date with respect to \LaTeX. This package provides new copies of all the \LaTeX\ source files for those who wish to be totally up to date. The files {\em overwrite} those in \verb|\emtex\texinput|. This does {\em not} update your format files --- the user has to run the {\tt fmt.bat} batch files in eg \verb|\emtex\texfmts|. The package includes the NFSS: as part of the development of a new \LaTeX\ for the 1990s, this is the New Font Selection Scheme, by Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf. It replaces all the font declaration mechanisms in \LaTeX\ with a much more flexible system. The files are installed in \verb|\emtex\base\nfss| which contains documentation etc. A new format file is placed in \verb|\emtex\texfmts| which is called by a new command `newlatex'; this is a version of \LaTeX\ with the NFSS installed. The newlatex package also includes the other Mittelbach/Sch\"opf packages ({\em multicol, array, theorem, ftnright,} and {\em verbatim}) which provide important extensions to \LaTeX. The documentation for these is in the source directories under \verb|emtex\base| for each package --- you should run \LaTeX\ on the {\tt .drv} file and print the result. The pre-built style files themselves have been placed in \verb|emtex\texinput| ready for use. \item[psnfss] This package builds on the NFSS package by providing a complete drop-in system for using PostScript fonts with the NFSS, prepared by Sebastian Rahtz. This package is installed in \verb|\emtex\psnfss|, with new style files in \verb|\emtex\texinput|. Print the documentation file \verb|psnfss.eps| before you start looking at this. \item[seminar] A comprehensive \LaTeX\ style package by Timothy van Zandt to produce overhead slides, performing all the same jobs as \SLiTeX, but can be used with all normal \LaTeX\ styles. \end{description} The packages are arranged on disk as follows: \begin{description} \item[Diskette 7] \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill dvips \> dvi to postscript driver \\ mfb1 \> betatest 386 version of \Metafont\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \item[Diskette 8] \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill newlatex \> March 1992 versions of \LaTeX\ files\\ \> plus all Mittelbach/Schoepf packages (inc NFSS)\\ psnfss \> PostScript addition for New Font Selection Scheme\\ morebin \> extra programs for use with \TeX\\ \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \item[Diskette 9] \begin{quote} \begin{tabbing} xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\=xxxxxxx\kill bm2font \> program to generate \TeX\ fonts from graphics files\\ seminar\> macros by Timothy van Zandt to produce slides \\ dvipssrc \> program source of dvips driver\\ ps2pk12 \> program to generate \TeX\ pk files from Adobe Type1 fonts \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \end{description} \cbend \end{document}