\section{Graphing functions} \label{sec:graphing} Among the most common types of figures for \TeX{} users are those which are the graphs of functions of a single variable. Hobby recognized this and constructed a package to accomplish this task. It is invoked by \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] input graph; \end{lstlisting} \MP{} has the ability to construct data (i.e., ordered pairs) for graphing simple functions. However, for more complicated functions, the data should probably be constructed using external programs such as \acro{MATLAB} (or Octave), Maple, Mathematica, Gnuplot, et. al. A typical data file, say \File{data.d}, to be used with the \File{graph} package may have contents \vspace{8pt} \noindent% \begin{tabular}[b]{@{\hspace{48pt}}l@{}} \lstinputlisting[style=text, boxpos=b]{data.d} \end{tabular}% \qquad% \attach[subject={Graph data}]{data.d} \vspace{8pt} This data represents the graph of $f(x)=\sqrt{x}$ for six equally spaced points in $[0,1]$. To graph this data, the size of the graph must first be decided. Choosing a width of $144\mathrm{\ bp}$ and a height of $89\mathrm{\ bp}$, a minimally controlled plot (as in \autoref{fig:data}) of this data can be generated by \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] draw begingraph(144bp,89bp); gdraw "data.d"; endgraph; \end{lstlisting} The \File{graph} package provides many commands used to customize generated graphs, and these commands are fully documented in the manual~\cite{hobby:graph} for the \File{graph} package. \begin{figure} \begin{withattachment}{data.mp} \centering \includegraphics{data.mps} \end{withattachment} \caption{$f(x)=\sqrt{x}$ using the \texttt{graph} package} \label{fig:data} \end{figure}