\subsection{The \texttt{draw} command} The most common command in \MP{} is the |draw| command. This command is used to draw paths or pictures. In order to draw a path from |z1:=(0,0)| to |z2:=(54,18)| to |z3:=(72,72)|, we should first decide how we want the path to look. For example, if we want these points to simply be connected by line segments, then we use \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] draw z1--z2--z3; \end{lstlisting} However, if we want a smooth path between these points, we use \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] draw z1..z2..z3; \end{lstlisting} In order to specify the direction of the path at the points, we use the |dir| operator. In \autoref{fig:draw1} we see that the smooth path is horizontal at |z1|, a 45\textdegree\ angle at |z2|, and vertical at |z3|. These constraints on the B\'{e}zier curve are imposed by \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] draw z1{right}..z2{dir 45}..{up}z3; \end{lstlisting} \begin{figure} \begin{withattachment}{draw.mp} \centering \includegraphics{draw-1.mps} \end{withattachment} \caption{\texttt{draw} examples} \label{fig:draw1} \end{figure} Notice that |z2{dir 45}| forces the \textit{outgoing} direction at |z2| to be 45\textdegree. This implies an \textit{incoming} direction at |z2| of 45\textdegree. In order to require different incoming and outgoing directions, we would use \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] draw z1{right}..{dir |$\theta_i$|}z2{dir |$\theta_o$|}..{up}z3; \end{lstlisting} where $\theta_i$ and $\theta_o$ are the incoming and outgoing directions, respectively.