\begin{figure*}[tp] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{previewer} \caption{\MP{} Previewer} \label{fig:previewer} \end{figure*} \section{\MP{} compilation} \label{sec:mpcompilation} A typical \MP{} source file consists of one or more figures. Compilation of the source file generates an \EPS{} graphic for each figure. These \EPS{} graphics are self-contained (i.e., the fonts used in labels are embedded into the graphic) provided that |prologues:=3| is declared. If \File{foo.mp} is a typical \MP{} source file, then its contents are likely of the following form: \begin{lstlisting}[style=MP] prologues:=3; outputtemplate:="%j-%c.mps"; beginfig(1); |\normalfont\textit{draw commands}| endfig; beginfig(2); |\normalfont\textit{draw commands}| endfig; |\dots| beginfig(|\normalfont$n$|); |\normalfont\textit{draw commands}| endfig; end \end{lstlisting} Executing \begin{lstlisting}[style=text] mpost foo.mp \end{lstlisting} yields the following output: \begin{lstlisting}[style=text] This is MetaPost, Version |\normalfont$\langle$\textit{version}$\rangle$| (foo.mp [1] [2] |\normalfont\ldots| [|\normalfont$n$|] ) |\normalfont$n$| output files written: foo-1.mps .. foo-|\normalfont$n$|.mps Transcript written on foo.log. \end{lstlisting} For users who just want to ``get started'' using \MP{}, a \MP{} previewer is available at \url{http://www.tlhiv.org/mppreview}. This previewer (illustrated in \autoref{fig:previewer}) is simply a graphical interface to \MP{} itself. It generates a single graphic with the option to save the output in \EPS{}, \PDF{}, and \SVG{} formats. Users may also choose to save the source code and can view the compilation log to assist in debugging.