# a Makefile to build tr2latex with the Microsoft compiler # use it with "nmake -f Makefile.nmake" EXE = tr2latex.exe OBJ = tr2latex.obj tr.obj subs.obj getopt.obj CFLAGS = /O1 /Og /Zi /favor:INTEL64 all: $(EXE) $(EXE): $(OBJ) link.exe /out:$@ /debug /subsystem:console $(OBJ) setargv.obj tr2latex.obj: tr2latex.c setups.h protos.h getopt.h Makefile.nmake tr.obj: tr.c setups.h protos.h Makefile.nmake subs.obj: subs.c protos.h setups.h simil.h greek.h macros.h maths.h flip.h forbid.h special.h Makefile.nmake getopt.obj: getopt.c getopt.h Makefile.nmake clean: del $(OBJ) $(EXE)